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AI-generated Abstract
The paper discusses the significance of marketing in enhancing organizational success, particularly in the context of the dairy products and beverage industry in the Gulf region. It highlights the case study of Almarai, a leading company in the sector, providing insights into its company situation, SWOT analysis, and competitor landscape. Furthermore, it outlines a marketing budget and a schedule for an action plan aimed at optimizing marketing activities to increase profitability and market reach.
3 Abstract: In the Gambia, small ruminant production contributes immensely to the socio-economic development of its inhabitants. A study was conducted on the production and marketing of dairy products in the West Coast Region of the Gambia. The method of data collection was the used of semi-structured questionnaire. The sampling method was random sampling and 37 respondents or 81% of the total were interviewed. One objective of this research finding was to determine consumers' preference and marketability of dairy products. Results showed that, volume of milk supply to the plant steadily increased from January to June as a result of higher supply of milk by vendors. The highest income generated from the sales of milk and it products by suppliers was in March with a total of D7, 687.00 or 154US$ and lowest income was in November, respectively. However, constraints eluded by the respondents were inadequate market outlets and inadequate training on business management skills. The d...
Tropical Drylands, 2018
This study was conducted to assess handling, processing and marketing of milk and milk products using 180 sample households in the formal survey with a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Market channels and chains of milk and milk products were described using market data from sample households, key informants and sale records. Overall, 45.6% of the sample households supplied milk for market with the highest in Bahir Dar City, followed by Tis Abay and lowest proportion was at Sebatamit rural kebele. Overall, the average amount of milk daily supplied to market was 6.6 liters/household and the figure at Bahir Dar City, Sebatamit and Tis Abay rural kebeles were 9.7, 5.6 and 2.33 liters, respectively. Daily milk delivered through cooperative and other sale outlets as farm gate, customers` gate on delivery system and farm shop. Season, location and interaction of these factors had highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) effect on volume of milk monthly collected at cooperatives. Different market channels, outlets, and agents identified for various dairy products; butter being with the longest channel, followed by marketing of milk and low-fat milk/ semi-skim milk to pass through about three channels. Milk supplied to market, generally constrained by feed shortage, lack of improved breed, unreliable milk market, unattractive price and producers` limited awareness. Dairy cooperatives generally, create milk market outlet and supplied various processed milk products to market; of which low-fat milk (semi-skim milk) is sold in its fresh state which might be used as a less expensive product. Hence, to the paramount role of the cooperatives in the area strengthening the linkage between producers and consumers, which in turn provide reliable milk market and benefit producers from market opportunity of dairying, the constraints limiting the supply of marketable milk need to be addressed.
International Journal of Management Science, 2017
The aim of the paper, especially focuses on measuring the performance of Almarai company's products through customer satisfaction. The key results are focused on the determination of distinctive preferences and expectations. Measuring customer satisfaction emphasizes immediate and meaningful outcomes about customer preferences and expectations and by the way the company's performance may be evaluated in relation defined satisfaction criteria that shows the pros and cons of performances of a company. Satisfied customers usually return and purchase more, they also impart the message with their surroundings about their experiences pertaining to particular products and services of a company they trust more. It shows that the Almarai Company's products are satisfying the customer's expectations and requirement over its competitors. It shows that the priorities and services of Almarai Company's products are likewise the other companies and performing over other companies. The overall study describes that overall the performance of the Almarai Company is satisfactory and a large portion of the population is satisfied with the wide range of company products.
The Journal of Agricultural Science
This research aimed at studying marketing patterns of dairy farm producers in Khartoum state, in addition to studying their contribution in the promotion of marketing of dairy products. The importance of the research evolves from the importance of implementing modern marketing strategies in the conventional agricultural marketing especially the dairy sector. To achieve the objectives of the research, primary data was collected through distributing questionnaires to 60 diary farms producers in Khartoum state, who had been selected by a stratified quota sampling procedure. By using descriptive statistical methods of analysis (frequency distributions), some results were reached most important of which are: most of the producers set price according to supply and demand, they pay great attention to quality of products to gain and retain the consumers, and most of them don't use promotion as a strategy to increase sale which indicates poor participation of farmers in marketing efforts. The study reached some conclusions include; the necessity of establishing milk collection centers to assist lowering milk consumer price, and creating marketing awareness in the producers' sector through implementing extension workshops and seminars
IAEME Publications, 2019
Milk is nutrient rich food that provides a large number of nutrients relative to the calories consumed milk is delicious as a beverage and can be used as a base for other drink such as hot chocolate. The milk of domesticated animal’s also important food source for humans. Major consumption of milk in western countries is from cows: other important source includes sheep’s, goats, water buffalo and camels. Aavin is the trade mark of Tamilnadu co-operative milk producer’s federation limited, a Tamilnadu based milk producers union. Aavin procures milk, process it and sells milk and milk products to consumers. The commissionerfor milk production and dairy development was made as the function register under the Tamilnadu cooperative societies act.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 2015
The study was conducted to assess dairy products marketing from January to May 2015 in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia. To undertaken the study, multistage sampling method was used and data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The collected data was analyzed statistically using SPSS (version 17) for windows by using descriptive statistics and general liner model. The study showed that the respondents had multiple reasons for the cause of increasing demand of milk and milk products, of which the combination of due to dry season, holiday and festivals and fasting (52.3%); dry season and non fasting (23.9%) and only dry season (12.8%) were the major one. Most of the interviewed respondents sold their dairy products through formal marketing (85.7%) while the rests did sell through both formal and informal alternatively. About 41.9, 41.0, 14.3 and 2.9% of the respondents sold to their dairy products to consumers directly; directly to consumers and retailers, only to re...
