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1995, Philosophical Perspectives
This work critiques traditional epistemology's failure to engage with the true nature of properties associated with predicates. It explores the philosophical tendency to seek deeper understandings of what makes statements true, which often leads to vague and circumstantial evidence concerning properties. Through various examples in semantics, philosophy of mind, and ethics, it highlights the ongoing quest for defining the essence of properties and their relevance to truth claims, while cautioning against metaphysical oversimplifications.
Master of Philosophy thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017
The necessary a posteriori poses a problem for possible worlds semantics. Truths such as Hesperus is Phosphorus are necessary and a posteriori. Necessary truths are true in all possible worlds, but a posteriori truths are informative and thus rule out some possible worlds in virtue of being false in them. Stalnaker uses his two-dimensional framework of pragmatics to represent the informativeness of necessary a posteriori truths. He represents the informativeness with possible worlds with alternative semantic facts, which are ruled out by utterances of such truths because they express falsehoods in those worlds. Soames points out that speakers make referential presuppositions about the names that they use, so those worlds are excluded from the context set before the utterances are made. Instead of metaphysical possibilities with alternative semantic facts, Soames proposes using metaphysical impossibilities as epistemic possibilities, and attributes this view to Kripke. However, as a main exegetical contention of the present work, Kripke has his own conception of epistemic possibilities in terms of epistemic counterparts. With the notion of epistemic counterparts, I propose the epistemic counterpart function that generates epistemic possibilities, and the description function that eliminates a proper subset of them. I then develop a notion of epistemic content along that line, and present a challenge to the project of representing epistemic states with possible worlds. I propose the epistemic function that takes, for any evidence, prior epistemic states to posterior epistemic states, in response to the challenge. I will then apply the notion of epistemic content to pragmatic contexts, and point out its complementary role to Stalnaker’s theory of pragmatics.
Philosophical Perspectives, 1999
Suppose that Harry is a borderline case of baldness. Then the epistemic theory of vagueness has it that it's either true that he's bald or else true that he's not bald, but nothing we do will ever enable us to know the truth about Harry's baldness; and likewise, mutatis mutandis, for every other borderline case of a vague notion. This remarkable thesis is defended with great force and ingenuity by Timothy Williamson in his masterful book Vagueness, 1 but several other extremely able contemporary philosophers also accept the theory in the sense in which I'm about to define it, and they include Roy Sorensen, Paul Horwich, Hartry Field, Vann McGee and Brian McLaughlin. 2 Consequently, this paper will focus not only on Williamson's version of the epistemic theory, but also on the theory in its other guises. More specifically, this paper has the following outline. • Adefinition of the epistemic theory in the sense in which I want to discuss it. • A brief discussion of the motivation for the generic epistemic theory. • Application of the epistemic theory to the two issues that define the philosophical problem of vagueness-the problem of resolving the sorites paradox and the problem of explicating the notion of a borderline case (and, thereby, the notion of vagueness, for vagueness just is the possibility of borderline cases). • The outstanding question for the epistemic theorist is how to explain the ignorance to which she's committed. First I'll discuss how this challenge might be met by those epistemic theorists, such as Williamson, who take the crucial semantic properties to be use dependent. Then I'll discuss how the challenge might be met by those epistemic theorists, such as Hartry Field, who take the crucial semantic properties to be use independent.
Consider claims of the following kind:
This paper argues for an overlooked dimension in the metaphysical microstructure of knowledge. The connection between knowledge and truth is even deeper than generally acknowledged. Knowledge, I argue, supervenes not only on a specific (namely modal) relation between the proposition p’s truth and an agent’s belief that p, but also on specific relations between the proposition’s truthmaker and the belief’s justification-maker. S knows that p only if the states of affairs referred to by S’s reasons for believing that p are identical with, causally related to, or grounded in the states of affairs that make p true.
Philosophical Topics, 2021
It is a platitude that when we reason, we often take things for granted, sometimes even justifiably so. The chemist might reason from the fact that a substance turns litmus paper red to that substance being an acid. In so doing, they take for granted, reasonably enough, that this test for acidity is valid. Although it is a platitude that we often take things for granted when we reason—whether justifiably or not—one might think that we do not have to. In fact, it is a natural expectation that were we not pressed by time, lack of energy or focus, we could always in principle make explicit in the form of premises every single presupposition we make in the course of our reasoning. In other words, it is natural to expect it to be true that presuppositionless reasoning is possible. In this essay, I argue that it is false: presuppositionless reasoning is impossible. Indeed, I think this is one of the lessons of a long-standing paradox about inference and reasoning known as Lewis Carroll’s (1985) regress of the premises. Many philosophers agree that Carroll’s regress teaches us something foundational about reasoning. I part ways about what it is that it teaches us. What it teaches us is that the structure of reasoning is constitutively presuppositional.
