Dalit women and Politics in India

Submissive, subdued, subjugated, dominated, exploited have become the part and parcel unwilling traits of when it comes to being a woman. Women in this ‘developing’ universe have been meted to injustices throughout epochs. From time and again history has been the rightful evidence of such injustices inflicted upon women under the shameful veil of tradition, culture, caste, class and others. The pathos of being a woman in India escalates when one comes from the lower rung of the varnashram system i.e. a Dalit. A Dalit woman not only faces the exploitation of being a woman but bears the ill treatment of the savarnas or the twice born castes for being a Dalit. Her pathos soars when she has to bear the brunt of the atrocities of men belonging to her caste. These Dalit men being ruthlessly treated by the upper castes, satisfies their anger by hurling it upon their women. The crux of this paper is to present the hapless condition of the Dalit women in India, their rights from which they remain ignorant and the so called protective mechanisms of the country that goes numb when it comes to safeguarding a Dalit.