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The diploma thesis investigates the grammatical features of finite and non-finite verbs in English and Albanian within conditional and indicative moods. It aims to analyze the similarities and differences between the two languages' verb forms, emphasizing their impact on sentence structure and semantics. The research not only focuses on morphological aspects but also syntactic characteristics, contributing to a broader understanding of linguistic development in both languages.
The Albanian language is one of the oldest languages in the Balkans, however was documented very late, around the 15th century. The Albanian language is part of the trunk of Indo-European languages. The oldest language of this trunk is the Sanskrit language. The main and greatest writers of the time, the authors who made the first attempts to study the structure of the grammar of the Albanian language were: Lekë Matrënga, Pjetër Budi, Frank Bardhi and Pjetër Bogdani. The aim of this paper is to highlight the lexicon of old Albanian authors. Our main goal is the realization of the lexical results of the selected authors.
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 2014
The aim of this study is to point out similarities and differences of English and Albanian language in the morphological level, trying to compare different parts of speech of both languages. Many languages do not distinguish between adjectives and adverbs or adjectives and names etc, i.e. the Albanian language differs in terms of gender and plural adjectives, while English has not such a feature. Therefore formal distinctions between parts of speech should be done within the framework of a given language and should not be applied in other languages .In this study we have analyzed nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjective structures, the use of articles, pronouns etc. in Albanian and English. In the light of modern linguistics, comparative method plays an important role in the acquisition of languages comparing the first language with the target language. Comparative method is also considered as a key factor in the scientific research of modern linguistics, so it can be used successfully in teaching.
European Journal of Language and Literature, 2015
In the Albanian language grammar as far as synthetic present tense is regarded, the verb (run-vrapoj), has been traditionally called as an undefined tense since it rarely defines a certain moment of the action. On the other hand the analytic form of present continues (po vrapoj-I am running), deals with a certain connection between the action and the moment of speech. The real difference between the undefined action and defined action has always been considered as the main characteristic of the contravention among analytics and synthetics forms of the Albanian language. Actually, the main reason that we use the present tense of the indicative form is to show the way an action is in total accordance with the action of speech. But linguistic facts prove that the action expressed by the present instant transcends the limits of discourse, while fragment of the situation that is in the scope of the speakers at the "moment of speech", as a rule, is part of a whole situation, where the beginning and the end of the action is not affected from it. However, the Albanian language deals with the present tense of verbs just like other forms of the verbs in an attempt to limit the connection between the action and the moment of speech. This happens even in other tenses which may be sort of the same but that stand in different semantic meanings. The scope of this paper is of indicative in Albanian language, the semantic potential and functional features of its synthetic and analytic forms and linguistic interpretation issues of semantic content of this tense. Among other forms of indicative, present tense of Albanian is characterized by large semantics due to the ability of its forms to express not only time relations with the moment of speech (proper temporal semantics), but also how verbal action develops or is distributed in time (aspectual semantics). Idea of time underlies both mentioned semantics, but they stand in different linguistic planes.
Anglisticum Journal, 2016
This research paper is based on comparative aproach of english and albanian language as far as the grammar cases is concerned. The main focus would be especially directed toward nominative, dative and accusative cases since, accordingly, there is a clear line of differences between these two languages. Both languages use different grammatical tools for these cases. On the one hand, albanian language uses case suffixes, whereas, on the other hand english language uses certain positions of the sentence constituents which corespond to certain case functions. The comparative method is the main research method used in this paper, since the nature of such research requires for this material to be compared in order to highlight the differences as well as the commonalities that would eventually appear between these two languages. The descriptive method is also used to describe the language phenomena which is the subject of this research. The describtion of grammatical units in this paper is...