The Routledge Handbook of Propositions (2023), ed. C. Tillman and A. R. Murray.
holds that sentences are metaphysically and semantically basic, and that reference is a theoretical notion introduced to model what goes on when speakers understand sentences. 1 This can be thought of as giving expression to, or teasing out an implication of, the Fregean context principle, as filtered through the later Wittgenstein. 2 Words have meaning only in the context of a sentence, the sentence is the fundamental unit of linguistic understanding, and the reference relation is adduced by the semanticist to model linguistic understanding. If reference is an essentially theoretical notion, that in turn suggests that ontology is conceptually derivative. In the beginning was the sentence, and the rest is just theoretical superstructure, or, if you prefer, substructure. Objects drop out of sentences as a theoretical posit. The idea that, to put it roughly, ontology should simply fall out of language has also been embraced by Bob Hale and Crispin Wright as part of a wider neo-Fregean and neo-logicist program. Starting from the context principle, they argue that we should conceive of ontology as syntax-driven. 3 In a classic discussion, Wright argued that the Fregean context principle supports a 'syntactic priority thesis', which is 'the thesis that the notion of an object is posterior in the order of explanation to that of a singular term; that no better general explanation of the notion of an object can be given than in terms of the notions of singular term and reference; and that the truth of appropriate sentential contexts containing what is, by syntactic criteria, a singular term is sufficient to take care, so to speak, of its reference'; further, 'there can be no philosophical science of ontology, no well-founded attempt to see past our categories of expression and glimpse the way in which the world is truly furnished' (1983, pp. 24, 52). Wright here restricts the scope of his claim to singular terms; elsewhere he limits it to terms that introduce 'pure abstract objects' (1992, pp. 181-2). But more recently Hale and Wright have affirmed that the principle applies to predicates too (2009, pp. 198-200, 207). Here is a representative statement from Hale: If entities belonging to a certain ontological category just are what expressions of a certain kind stand for, then we can argue for the existence of entities of that kind by arguing that there are true statements involving expressions of the relevant kind. If, for example, there are true statements incorporating expressions functioning as singular terms, then there are objects of some corresponding kind. If the singular terms are such that, if they have reference at all, they refer to numbers, there are numbers. If there are true statements involving expressions functioning as predicates, then there are properties of some corresponding kind.
Within the philosophy of language, names and descriptions are traditionally taken to represent different paradigms of reference. Many philosophers draw a sharp contrast between the way speakers use names to talk about individuals and the way they use definite descriptions to do so. A proper name is used to pick out one specific individual. A definite description, on the other hand, provides a general formula for picking out distinct individuals in different situations.
It is widely accepted that knowledge is factive, but two different understandings of "factivity" should be distinguished, namely, the implication version and the presupposition version. While the former only takes the truth of P as a necessary requirement for "S knows that P," the latter considers it also necessary for "S does not know that P." In this paper, I argue against presupposition and defend implication. More specifically, I argue against Wang and Tai's defense of the presupposition version as presented in a recent paper and propose a pragmatic response to the "persistence problem" of implication. In other words, my positive proposal is an account of implication plus pragmatic implicature. To conclude, I use my version to analyze Wang and Tai's distinction between inner skepticism and outer skepticism. My conclusion is that, after abandoning presupposition, we can identify two types of intermediate skepticism between Wang and Tai's inner and outer skepticism.
Philosophical Review, 2018
This paper presents a puzzle concerning the interaction of epistemic modals, singular terms, and quantifiers. The puzzle poses a number of problems for both static and dynamic theories of epistemic modals. The trouble arises because neither approach takes into account the fact that being possibly thus-and-so (in the epistemic sense of 'possibly') is not a trait that an object has in and of itself, but one that object possesses only relative to a way of thinking of the domain of quantifica-tion. I consider two theories that implement this insight: a static version of counterpart theory and a dynamic system of contingent identity. I then consider a variant on the initial puzzle that helps us to choose between the two theories. The variant also sheds light on how the phenomenon discussed in this essay relates to Frege's Puzzle about attitude ascriptions.
The paper explicates a new way to model the context-sensitivity of 'knows', namely a way that suggests a close connection between the content of 'knows' in a context C and what is pragmatically presupposed in C. After explicating my new approach in the first half of the paper and arguing that it is explanatorily superior to standard accounts of epistemic contextualism, the paper points, in its second half, to some interesting new features of the emerging account, such as its compatibility with the intuitions of Moorean dogmatists. Finally, the paper shows that the account defended is not subject to the most prominent and familiar philosophical objections to epistemic contextualism discussed in the recent literature.
Noûs, 2010
is a doctor then it seems to follow that he has the property of being a doctor; just as if he is injured, he has the property (or the characteristic) of being injured. Moreover, if Frege should come to believe that the good doctor is injured then there is something that he believes-to wit, something apparently denoted by the expression 'that the good doctor is injured', something philosophers standardly call a proposition. And, of course, if the good doctor is injured and Frege believes that he is, then what Frege believes-the proposition that the good doctor is injured-is true, in which case, it seems, the proposition has the property of truth. All of this is, as we said, routine, and it is the job of the metaphysician (especially the metaphysician of meaning) to explain all of this (or to explain it away). While we take the issues just canvassed all to belong to the same family, our focus in this paper will be on propositions. The notion of a proposition plays a central role in philosophical theorizing about language and the mind. This is no wonder, since it appears to provide considerable theoretical advantage in the form of a single kind of entity playing a wide range of roles. Propositions are held to be the sharable objects of belief and other intentional attitudes, the contents of these thought-states and of assertions and other speech acts, the common meanings of utterances from different languages, and the fundamental bearers of truth, necessity, aprioricity, and other
Philosophical studies, 2003
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