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This conference proceedings document covers the 10th session of the "State of Geomorphological Research" conference, held in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic. The event intends to showcase advances in geomorphology and related fields, with contributions primarily from Central Europe, including the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Austria, as well as papers from the UK, Serbia, and Lithuania. An emphasis is placed on discussing various geomorphological topics, including glaciations, valley formations, and the impact of geomorphological processes on the landscape.
Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia
Long-term geotechnical monitoring of crack and fissure movements in slope deformations, historical buildings, as well as underground objects in Slovakia, provided results that bear evidence of movement trends, as well as of present tectonic unrest. The results were subject to an analysis regarding anomalies in movements that would verify activity of a specific geodynamic process. Such a process was detected recently in the Bohemian Massif and evidenced even in other European countries, north as well as south of the Alps. The process began by a tectonic pressure pulse and followed by a phase of increased geotectonic activity. The search for signs identifying this process on the Slovak territory which belongs to a different geological unit than the Bohemian Massif was successful. This is further evidence that the process in question is of a very deep foundation. The investigations proved successful long-term outdoor operation of TM71 crack gauges working on the principal of mechanical...
Acta Carsologica, 2009
UDC 551.24(497.4-15) Andrej Gosar, Stanka Šebela, Blahoslav Košťák & Josef Stemberk: Surface versus underground measurements of active tectonic displacements with TM 71 exstensometers in Slovenia The tectonic setting of W Slovenia is characterised by NW-SE trending dextral strike-slip fault systems and moderate seismicity. Monitoring of tectonic movements along five presumably active faults or in their vicinity using TM 71 extensometers was set up in 2004. In five years of monitoring some clear trends of displacement were established. The morphologically most prominent fault in W Slovenia is Idrija Fault having a total length of more than 120 km. The average lateral displacement measured along a crack in its inner fault zone in Učja valley was 0.26 mm/year. Short-term rates were even greater and reached 0.54 mm/year. Raša Fault monitoring site at the foot of Vremščica Mt. established first an average uplift of SW block for 0.16 mm/year and left-lateral displacement of 0.16 mm/ year. It was followed by down-slip of the same block at the rate of 0.37 mm/year. In Postojnska Jama two instruments, 260 m apart, were installed at the fault zone, which extends about 1 km northeast from Predjama Fault. We detect small tectonic deformations, dextral horizontal movement of 0.05 mm in 5 years for Postojna 1 and extension of 0.03 mm in 5 years for Postojna 2. Both devices recorded similar reactions to some earthquakes with magnitude range 3.1-5.2 and epicentral distance of 12-95 km. The amplitude of individual peaks is in the order of 0.08 mm. The monitoring at Kneža Fault started at the end of 2006. In two years clear oblique displacement was established with left-lateral rate of 0.06 mm/year and uplift of SW block for 0.06 mm/year. Monitoring in Pološka Jama situated in vicinity of the Ravne Fault started in 2008. Preliminary results show 0.08 mm of horizontal displacement between two Izvleček UDK 551.24(497.4-15) Andrej Gosar, Stanka Šebela, Blahoslav Košťák & Josef Stemberk: Primerjava površinskih in podzemeljskih meritev aktivnih tektonskih premikov določenih s TM 71 ekstenziometri v zahodni Sloveniji Za tektonsko zgradbo zahodne Slovenije so značilni sistemi desnozmičnih prelomov usmerjeni NW-SE in zmerna potresna dejavnost. Leta 2004 smo pričeli z meritvami tektonskih premikov z ekstenziometri TM 71 ob petih domnevno aktivnih prelomih ali v njihovi bližini. V petih letih opazovanj smo ugotovili nekatere jasne trende premikov. Morfološko najmočneje izražen prelom v zahodni Sloveniji je Idrijski prelom, ki je dolg preko 120 km. Na razpoki v njegovi notranji coni v dolini Učje smo ugotovili povprečne zmične premike 0,26 mm/leto. Kratkotrajnejše hitrosti so še večje in dosežejo 0,54 mm/leto. Na Raškem prelomu v vznožju Vremščice smo ugotovili najprej dvigovanje SW bloka za 0,16 mm/leto in levozmične premike s hitrostjo 0,16 mm/leto. Sledilo je pogrezanje istega bloka za 0,37 mm/leto. V Postojnskem jamskem sistemu smo na razdalji 260 m namestili dva inštrumenta na prelomni coni, ki poteka okoli 1 km severovzhodno od Predjamskega preloma. Beležimo majhne tektonske premike, desni zmik za 0,05 mm v petih letih za Postojno 1 in ekstenzijo velikosti 0,03 mm v petih letih za Postojno 2. Oba ekstenziometra sta se podobno odzvala na nekatere potrese z magnitudami v območju 3.1-5.2 in epicentralno oddaljenostjo 12-95 km. Amplituda posameznih vrhov je reda velikosti 0,08 mm. Opazovanje na Knežkem prelomu se je pričelo konec 2006. V dveh letih smo izmerili poševno zmikanje z desnozmično hitrostjo 0,06 mm/leto in dvigovanje SW bloka za 0,06 mm/leto. Opazovanje v Pološki jami, ki se nahaja v bližini Ravenskega preloma se je začelo v letu 2008. Preliminarni rezultati kažejo horizontalni premik 0,08 mm med brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by ZRC SAZU Publishing (Znanstvenoraziskovalni center-Slovenske akademije znanosti... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 38/2-3-2009 214 limestone beds. Established displacements proved the active tectonic movement of all monitored faults. Observed deformation rates can be compared with the regional deformation rate in W Slovenia established from GPS measurement, which is in the order of 2 mm/year.
