International security and the pursuing of safety have intrigued, surprised, and created a host of issues and problems when it comes to securing state's and nation’s personal and national borders security. The future in which the world of globalization has taken its roots since the coming of the Internet, the World Wide Web, has set free the globe into an interconnected network of trades, commerces, financial systems of exchanges, social media communications and travels. The 70 years existence of the United Nations has battled with the idea of an international security force that provides a more peaceful world at the end or has it? The question in International Relations field seems to lead more toward a national security apparatus for each state and nation instead of an international security force and system promulgated by the UN. States and countries alike are confronted with self-defense issues that would provide protection for their citizenry by not relying on a global agenda drafted by the UN to depend on the world security system. In this research paper, I will extrapolate the divisional theorem between the future for international security hold for the future with the aspects of self-defense and self-preservation. Each state focuses on their personal safety apparatus for survival and protection which in the end would guarantee safer and longer relations amongst states. An essential element of any structural state and nation is the preservation and protection of the state’ integrity and sovereignty for continuing existence and prosperity for its citizenry without conflicts. Which security apparatus would that be? A global agenda for securing safety worldwide, or each state to its self-defense mechanism by assuring its survival and at what cost? Lastly, I will examine the nature of pacifism and its struggling rise to convert the world and all nations into non-violent interventions with the abolition of wars and complete disarmament.