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Common core-arguments on the obligation to provide full restitution for crimes imputable to the FR of Germany, committed in both Namibia (colonial occupation era) and Greece (WWII occupation).
Acheloos river gave in the past and continues to give, through a long series of decisions concerning its management, triggered intense debate on the management of water resources and to address the "god River" from the state, the law, and society, and in our country the issue of water is not insignificant. Water shortage in Thessaly was a problem known from the beginning of last century. The intention of solving the problem was stated by all the governments and the wider consensus of political parties. In 1960 we held the first diversion of a tributary of Acheloos, Tavropos. Strong reactions are then created from the local community, they have now forgotten. The contribution of Lake Plastira in the local and national economy is now unmistakable. The 2nd Diversion of Acheloos was announced in 1980 and it was decided in 1983. Since then they have spent forty-two (42) years and the work is not yet complete. The project has divided and the debate between those who through documented studies supporting the project and those who rely on negative environmental impacts but does not support analog validity studies. Written at times too many essayw and not always entirely accurate even in the international press, with regard to technical, economic, legal, environmental and political dimension of the project. In this study reflected the reality of the works of the second diversion of Acheloos in all its dimensions, The reality of such projects will emerge in this paper impose and taking all those measures that will ensure the optimal performance already invested money of Greek taxpayers, in accordance with the terms of a viable and sustainable development.
Το άρθρο μελετά την εθνοτική διάσταση του Εμφυλίου πολε'μου επικεντρώνοντας σε μια περιοχή της βορειοδυτικής Ελλάδας. Ο βασικός στόχος είναι να διερευνηθεί πως οι διακριτές πολιτισμικές ομάδες της περιοχής Καστοριάς εντάχθηκαν στη γενικότερη σύγκρουση του ελληνικού εμφυλίου πολέμου και πως οι μεσοπολεμικές διενέξεις μεταξύ ντόπιων προσφύγων επέδρασαν στη διαμόρφωση των στρατοπέδων του Εμφυλίου πολέμου στην περιοχή. Μέσα από το τοπικό επίπεδο και την έρευνα σε βάθος μπορούμε να κατανοήσουμε τους λόγους που κρύβονται πίσω από τις συμμαχίες αυτών των πολιτισμικών ομάδων και να εξετάσουμε πώς η σύγκρουσή τους διασταυρώθηκε και δια- πλέχθηκε με τις συγκρουόμενες (σε πανελλήνιο, σε βαλκανικό αλλά και σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο) πολιτικές (και, κατά δεύτερο λόγο, εθνικιστικές) ιδεολογίες.This study deals with the ethnic dimension of the Greek Civil War concentrating in an area of northwestern Macedonia. The main goal is to examine the entanglement of the distinct cultural groups of the area ...
Την παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή ερευνάται το πρόβλημα του διαζυγίου, όπως αυτό αποτυπώνεται στα ελληνόγλωσσα (ελληνικά και ξένα, μεταφρασμένα) νεανικά μυθιστορήματα της περιόδου 1970-2003,κατά την οποία η παιδική λογοτεχνία παρουσιάζει διεθνώς μια εντυπωσιακή άνθηση. Σκοπός της έρευνας είναι να καταγράψει τις σχετικές με το διαζύγιο αντιλήψεις, που αποτυπώνονται στα επίμαχα μυθιστορήματα. Επιμέρους στόχοι της έρευνας είναι: α) Να διαπιστωθεί αν τα υπό μελέτη λογοτεχνικά κείμενα παρέχουν μια πλήρη εικόνα του σύνθετου προβλήματος του διαζυγίου ή, αντίθετα, υπεραπλουστεύουν το θέμα δημιουργώντας έτσι στον έφηβο αναγνώστη παραπλανητικές εντυπώσεις. β) Να εκτιμήσει τη συμβολή τους στην ηθική καλλιέργεια των αναγνωστών. γ) Να μελετήσει τη λογοτεχνική φυσιογνωμία των κειμένων (γλώσσα, ύφος, αφηγηματικές τεχνικές κλπ.) και την (ενδεχόμενη) ικανότητά τους να συγκινήσουν αισθητικά τον αναγνώστη. Το δείγμα, στο οποίο κατέληξε η συγγραφέας της διατριβής, έπειτα από ανάγνωση περισσότερων από 13...
The present dissertation approaches the law of civil costs, the litigation funding mechanisms, and the litigation fines in the Greek and international procedural order from a teleological and comparative point of view. The starting point of the teleological interpretation is the recording of the procedural principles, deriving from the inextricable link between the civil costs law and the concept of efficiency in the provision of legal protection (Αrt. 20 § 1 of the Greek Constitution and 6 § 1 ECHR). The comparative legal interpretation focuses on the systematic presentation and evaluation of the provisions of civil costs allocation in 40 jurisdictions in total, with particular emphasis placed on English, American, and German procedural law, aiming at valuable knowledge extraction and its transfer to the domestic civil procedural order. In the field of Greek civil costs law, the initial and final allocation of civil costs, the funding mechanisms of the civil trial, and the litigation fines are examined in detail, while simultaneously the problems faced by the Greek case law are highlighted and solutions are sought based on teleological weights and comparative legal approaches. Finally, the dissertation opens the scientific dialogue on the crucial issue of civil costs in cross-border disputes within the European Union, emphasizing the lack of systematic consolidation of the provisions for the award of civil costs in the European civil procedural law context.
Πανελλήνια και Διεθνή Γεωγραφικά Συνέδρια, Συλλογή Πρακτικών, 2010
The main aim of this study is the analytical portray of the demographic and economical data of the Prefecture of Hmathia. The demographic data, the social structure, the economic values as well as the development of these phenomena for a certain period of time are the analyzed data which are geographically described in this research. The application of this methodology has lead to the study and the export of the analyzed results of the prefecture of Hmathia. The primary data for the study derive from the National Statistic Service of Greece and refer mainly to the census of the registered population in the prefecture for the decade 1991-2001. As far as demographic data are concerned, the population, its evolution and its structure are presented through charts and tables when population indices aid at the recording of the ratio of ageing and the dependency rates. Moreover, the concentration-spreading is analyzed through Lorenz curves. As far as the economy is concerned, apart from the active and non-active population, the unemployment and employment rates, special reference is made to the analysis of the productive profile through triangular charts and Lebret figures. Finally, the mapping of the data has been materialized through Geographic Information Systems software so as to increase the accuracy of the inscribed information. The combination of the above aims to result in a complete recording of the prefecture's profile. In this way, a useful geographical tool for the development and special planning of a Prefecture or a specific area is developed.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2013
The Meaning of “God’s interventions” in Christian Accounts about the Arab Sieges of Constantinople [w:] Byzantium and The Arab World Encounter of Civilizations, ed. Apostolos Kralides and Andreas Gkoutzioukostas, Thessaloniki 2013, 117-130
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The American Historical Review, 2015
Επιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών, 2017
Μακεδονικά, 1992
Επιστήμη και Κοινωνία: Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής και Ηθικής Θεωρίας, 2015
Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, 2017
Πανελλήνια και Διεθνή Γεωγραφικά Συνέδρια, Συλλογή Πρακτικών, 2002
Επιστήμη και Κοινωνία: Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής και Ηθικής Θεωρίας, 2016
Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση, 2020
Η Αριστερά στη Σύγχρονη Κυπριακή Ιστορία, 2021