The purpose of this publication is to evaluate the geological environment for its suitability, respective unsuitability for foundation engineering. The means to realisation this objective was the study about extension of the engineering-geological zones on a map sheet 15-44-08 in studied area. This is an area municipalities in the Doly, Spa Darkov, Stonava and Horni Sucha. It is a mining area in the northeastern part of the Czech Republic. There were detected the species of the engineering-geological zones, the lay-out quantifications, the character of landscape elements and functional zones of the land use plan. It was also detected the extending relation of the engineeringgeological zones in two time levels of the current and assumed state. The assumption has been found on land use plans as the area intended for development. The largest expansion was occurred in the zone of polygenetic loess sediments Lp (36,8%). A large anthropogenic influence was occurred in the zone of spoil banks, dumps and settling basins An-Ao (36,6%).
Geological Quarterly, 2011
(2011)-A new syn the sis of the geo log i cal struc ture of Slovakia-the gen eral geo log i cal map at 1:200 000 scale. Geol. Quart., 55 (1): 1-8. Warszawa. Sys tem atic geo log i cal map ping of the Slo vak Re pub lic ter ri tory over the last forty years, when many re gional geo log i cal maps at 1:50 000 scale were is sued, cul mi nated in 2008 and 2009 in a new syn the sis of the geo log i cal struc ture of the West ern Carpathians on the Slo vak ter ri tory in the form of a gen eral geo log i cal map at 1:200 000 scale. An in te gral part of this ac tiv ity was the solv ing of in ter regional cor re la tion prob lems, a set tled of tec tonic clas si fi ca tion of the West ern Carpathians as well as a spec i fi ca tion of the lithostratigraphical con tent of the tec tonic units. The re sults of this syn the sis are de scribed in this con tri bu tion-a brief re view of the prin ci pal geo log i cal units of the West ern Carpathians that are de picted in the tec tonic in ter pre ta tion and in the geo log i cal sec tions. The West ern Carpathians are geo log i cally di vided into the Outer (Flysch Belt) and In ner (In ner Carpathian Block). These two zones are products of the youn gest, mainly Neo gene Neo-Al pine tec tonic ac tiv ity. Sep a rat ing the two zones is a tec tonic struc ture-the Klippen Beltwhich con tains el e ments from both. The In ner Carpathian Block pos sesses a Palaeoalpine tec tonic pat tern com posed of crustal tec tonic units and su per fi cial nappes. The crustal units are com posed of the crys tal line base ment and its Up per Pa leo zoic and Me so zoic cover. The base ment con sists of frag ments of Hercynian tec tonic units from the Pa leo zoic phase of crustal evo lu tion. The su per fi cial nappes com prise mostly up per Pa leo zoic and Me so zoic se quences. Ce no zoic de pos its and vol ca nic rocks are de pos ited on the Palaeoalpine nappe struc ture.
