Evangelical Philosophical Society


The Riley Conference Center Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX March 31 – April 1 All full members and student members of EPS are invited to submit paper proposals on this year's theme. Quality papers on topics not directly related to the theme are also welcome. Full Members: Paper proposals should include a title and abstract (300 words), the presenter's name and institutional affiliation, and the presenter's membership status. An acceptable paper should be delivered in 25 minutes with 5-10 minutes for discussion. Student Members: In addition to the above requirements, student papers are to be sponsored by a full member of EPS. Proposals should include the student's degree program and email confirmation from the sponsor who has agreed to oversee the paper's preparation. All paper proposals should be submitted to [email protected] The submission deadline is February 13, 2017. Student Paper Competition: Student members whose papers are accepted for inclusion in the program will be eligible to enter a student paper competition. Students who wish to enter the competition must submit the following to Greg Trickett at [email protected] by March 3, 2017: 1. A titled, full version of the paper to be presented suitable for blind review. 2. A 200-300 word abstract with the paper title as it appears on the blind review submission, the student's name, pursued degree, and societal and institutional affiliations.