World Journal of English Language
This paper aims to provide the contribution of the linguist Fatmir Agalliu and his point of view for Albanian language’s cases. Fatmir Agalliu belongs to the first generation of Albanian linguists that were educated inside the country that have given important support in the study of Albanian Language. An important and big value case is also his contribution on the determination of the number of cases in Albanian Language. In the determination of the number and the classification of cases of a language, we should consider specific features of that language and we should not apply a case system of another language mechanically. In Albanian declension there are two different aspects, definite and indefinite aspect. That means that case forms are doubled. Therefore, instead of having two nominative forms, one for singular and one for plural, we have four forms in fact, two for singular (definite and indefinite) and two for plural (definite and indefinite). Form and the content should t...
Sprache und Kultur der Albaner Zeitliche und räumliche Dimensionen Akten der 5. Deutsch-albanischen kulturwissenschaftlichen Tagung (5.–8. Juni 2014, Buçimas bei Pogradec, Albanien) / Herausgegeben von Bardhyl Demiraj, 2015
The article discusses a series of theoretical and practical issues and problems associated with the Albanian National Corpus being developed since 2011. The project aims at the creation of a comprehensive and representative corpus containing written texts of various styles, genres and periods, colloquial speech samples, as well as texts in Albanian dialects. In this connection, the article pays attention to the issue of the main corpus composition (chronologically ranged subcorpora of written texts). The issue of the dialect speech variety is also discussed, along with the related problems of lemmatization of dialectal word forms and their search by standard and/or dialectal lemma. The section about the results of work provides information on the current version of metatext and lexical and morphological markup of the Albanian corpus, the morphological standard tailored for the Albanian corpus and based on the existing Albanian grammars, and on the basic principle of text annotation by the morphological parsing program UniParser. The final section of the article addresses some of the problems related to the interpretation of the Albanian noun and verb morphology in the morphological model developed for the Albanian National Corpus. In particular, the article describes the approach which was used to define the case inventory for the Corpus. It is a combination of “traditional” Albanian grammar principles (case terminology and inventory common for Albanian linguistics) with additional parameters introduced by the Albanian corpus developers in order to explicitly represent and easily search those language features that lack a detailed interpretation in the “classical” grammar, such as Ablative II and Unmarked Case.
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2014
The Albanian and Greek languages have a diverse verbal system with a wide variety of tense and mood forms. This system in both languages has evolved from the Indo-European language where in some cases it has preserved some of its features and in other cases it has had an independent development in the respective languages. The verbs in both languages, Albanian and Greek, display a variety of grammatical forms which follow a certain paradigm when used in a sentence. These forms bear similarities either as a result of the common Indo-European source or as a result of the independent development of each language; still, there are also some differences. A general comparative overview of the verbal system in both languages, which identifies these similar features and differences, will be the subject of this article.
Comparison of the Syntactical Role of Non-FInite Verbs in Albanian and English language.
Ezikov svât/Ezikov svât, 2024
This paper examines avalent and monovalent verbs in the Albanian language and the clause patterns generated with such verbs. Avalent verbs do not select any complement 1 , whereas monovalent verbs require a complement to form the minimal structure of a clause and convey their intended meaning. In Albanian, the classification of verbs by valence is often explained on the basis of their transitivity and their ability to take a subject. However, while transitivity may sometimes suggest a verb's valence, these two classifications should not be equated due to distinct criteria. In Albanian, for example, the number of intransitive verbs significantly exceeds the number of monovalent verbs: all monovalent verbs are intransitive, but not all intransitive verbs are monovalent. This paper aims to clarify the classification criteria and to describe avalent and monovalent verbs; that is, the clause patterns they generate. A comprehensive corpus has been built for this purpose, in which all such verbs and the types of complements they take have been identified and analyzed according to functional, syntactic, and semantic criteria.
