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This paper discusses the impact of tacit and formative theories on qualitative research, particularly in the context of data collection and analysis. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing these theories to avoid bias and enhance the validity of research results. The author argues that researchers must accurately describe and understand the cultural contexts of their subjects, encouraging an iterative engagement with participants to ensure the credibility and utility of the findings. The paper further explores how the interplay between different theoretical frameworks can inform and shape the outcomes of qualitative investigations.
Contemporary cultural theory has acquired discipline-wide status as the only “subfield” within which quintessentially “theoretical” issues are widely discussed while at the same time forming core parts of the research agenda. Cultural theory is also one of the few strands of modern theorizing that boasts having a “straight line” of succession from the programmatic concerns that preoccupied the sociological classics. In this chapter I argue that cultural theory carries this status in spite of the fact that its central concept is a 20th century anthropological importation made prominent in Parsons’s functionalism, precisely the theory that contemporary approaches use to define themselves against and precisely the theory that is now clearly faulted for providing a highly misleading interpretation of the classics. I also show that, in spite of the aforementioned pretensions, there is no straightforward conceptual link between modern cultural analysis and the work of the classics, since the contention that the classics were budding cultural theorists is a baseless invention of functionalism in the first place. I close by suggesting that the “problems” of contemporary cultural theory, being problems inherited from functionalism, may only be soluble by abandoning the culture concept. Ironically enough the classics, especially Durkheim, provide a model of how to do social theory without a culture concept.
International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
There is a convergence of opinion among various writers, that research is a process of discovering new knowledge and building theory to advance a set of conceptual ideas (Nebeker etal., 2015). In the educational realm, research is widely recognized as playing a critical role in discovering knowledge, testing hypotheses and uncovering new relationships, associations or causal imperatives about various aspects of education. This includes student learning, teaching and assessment methods, teacher training, and classroom dynamics. Social science research answers several questions about human interactions and behaviour. In both education and social sciences, research has relied on the use of theories not only to help explain, predict, and understand phenomena but also to challenge and extend existing knowledge within the limits of critical bounding assumptions (Labaree, 2009). Stewart and Klein (2015) posit that all researchers should consider the theoretical basis for their studies very early in the planning stage. When a researcher understands the employability of a theory in research, they realise that their research processes would profoundly be improved in applicability, generalisability, credibility, validity, precision and reliability. Theories are generally defined as statements about how things are connected. They help researchers to recast their thinking. Glanz, Rimer, and Viswanath (2008) assert that a theory is a set of claims about interrelatedness of concepts, definitions, and propositions that explain or predict events. Bhattacherjee (2012: 14) describes a theory as "a set of systematically interrelated constructs and propositions intended to explain and predict a phenomenon or behaviour of interest, within certain boundary conditions and assumptions." Theories are, thus, applied in research and teaching to help in illuminating concepts, facts, and ideologies that are encountered in everyday life world of a researcher. Their purpose is to explain why things happen as they do around people. Theories can be categorised into groups based on their nature, size, density, abstractness, completeness, and quality. These categories are chiefly utilitarian such as psychological, sociological, cultural, learning, innovative, systems-centred, human-centred, cognitive, and specialised theories. Each category may further be subdivided into specific theories. For instance, learning theories refer to
Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research is a direct challenge to long held traditional forms of qualitative data analysis. Defining analysis methods like coding and thematic analysis to be reductive and simplistic, Jackson and Mazzei offer an alternative account of data analysis by "plugging-in" six poststructural theorists to data. Through interviews of two first generation academic women, Jackson and Mazzei demonstrate how researchers can employ complex theories to analyze data without relying upon traditional methods. The insightful, clear, and, at times, profound, findings of Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research demonstrates the need for researchers to reexamine the continued reign of traditional forms of data analysis in the contexts of modern social life.
Challenges to theoretical …, 1999
The Australian Educational Researcher, 2005
Educational psychology has a tradition of considering learning and motivation in terms of the individual and individual functioning. Short-term intervention studies have been common and quantitative measurement of the causes and effects of variables has been the aim of much research. When a sociocultural approach forms the basis of research into psychological constructs, a reappraisal of the research aims and the ways in which data are gathered and analysed is necessary. If the underlying assumption is that learning and motivation are socially and culturally situated, the design of research studies needs to encompass participation in authentic and purposeful activities. In order to develop a rich sociocultural understanding of these constructs, qualitative research designs become increasingly important.
