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Helene Breitenfellner, Eberhard Crailsheim, Josef Köstelbauer, Eugen Pfister, “Einleitung” in: Helene Breitenfellner, Eberhard Crailsheim, Josef Köstelbauer, Eugen Pfister (eds.), Grenzen – Kulturhistorische Annäherungen (Vienna, Mandelbaum 2016), pp. 7-16.
Außeruniversitäre Aktion. Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft im Gespräch
This text contains the introduction and the summary of the contributions of this second issue of the journal AuA. As editors, we have focused on the commonalities of experiences between people forced to live within different kinds of borders that are killed at borders or have to fight for their right to set their own boundaries to violent structures and regimes. We attempt to make these different stories, experiences, and analyses from the outside or the blind spots of the universities more audible. By trying to do so, we have had to continue to question our own approach repeatedly, as it has become apparent that the process of listening is challenging and requires an openness that can by no means be taken for granted.
Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8/1, 2021
The contributions selected for this special issue address the topic of borders, bordering, and border regimes from a variety of thematic, methodological, and disciplinary perspectives. While normative political philosophy and theory rarely recognize borders as a discrete problem or operate with traditional conceptions that understand borders as static separating lines constitutive of territorial states, the texts assembled here seek to determine borders more precisely in their current forms and effects in order to develop alternative theoretical approaches on this basis. The central question is how the increasing mobility of borders – a mobility that is not only the result of newly configured politico-juridical measures and institutions but also of new control technologies – affects the understanding of state sovereignty, democratic legitimacy, or human rights. This introduction discusses certain significant phenomena of bordering that have recently been made particularly visible by the Covid-19 pandemic; it also outlines basic features of a new politico-theoretical thinking on borders. In addition, it provides synopses of the seven contributions to this special issue.
Mit Beitragen von: Mischa Leinkauf, Hans Ulrich Reck, Konstantin Butz, Daniel Burkhardt, Hanns-Josef Ortheil, Dirk Specht, Christina Moser, Karin Lingnau, Elisa Balmaceda
Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie, 2021
This article proposes a new, movement-oriented approach to theorizing borders. In contradistinction to politico-philosophical conceptions of borders as fixed and impassible, it points to historical and empirical evidence to show that borders are malleable, fluctuating, and constantly in motion. On this basis, it is further argued that dynamic processes of bordering are best understood in terms of circulation: Rather than preventing movement and establishing stable forms of inclusion and exclusion, borders are regimes of social circulation which regulate humans, labor, and taxes in the interest of ordering society and extracting an economic surplus. Drawing on Marx's concept of primitive accumulation, I subsequently redescribe borders as mobile tools of economic as well as social accumulation-of what I call "expansion by expulsion". In the final section, I examine how "expansion by (territorial, political, juridical, and economic) expulsion" operates under conditions of climate change so as to produce highly vulnerable and exploitable populations.
Babylonia Journal of Language Education
Revidierte Fassung von: Die Grenzen der Welt, erschienen in: Kritik und Geschichte der Intoleranz, hrsg. v. Rolf Kloepfer und Burckhard Dücker, Heidelberg 2000, S. 125–139., 2000
Ein älterer Text, mehrmals überarbeitet und immer wieder aktuell: Das Mittelmeer und Europa, in folgendem Text dient der Dokumentarfilm "Keine Insel" als Sprungbrett, um in dieses Thema einzusteigen.
deutschen Juristinnen. Eine Geschichte ihrer Professionalisierung und Emanzipation (1900-1945), Köln/Weimar/Wien 201 o. \ "' '-.~ ' Gedachte Grenzen Ehescheidungsrechtsforderungen als Grenze innerhalb der bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung, 1918-1933
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Grenze filmen. Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse audiovisueller Produktionen an den Grenzen Europas, 2018
Begrenzungen, Überschreitungen/ Limiter, franchir. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Grenzen und Körper/ Approches interdisciplinaires sur les frontières et les corps, 2021
Grenze filmen. Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse audiovisueller Produktionen an den Grenzen Europas, 2018
Kultur und soziale Praxis, 2007
Grenzgänge zwischen den Künsten, 2008