Journal of Educational and Social Research
In this study, we will highlight the contrastive aspect of defining the parts of speech between Albanian and English. In this contrastive analysis of the definition of parts of speech between Albanian and English, differences in grammatical terms have been noted, such as the division of parts of speech in Albanian language into variable and invariable parts of speech, in contrast to English, which divides them into closed and open classes. Moreover, throughout this grammatical and semantic research of defining the parts of speech, it is noted that the English language distinguishes eight parts of speech but does not include the numerals and particles, whereas the Albanian language includes them. It is interesting that in the English language, the definitions of the parts of speech, besides the part that are more comprehensive, they also have a more meaningful and logical use of terminology, compared to terminology used to define parts of speech in the Albanian language, which is muc...
World Journal of English Language, 2022
In the emerging geopolitics of the modern world, English has assumed the undisputed status of the preferred international language of communication. Thus, though cultures across the world are keen on self-preservation, allowing English to make inroads into the everyday lives of the people is a bygone conclusion. Albanian and English belong to the same language family (Indo-European) and hence share many commonalities. At the same time, they also exhibit many features of departure from the shared characteristics, and research into these is greatly significant from the language learners’ vantage. This paper has to analyse the compound and the complex sentence between English and Albanian language. Both these languages have the compound sentences. However, between the two languages, the sentences show certain similarities as well as dissimilarities. We have the contrast structure.
Teorik durum calismalari ve pratik uygulamalari, Arnavutca'da bir morf sozdizimi kategorisi olarak gorulmektedir. Bu baglamda, isim, zamir ve sifat (Gramatika I) gibi birim basina sayi ve forma gore bu kategorinin olusum paradigmasi verilmektedir. Ayrica, konu, nesne, degistirici, belirleyici gibi geleneksel islevlerle yakindan ilgilidir, bu islevlere gore farkli sahnelerin belirli bir sekilde gruplandirilmasini saglar (Gramatika II). Boyle bir anlayis, pek cok benzer sozdizimi degerlik modelinin sistemindeki tanimlamadaki farki sinirlandirmistir, ancak anlamsal degerlik analizine referansla, birbirlerinden farklidirlar. Yalnizca pragmatik durumun pek cok kullanimi bu sekilde analiz edilememistir veya semantik olarak degisen belirli kaliplarla ayni oldugu seklinde etiketlenememistir (hap dritaren /hap nje faqe te re web) (opens the window / opens a new web page). Farkli teorilere gore ilgili bilesenleri ile birlikte yapilan anlamsal deger calismasi (anlamsal durum, anlamsal bil...
The literary norm in the Albanian language verbal, 2019
The project objective is the literary norm in the Albanian language verbal system and its application in school. The survey targeted the full education cycle, from the first years of education to the last year of secondary general education, through which students are expected to have gained linguistic and literary knowledge and skills. The trinomial Language Grammar-School Program-School Text is addressed both as a unit in itself and as a cause-and-effect impact on students, who build and develop their linguistic competence based on such trinomial. Such knowledge serve them and are necessary for them to be critical and active members of the society, successfully meeting their personal, social, and professional requirements.
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2015
In the studies on Albanian verbal system, linguists do not share the same opinion about semantic differences among verbal forms of the past. In some juxtapositions of verbal forms of the past, linguists distinguish aspect meanings or nuances, which, according to them, characterize the action by its feature of finiteness / infiniteness. In the following article efforts argue the view that the distinction among forms of Albanian past has nothing to do with the aspect as a morphologic category, present in the Slavic languages. It elaborates the idea that the meanings or nuances acquired by forms of indicative past interacting with some context elements characterize not only realization of tense categorical meanings, but also several other meanings of aspectual but not aspect character. Aspectual phenomena (meanings) stand out in the functional level by interaction linguistic means of different levels.
Ezikov Svyat volume 20 issue 3
This paper describes and analyzes the basic structural sentence patterns in the Albanian language. The internal structure of sen-tences is determined by the verb, which serves as its predicator: the type of verb/ verb valence determines the number and type of complements, and consequently determines the minimal structure of the sentence. A verb like vdes “die”, which is monova-lent-intransitive, requires only one complement in the function of the subject to complete the sentence. Unlike vdes “die”, the bivalent verb takoj “meet” requires two complements to convey its meaning: an internal complement in the function of the direct object and an external complement in the function of the subject. Thus, the verb vdes “die” forms one of the basic sentence pat-terns in the Albanian language: S + intransitive verb, whereas the verb takoj “meet” forms another basic pattern, namely the pattern S + monotransitive verb + DO. The minimal sentence structure contains the verb together with its val...
