How to Strengthen Alliance Cohesion


After World War II European Security was challenged by a number of factors. To the east stood massive Soviet presence consolidating its gains through the creation of puppet regimes throughout Eastern Europe. Western Europe was so economically devastated and military weak that it could not balance Soviet power alone. Economic disaster, fragile democracies and dispirited populations also made the West European states susceptible to internal Soviet-backed communist influence and destabilizing nationalism. Nowadays, the threats are so much different than that time, and the capabilities are improved, and yet, the Alliance is facing new challenges and difficulties to implement its projects, due to few internal dissensions. The strength of NATO is given by its unity, however, member states perceive the severity of various security risks and threats differently, due to their geographical position, economic interdependence or historical background. NATO Allies have to tackle this issues that have challenged the cohesion of the Alliance and find new ways to map out NATO's strategic direction for the future and reaffirm the commitment of the Allies to each other security. In the recent years the European Union has been buffeted by a range of crisis-the euro crisis, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and just few days ago, the "Brexit".