Journal of Geodynamics, 2003
The earthquake distribution pattern of Central Europe differs systematically from the neighbouring areas of NW and southern Europe regarding the fault plane kinematics. Within a belt between the French Massif Central and the northern part of the Bohemian Massif (1000 km) sinistral faulting along N-S zones dominates on the contrary to the Alps and their foreland with common bookshelf shears. One of the prominent N-S structures is the Regensburg-Leipzig-Rostock Zone (A) with several epicentral areas, where the main seismic center occurs in the northern Cheb Basin (NW Bohemia). The study demonstrates new structural results for the swarm-quake region in NW-Bohemia, especially for the Novy´Kostel area in the Cheb Basin. There the N-S-trending newly found Pocˇatky-Plesna´zone (PPZ) is identical with the main earthquake line. The PPZ is connected with a mofette line between Hartusˇov and Bubla´k with evidence for CO 2 degassing from the subcrustal mantle. The morphologically more prominent Maria´nske´La´zneˇfault (MLF) intersects the PPZ obliquely under an acuate angle. In the past the MLF was supposed to be the tectonic structure connected with the epicentral area of Novy´Kostel. But evidence from the relocated hypocentres along the PPZ (at 7-12 kms depth) indicate that the MLF is seismically non-active. Asymmetric drainage patterns of the Cheb Basin are caused by fault related movement along Palaeozoic basement faults which initiate a deformation of the cover (Upper Pliocene to Holocene basin filling). The PPZ forms an escarpment in Pliocene and Pleistocene soft rock and is supposingly acting as an earthquake zone since late Pleistocene time. The uppermost Pleistocene of 0.12-0.01 Ma deposited only in front of the fault scarp dates the fault activity. The crossing faults envelope crustal wedges under different local stress conditions. Their intersection line forms a zone beginning at the surface near Novy´Kostel, dipping south with increasing depth, probably down to about 12 km. The intersection zone represents a crustal anomaly. There fault movements can be blocked up and peculiar stress condition influence the behaviour of the adjacent crust. An ENE-WNW striking dextral wrench fault was detected which is to expect as kinematic counterpart to the ca. N-S striking sinistral shear zones. Nearly E-W striking fracture segments were formerly only known as remote sensing lineaments or as joint density zones. The ENE shear zone is characterized by a set of compressional m-scale folds and dm-scale faults scattered within a 20 m wide wrench
E3S Web of Conferences
tal pendulums (since 1974) and over 10 years of observations from water-tube tiltmeters (since 2002) have documented irregularly repeatable strong signals related to the relative displacement of blocks in the rock substrate, d. These signals have dip (rotational) and vertical strike-slip components. Also, the presence of a horizontal strikeslip component is evidenced by geometric anomalies (deformations) of the the orientation of the main faults in the area. Recent geodynamic activity is documented by destruction of the construction elements in the castle complex. Instrumental indicators of movement, geodetic measurements and structural analysis of the rock massif have allowed for constructing a model showing the main unconformity surfaces in the analysed rock massif. Sinistral, NE SW and ENE WSW-oriented strike-slip faults prevail in the laboratory corridors, along with perpendicular WNW ESE and NW SSE-oriented dextral and normal faults. Most dislocations are accompanied by zones of intense cataclasys, secondary silification, and Fe and Mn mineralization. Generally, the faults were formed due to reactivation of joint fractures cutting the steeply N-and S-dipping (at 75
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 2015
Satellite images revealed an extensive deformation on the southern slopes of the Nízké Tatry Mts. Range. This deformation can be ascribed to group of gravity nappes. Geologic survey, however, neither confirmed nor negated its existence. Therefore a detailed analysis of DEM and aerial images was carried out on the scale 1:35,000. Analytical interpretation led to the construction of a special morphotectonic and geodynamic scheme of the area, supported by the various geophysical data. The purpose of contemporary studies on the southern and southwestern slopes of Nízke Tatry Mts. and marginal parts of the Velká Fatra Mts. were to verify the important tectonic boundaries and deformation structures interpreted on satellite images by the geophysical, geomorphological and GPS data.
The Śnieżnik Massif has complicated geological and tectonic structure. The continuing crust movements, proved on the grounds of geological, geodetic (precise levelling) and satellite (GPS) investigations, confirm present-day mobility of this area. During the past decade (1993-2003) geodynamic research based on repeated satellite (GPS) measurements in a network of 27 points located on both sides of the border has been realized in the Śnieżnik area. Two joint (Czech-Polish) GPS observation campaigns (1993 and 2003) and a number of GPS measurements in Polish (16 points) and Czech (11 points) networks have been performed by scientists from the two partner Institutes. The results of above-mentioned investigations, particularly the 1993-2003 cycle, are the subject of analyses and interpretations presented in this paper. These are supplemented by the results of researches realized independently by the teams on both sides of the border.
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 1986
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Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2014
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 2011
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 2011
Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica, 1997
Geomorphology, 2008
Studia Geophysica Et Geodaetica, 2018
Journal of Geodynamics, 2011
Journal of Structural Geology, 2003
Journal of Geodynamics, 1998
Geotourism Geoturystyka, 2011