During my lifelong studies of linguistics and linguistic phenomena, one of the most interesting and most specific issues that I have encountered is the phenomenon called the non-finite verbs. One of the key reasons as to why this is so is the fact that non-finites are an intermediary element. They are a hybrid between the verb and other parts of speech. You cannot tell whether they belong to a certain group by just looking at them. Maybe graphically they look like a verb would generally look, but when looking deeper at the morphological, semantic and syntactic level we can sort out that they are a special case on their own. You cannot tell whether they are a verb, or perhaps a noun, an adjective or an adverb. It is precisely this reason why I have decided to focus my study on the non-finite verbs. Their unique characteristics makes them the transitional part of speech many languages posses as one of a kind. Needless to say, my goal by making this study is to know them better. And, t...
Language is considered as one of the most vital means of communication. Many are those who try to learn a foreign language, but often face difficulties when it comes to transforming their ideas from one language to another. Punctuality in the use of the two languages requires deeper knowledge of both languages, and in particular the similarities and differences between them. Considering the fact that English has become a global language, and consequently is an important language for everyone in the world, including Albanian learners, its grammatical part is important and indisputable. Grammar plays a very important role in both languages. Since in grammar adjective is one of the most basic parts of the speech, and since it is often used, our research is 1 Osman Osmani, MA of Philology, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, [email protected] 2 Fikret Pajaziti, Faculty of Education, and Faculty of Maths. and Natural Sciences, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, f.pajaz...
THESIS; 2014; VOL. 3; NO. 2, 2014
During the process of foreign language learning, it often happens that students are influenced by native language rules while formulating their ideas in a foreign language, thus failing to pay due account of the fact that linguistic aspects are different in different languages. In light of this finding, this paper/presentation intends to make a contrastive analysis designed to demonstrate, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, similarities and differences between subject clauses in English and Albanian, from a syntactical point of view. Thefollowing presentation examinessome of the linguistic means used to express a subject clause in both languages; their structural typology (based on the conjugation means); the grammatical agreementsbetween the categories of number and person, both direct or otherwise, that this type of sentence establishes with the predicate of the main clause of a complex sentence; as well as its order in the complex sentence. The similarities and differences we intend tounfold in this analysisare expected to be of value to two target-groups: it shall serve English language students as an example illustrating that failure to take account of these linguistic differences in the way a sentence is formed, would result in the use of grammatically erroneous structures and, consequently, create obstacles in interlingual communication. This presentation shall also serve English language university students who may use this modest and by no means exhausting presentation, and elaborate it to a greater extent and in greater detail in their scientific papers.
This article focuses on the syntax and structure of imperative sentences in English and Albanian language. Imperat ive is commonly used to express a command, an order or a request. T hese sentences generally have no subject and may have either the m ain verb or an auxiliary in the base form followed by the appropri ate form of the main verb. Concerning the clause patterns of impera tive sentences, they have the same patterns as declaratives. They i mply a wide range of illocutionary acts depending on the situational context. The article is concentrated on the similarities and differences that both languages demonstrate. By analyzing and comparing the traditi onal verb forms included in the imperative paradigm, the grammatica l categories specific to English and Albanian, including other m ood forms conveying the imperative meanings, we present a ful l description of the morphology of imperatives. We analyze the word order, the nature of the imperative subjects and problems related t...
Berthold Delbrück, Historical and Comparative Indo-European Syntax 1922–2022, 2023
Proceedings of the Delbrück Colloquium on Historical and Comparative Syntax of Indo-European, held in Verona on November 9–12, 2022
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