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2011, Mathematische Nachrichten
This paper explores the relationship between sequential w-right-norm continuity of bounded linear operators and their properties related to weak compactness and the Aron-Berner extension. It discusses conditions under which these operators exhibit w-right continuity and presents theorems that establish equivalencies among various forms of continuity and algebraic properties in the context of Banach spaces.
In this note we revise and survey some recent results established in (8). We shall show that for each Banach space X, there exists a locally convex topology for X, termed the "Right Topology", such that a linear map T, from X into a Banach space Y, is weakly compact, precisely when T is a continuous map from X, equipped with the "Right" topology, into Y equipped with the norm topology. We provide here a new and shorter proof of this result. We shall also survey the results concerning sequentially Right-to-norm continuous operators.
arXiv: General Topology, 2015
Being motivated by the famous Kaplansky theorem we study var- ious sequential properties of a Banach space E and its closed unit ball B, both endowed with the weak topology of E. We show that B has the Pytkeev property if and only if E in the norm topology contains no isomorphic copy of l1, while E has the Pytkeev property if and only if it is finite-dimensional. We extend Schluchtermann and Wheeler's result from (27) by showing that B is a (separable) metrizable space if and only if it has countable cs � -character and is a k-space. As a corollary we obtain that B is Polish if and only if it has countable cs � -character and is y Cech-complete, that supplements a result of Edgar and Wheeler (8).
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 2010
The strong* topology s * (X) of a Banach space X is defined as the locally convex topology generated by the seminorms x → Sx for bounded linear maps S from X into Hilbert spaces. The w-right topology for X, ρ(X), is a stronger locally convex topology, which may be analogously characterised by taking reflexive Banach spaces in place of Hilbert spaces. For any Banach space Y , a linear map T : X → Y is known to be weakly compact precisely when T is continuous from the w-right topology to the norm topology of Y . The main results deal with conditions for, and consequences of, the coincidence of these two topologies on norm bounded sets. A large class of Banach spaces, including all C * -algebras, and more generally, all JB * -triples, exhibit this behaviour.
We give a brief survey of recent results and examples related with the Dunford-Pettis property, and collect some open question.
Let X be a completely regular space. We denote by C b X the Banach space of all real-valued bounded continuous functions on X endowed with the supremunnorm. In this paper we prove some characterisations of weakly compact operators from C b X i n to a Banach space E which are continuous with respect to t ; ; ; s and g , strict topologies. We also prove that C b X; i ; i = t; ; p; s; g has the Dunford-Pettis property.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1987
ABSTRACT. For a topological space X, let Ci(X) denote the Banach space of all bounded functions /: X ► R such that for every e > 0 the set {x X: \f{x)\ > e} is closed and discrete in X, endowed with the supremum norm. The main theorem is the following: Let L be a weakly countably ...
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 1977
THEOREM 1. Let X be a Banach space. (a) If X* has a closed subspace in which no normalized sequence converges weak* to zero, then I, is isomorphic to a subspace of X. (b) If X* contains a bounded sequence which has no weak* convergent subsequence, then X contains a separable subspace whose dual is not separable.
arXiv: Optimization and Control, 2016
We provide sufficient conditions for a Banach space Y to be weakly sequentially complete. These conditions are expressed in terms of the existence of directional derivatives for cone convex mappings with values in Y .
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 1993
Let X be a completely regular space, E a Banach space, Cb(X, E) the space of all continuous, bounded and E-valued functions defined on X, M(X, L(E, F)) the space of all L(E, F)-valued measures defined on the algebra generated by zero subsets of X. Weakly compact and β0-continuous operators defined from Cb(X, E) into a Banach space F are represented by integrals with respect to L(E, F)-valued measures. The strict Dunford-Pettis and the Dunford-Pettis properties are established on (Cb(X, E), βi), where βi denotes one of the strict topologies β0, β or β1, when E is a Schur space; the same properties are established on (Cb(X, E), β0), when E is an AM-space or an AL-space.