A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0 335 20535 6 (pb) 0 335 20536 4 (hb)
Qualitative Sociology, 2014
Theories are mostly invented and built to address questions relating to “why” things happen the way they do. this paper therefore discusses the nature of theory in qualitative and quantitative research approaches.
This course is intended to introduce you to social theory, the process of theorizing, and the canonical works that arguably serve, and some that should serve, as the core of an inclusive professional identity for sociologists. As a one semester course, this can by no means be a comprehensive theory survey: the goal is help you develop a basic literacy of key sociological texts ranging from the 19th century to the present that can serve as a foundation and springboard for your own research and teaching interests. The course asks what it means to think sociologically: What is social reality? Which components are important? How do we go about analyzing these? It traces out lineages of how social scientists have addressed these questions, the logics and styles that set different streams apart from each other, and the substantive areas they do and do not address. During the course, we will be thinking through three overarching questions. First, many of the "canonical" social theory texts were written from the standpoint of a relatively small cultural group in the Global North but have been read over the years as presenting a universalistic vision of humanity that tends to ignore gender, race, sexual orientation, and empire/colonialism. We will ask how classical and contemporary theorists' treatment-explicit or implicit-of race, sex, and empire affected their work and its potential to provide satisfactory explanations of important social phenomena. Second, middle-range theory has dominated sociology for decades now. By considering these larger theoretical frameworks, this course implicitly rejects the view that middle-range theory alone can guide and organize research in the social sciences and encourages you to reflect on the relationship between the works under consideration and the project of middle-range theory building. Third, we should all reflect on how to use theory and theorize in our own research practice.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 2015
The future of qualitative methods regards the kind of object cultural psychology is interested and the kind of questions it can ask. I propose that the object should be experiencing, understood as a complex whole, consisting of lived-by action and counter-action, that is contextual inter-action with the world in the form of an experiencing subject and otherness. The kind of questions cultural psychology can ask is instead related to the epistemological status attributed to both researcher and participant. Probably few scholars such as Vygotsky, Piaget and Lewin understood to what extent experiencing is always changing, because the relationship between mind, alterity and culture is co-generative. This also implies a relativization and a decentralization of the psychology's perspective. Finally, I provide some examples from the history of psychology and some suggestions to work at the level of such complexity by using methods that can work with complex objects such as products of human activity (e.g., art, literature, architecture, etc.).
Developmental Review, 1992
Theory building and testing is the core of scientific investigation. Based upon the lessons we have learned from conducting research in social identity and intergroup relations, we propose a four-step approach in building and testing psychological theories: (1) selecting phenomena: observing events that happen around us and around the world; (2) finding critical commonalities: identifying common components across the different events; (3) abstracting (theorizing): extracting the underlying psychological processes inform the observed commonalities, and relating the processes to new or existing theories; and (4) hypothesis testing: examining and testing the theories empirically. These four steps allow researchers to base their scientific investigation on real-life social events. We illustrate this four-step approach with examples from our research on hierarchical identity, identity hegemony, and bridging identity/symbol, and we suggest guidelines for conducting programmatic research in social and personality psychology. A Socially Grounded Approach 3 A Socially Grounded Approach to Test Theories in Psychology: Experiences from Conducting Social Identity Research. "There is nothing so practical as a good theory." Kurt Lewin Kurt Lewin's quote is perhaps one of the most well-known adages in psychology. It is never too excessive to emphasize the value and importance of theories in social psychology, as they are fundamental to research and scientific discoveries. Without theories, we would approach social phenomena in a piece-meal, descriptive, and post hoc manner. Importantly, the function of a theory is to guide researchers in formulating research questions and hypotheses and in selecting or creating the appropriate methods and analytical (statistical) strategies for testing those hypotheses. Social and personality psychology is characterized by creative and diverse research methods, ranging from participant-observation, psychometric test construction, experimental manipulation, to neuroimaging, to name a few (see the Handbook of Research Methods of Social and Personality Psychology by Reis and Judd, 2000). However, without knowing what goals they want to attain (i.e., what theory to test), researchers would easily drown in the sea of potential methodologies; at the same time, we do not mean to discourage the learning of research methods. On the contrary, we feel that it is important for all researchers to fill their research toolboxes with a diverse set of tools (research methods), and at the same time be aware that the methods used should be guided by theories. In effect, a theory is to a research method as a horse is to a carriage. Putting the carriage in front of the horse would never work. Take painting as another metaphor. Artists need to acquire various skills in painting, such as using linear perspectives in creating depth. However, these skills are just a means in achieving the end of expressing the artist's thoughts and visions. A piece of artwork that demonstrates the artist's skill A Socially Grounded Approach 4 35 Condition 1: Joint presentation of Chinese and Western cultures, with the Beijing Olympic icon. Condition 2. Joint presentation of Chinese and Western cultures. Condition 3. Single presentation of Western culture. Condition 4. Presentation of abstract graphic design unrelated to culture.
Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 2009
Wiley Blackwell, 2010
Theory's secure place in qualitative inquiry is challenged on three counts. First, it is argued that the search for theory in such inquiry originates in a kind of crypto-functionalism, and makes any inquiry dependent on its discovery inconsistent with the starting points of qualitative inquiry. Second, theory's supposed importance for policy formulation cannot in itself justify it, even if theory had the right credentials for that purpose (which it does not). Third, arguments that it is used successfully and uncontroversially in the arts and humanities-and even that its pursuance there represents some essence of scholarship-are belied by examining discussion about theory in those arenas. The author concludes by arguing that educators' irrepressible interest in theory leads qualitative inquiry into sterile terrain.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2009
Throughout most of its history it would have been unlikely that the Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology would have shown interest in a special issue devoted to qualitative and methods. Indeed we were surprised by the tremendous support and enthusiasm shown by JCCP editors when we first proposed the idea for this project in the summer of 2006. But today it is evident that qualitative and mixed methods research is enjoying a renaissance in psychology, as in the other social and health sciences. Signs of a resurgence are everywhere, ranging from a report from the United States National Institutes of Health encouraging the submission of qualitative applications (Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, 1999), to the emergence of new journals emphasizing qualitative and mixed methods, to the establishment of the American Psychological Association's new division of qualitative research. Of course, the interest is hardly new. Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of experimental psychology, proposed qualitative methods for the study of psychology in its cultural context and wrote a vast tome, Voelkerpsychologie, on the subject (Wundt, 2008). Even as the twentieth century progressed, researchers in experimental, personality, and clinical psychology continued to use qualitative and mixed methods, though they may not have articulated them as such (Ashworth, 2003). Yet over the past fifty years, qualitative research in psychology has been largely marginalized. Qualitative researchers have been barred from large research departments and have found it difficult to publish their work in major journals. Mixed methods research has fared even less well, although it is now beginning to re-establish itself in the applied sub-disciplines such as educational and industrial psychology. The origin of psychology's marginalization of qualitative inquiry has been the focus of several historical accounts (Ashworth, 2003; Tesch, 2009) and doubtless reflects larger forces shaping the modern history of the social sciences. However, a key proximal cause of the isolation of qualitative research was the development, at mid-century, of the "incompatibility hypothesis." This hypothesis asserts that qualitative and quantitative research paradigms are inherently incompatible-differing not only in their strategies of inquiry, but also by their research goals, and, most importantly, by the epistemologies in which they are anchored. According to the hypothesis quantitative research is inseparable from a "positivist" epistemology, while qualitative research is inherently inseparable from a "constructivist," or "naturalist" epistemology (Tesch, 2009; Maxcy, 2003). In this view, quantitative, empiricist research attempts to gauge reality as it really is; constructivist research seeks to describe the "realities" constructed by subjects. The incompatibility hypothesis escalated into an acrimonious conflict-the "paradigm wars"-that raged furiously throughout the nineteen seventies and eighties. Warriors on both sides declared not only the impossibility of dialogue, but also the irreducible superiority of
Editorial paper (Culture & Psychology; SAGE) by Jaan Valsiner, in march 2014, concerning the up-to-date and the necessary advancements in Cultural Psychology's methodological efforts.
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