Jurnal Respirasi


Livingin highlands as geographical factors related to the nature of the climate influences the shape of the human body. There is a tendency of people who live in the highlands have bigger circle chest and lungs than the people who live in the lowlands. Numerous studies shows the degree of lung function in people living at highlandsare greater than the people living in the lowlands. This study aims to determine the profile of FEV-1 of the people who lives in highlands. This is a descriptive type of research that uses distribution tables. The subject of this researchare people aged 20-70 years made up of 30 womens who live in the highlands. The data is obtained through the measurement of FEV-1 using Spirometer Sibel TS8248 / 1. Different fromthe results of previous studies and based on the results of the measurement and distribution table of FEV-1 obstructive degree, 29 people of the population have normal value and 1 person has a mild obstructive value. The is, almost all of the subjectsthat were studied has normal value of FEV-1.