Феномен гнучкості трудового права у соціальній філософії

The phenomenon of labour law “flexibility” (deregulation) in terms of social philosophy in the works of Z. Bauman, U. Beck, A. Gorz, S. Zizek, M. Castells, J. Stiglitz, J. Habermas is investigated. The authors identified a number of approaches to understanding the phenomenon of labour law “flexibility” in social philosophy: as a mechanism for deregulation of labour relations; as a refusal of the stable nature of the employment; as a exhibition of the trend to decrease the economic well-being of employees; as a part of a global “race to the bottom”, that includes investor’s finding of the most favorable (without major social costs) legal regimes; as a gradually liquidation of labour relations and shifting of risks on a individual workers; as an increased pressure of market system on an individual; as a new form of work organization in information systems. The authors noticed that “flexibility” is just a simplified form of work organization and production, but it is neither good nor bad in itself. It becomes bad when optimal balance of power between the parties of employment contract is broken. Cause what is good for one party (employer) would not necessarily be good for another (employees) or to society in general. In this way economic globalization that entails to “the race to the bottom” decreases social security, or law globalization provides high standards of living for all people, which get a opportunity of full realization of their ambitions. Global market with its transnational investors should be integrated in the rule of law and civil society, in which the rights and obligations defined as a counterbalance market power. It’s analysed that “flexibility” cannot be putting into the service of the economic interests of certain forces of international capital. For labour law in a modern world is an important to save an impact on a law regulation of labour relations with the freedom and justice principles that provide the rule of law in the national interests. The authors concluded that the system of social partnership should be chosen as a mechanism of the balance interests in labour relations.