Final Centennial Thoughts

2016, George Wright Forum


When the GWS Board of Directors came up with the idea of launching a Centennial Essay Series on the future of the US national park system in the spring of 2007, the centennial honestly seemed rather far off. For the present capstone essay, we were charged with saying something meaningful about the National Park Service centennial as viewed through the filter of the 27 essays published in this journal over the past decade. Nearly ten years have passed, along with two presidential administrations and a much-anticipated year of centennial commemorative events marking the 1916 founding of our National Park Service. Twenty seven well-known writers—all with a demonstrated interest in national parks—answered the call and contributed essays for the series. However, writing this final essay of the series turned out to be quite daunting. In some respects, the essays offer a tutorial of sorts on what the National Park Service has become over the past one hundred years. Viewed from another