Dairy is an important source of food, cosmetics and common marketable form of dairy product in the study areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study was Analysis Dairy marketing chain in Gondar city, region of Amhara, Ethiopia. With the specific objectives of identifying marketing channels, quantify margin for key marketing channels and identifying factors affecting market participation decision and marketable supply of milk. Constraints and opportunities of milk production and marketing of in the study area were also assessed. The study was based on the data collected through rapid market appraisals and survey of 204 milk producer and 24 milk and butter traders sample selected. To address the aforementioned objectives descriptive statistics and econometric models were employed. The result showed that 73.5% of sampled dairy household were identified to be milk market participants and about 26.4% of milk produced by sampled household was not supplied to market. About 6.35%, 5.7%, 80%, 5.33% and 1.9 % producer of the milk was supplied to the market particularly retailers, rural assembler, cooperative and hotel and restaurant respectively. Whereas butter supply to market 19.8 %, 17.2%, 7.2%, 53.9% and 1.7% of the butter was supplied to the market particularly retailers, rural assembler, hotel and restaurant and semi-wholesaler and producer respectively. The S-C-P model identified that the markets for milk and butter in the study area was noncompetitive type. The Heckman two-stage econometric estimation procedure was employed to identify factors that determine milk market participation decision and milk sale volume of the farm household in the area. The first step of the Heckman two stages procedures results showed that dairy household milk market entry decision was strongly and significantly affected by size of milk output, family size. access to market information, total land size and access to feed In addition, the second stage estimation result revealed that marketable milk volume was found to be strongly and significantly affected by size of milk output, age of the household, family size and financial income from non-dairy source of sampled dairy household. Generally, milk and butter market in the study area seemed to be inefficient and underdeveloped. Thus, dairy development interventions should be aimed at addressing both dairy production technological gaps and marketing problems. Furthermore, dairy processing industries establish, dairy producers and trader cooperatives, and improving access to services should receive due attention to improve dairy production and marketing.
European Journal of Business and Management, 2014
Developing the new products is the most important parts of each trade & new products, new products provide growth opportunities and competitive advantage for corporations. The different organizational factors influence on new product development. The goal of this research is surveying on the relationship between organizational factors and success of developing new dairy products .this research is applied in view of goal, method of data collection is descriptive and the relationship between variables is correlation. Statistical population of this research is all of managers and experts in Mazraeh sabz and Mehregan shomal dairy companies in Bandarabbas city (41 persons) and regarding to limitation is investigated on all of statistical population. The main tool for collecting data is questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by teachers and experts & reliability of questionnaire was obtained through Cornbach's s alpha value, 0.831, which shows the high reliability of the questionnaire, after collecting questionnaires, the obtained data were analyzed by SPSS software and using descriptive statistics & kolmogorov -Smirnov test, Spearman correlation and Friedman tests. The research results indicate that there is a significant relationship between organizational factors (organization management, organizational strategies, organizational processes, employees and organizational structure) and the success of new product development (performance, development, profitability and market expansion and Using the Friedman test revealed that the organizational strategies are more important than other factors.
Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 2023
This study was conducted with the aim of assessing the milk market and the marketing chain in the Gursum district, Somali regional state. The research applied both quantitative and qualitative methods to clarify concepts, characteristics, descriptions, and counts. Data presented in the study are obtained from primary and secondary sources. The sample was taken from 3 purposely selected Kebeles. The participants in this study had a total sample size of 90 respondents, of which 45 were chosen from producers in rural areas and the other 45 from milk collecting centers. Using questionnaires, focus group discussions and key informant interviews from each kebele were conducted. The overall mean price of raw camel milk in one liter was (13.05±2) birr/liter in the wet season and (20.15±3.76) birr/liter in the dry season. According to the findings on milking transportation, 79 (87.75%) of the respondents transported plastic containers, 3 (3.3%) steel cans, 4 (4.4%) aluminum cans, and 4 (4.5%) traditional containers. About 48 (53.4%) of the milk processing equipment types used plastic containers, 35 (38.9%) used steel cans, and 7 (7.5%) used aluminum cans. The majority of respondents, or study participants, mentioned several milk Original Research Article
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