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2006
In this paper we present some results about wV (weak property V of Pełczyński) or property wV * (weak property V * of Pełczyński) in Banach spaces. We show that E has property wV if for any reflexive subspace F of E * , ⊥ F has property wV. It is shown that G has property wV if under some condition K w * (E * , F *) contains the dual of G. Moreover, it is proved that E * contains a copy of c 0 if and only if E contains a copy of 1 where E has property wV *. Finally, the identity between L(C(, E), F) and WP(C(, E), F) is investigated.
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 1989
Let X be a completely regular space. We denote by Cb(X) the Banach space of all real-valued bounded continuous functions on X endowed with the supremum-norm.In this paper we prove some characterisations of weakly compact operators defined from Cb(X) into a Banach space E which are continuous with respect to fit, βt, βr and βσ introduced by Sentilles.We also prove that (Cb,(X), βi), i = t, τσ , has the Dunford-Pettis property.
Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings), 1973
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2018
The p-Gelfand Phillips property (1 ≤ p < ∞) is studied in spaces of operators. Dunford-Pettis type like sets are studied in Banach spaces. We discuss Banach spaces X with the property that every p-convergent operator T : X → Y is weakly compact, for every Banach space Y .
Journal of Convex Analysis
We give a counterexample to a recent statement in the metric approximation theory and provide a setting where the statement holds. Let (X, •) be a real Banach space. Our notation is standard. We follow, for example, [FHHMPZ01]. In this note, if no reference to a different topology on X is made, convergence in X means •-convergence. The following concepts in the geometry of Banach spaces are more or less standard. A non-empty subset C of X is said to be approximately compact if for every x ∈ X and every sequence (c n) in C such that x − c n → dist (x, C) (such a sequence is called an approximate sequence for x in C), then (c n) has a convergent subsequence. The set C is said to be proximinal if, for every x ∈ X, the set P C (x) := {c ∈ C; x − c = dist (x, C)} is non-empty (the multivalued mapping P C : X → 2 X is called the metric projection onto C). The set C is said to be semi-Chebyshev if P C (x) contains at most one point for every x ∈ X. The set C is said to be Chebyshev if it is simultaneously proximinal and semi-Chebyshev. In this case we put P C (x) = {π C (x)} for all x ∈ X. A Banach space X is said to be locally uniformly rotund (LUR, for short) if for every x ∈ S X and every sequence (x n) in S X such that x + x n → 2, then x n → x. A Banach space X is said to be midpoint locally uniformly rotund (MLUR, for short) if for any x 0 , x n and y n in S X , n ∈ N, such that x n + y n − 2x 0 → 0, then x n − y n → 0. Every LUR Banach space is MLUR. Recall, too, that a Banach space X has property (H) (sometimes also called Kadec-Klee property) if every sequence in S X that w-converges to a point x in S X converges (to x). As it is well known, every LUR space has property (H). A Banach space X is rotund (also called strictly convex) if every point x ∈ S X is extremal. Obviously, every MLUR space is rotund. Let C be a non-empty subset of a Banach space X and let x * ∈ S X * bounded above on C. We denote S(C, x * , δ) the δ-section defined by x * in C, i.e., S(C, x * , δ) := {x ∈ C; x, x * ≥ sup C x * − δ}.
In this paper we will give a sufficient condition for Dunford-Pettis property in Banach spaces. More precisely, if Banach space X has a basic, normalized system of vectors (xn), which is f (n)-approximate l1, then X has the Dunford-Pettis property.
Journal of Soviet Mathematics, 1986
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2012
We study the stability properties of the class of weak*-extensible spaces introduced by Wang, Zhao, and Qiang showing, among other things, that weak*-extensibility is equivalent to having a weak*-sequentially continuous dual ball (in short, w*SC) for duals of separable spaces or twisted sums of w*SC spaces. This shows that weak*-extensibility is not a 3-space property, solving a question posed by Wang, Zhao, and Qiang. We also introduce a restricted form of weak*-extensibility, called separable weak*-extensibility, and show that separably weak*-extensible Banach spaces have the Gelfand-Phillips property, although they are not necessarily w*SC spaces.
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