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2006, International Journal of Modern Physics A
Noncommutative metafluid dynamics presents a new methodology for understanding hydrodynamic turbulence by drawing parallels between turbulent fluid behavior and the principles of electromagnetism. The framework allows for the formulation of hydrodynamic equations that incorporate vorticity and turbulent charge concepts, significantly enhancing the analysis of incompressible fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers. By utilizing average flow quantities and applying the Lagrangian approach, it aims to facilitate improved comprehension of turbulent phenomena and offers implications for both theoretical and experimental physics.
Hydrodynamic turbulence is studied as a constrained system from the point of view of metafluid dynamics. We present a Lagrangian description for this new theory of turbulence inspired from the analogy with electromagnetism. Consequently it is a gauge theory. This new approach to the study of turbulence tends to renew the optimism to solve the difficult problem of turbulence. As a constrained system, turbulence is studied in the Dirac and Faddeev-Jackiw formalisms giving the Dirac brackets. An important result is that we show these brackets are the same in and out of the inertial range, giving the way to quantize turbulence.
Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2003
In this paper, the analog of Maxwell electromagnetism for hydrodynamic turbulence, the metafluid dynamics, is extended in order to reformulate the metafluid dynamics as a gauge field theory. That analogy opens up the possibility to investigate this theory as a constrained system. Having this possibility in mind, we propose a Lagrangian to describe this new theory of turbulence and, subsequently, analyze it from the symplectic point of view. From this analysis, a hidden gauge symmetry is revealed, providing a clear interpretation and meaning of the physics behind the metafluid theory. Also, the geometrical interpretation to the gauge symmetries is discussed.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2020
We revisit the problem of stationary distribution of vorticity in three dimensional turbulence. Using Clebsch variables we construct an explicit invariant measure on stationary solutions of Euler equations with the extra condition of fixed energy flow/dissipation. The asymptotic solution for large circulation around large loops is studied as a WKB limit (instanton). The Clebsch fields are discontinuous across minimal surface bounded by the loop, with normal vorticity staying continuous. There is also a singular tangential vorticity component proportional to δ(z) where z is the normal direction. Resulting flow has nontrivial topology. This singular tangent vorticity component drops from the flux but dominates the energy dissipation as well as the Biot-Savart integral for velocity field. This leads us to a modified equation for vorticity distribution along the minimal surface compared to that assumed in a loop equations, where the singular terms were not noticed. In addition to describing vorticity distribution over the minimal surface, this approach provides formula for the circulation PDF, which was elusive in the Loop Equations.
In the spirit of Prandtl's conjecture of 1926, for turbulence at high Reynolds number we present an analogy with the kinetic theory of gases, with dipoles made of quasi-rigid and 'dressed' vortex tubes as frictionless, incompressible but deformable quasi-particles. Their movements are governed by Helmholtz' elementary vortex rules applied locally. A contact interaction or 'collision' leads either to random scatter of a trajectory or to the formation of two likewise rotating, fundamentally unstable whirls forming a dissipative patch slowly rotating around its center of mass which is almost at rest. This approach predicts von Karman's constant as 1/sqrt(2 pi) = 0.399 and the spatio-temporal dynamics of energy-containing time and length scales controlling turbulent mixing [Baumert 2009]. A link to turbulence spectra was missing so far. In the present paper it is shown that the above image of random vortex-dipole movements is compatible with Kolmogorov's turbulence spectra if dissipative patches, beginning as two likewise rotating eddies, evolve locally into a space-filling bearing in the sense of Herrmann [1990], i.e. into an "Apollonian gear". Its parts and pieces are incompressible and flexibly deformable vortex tubes which are frictionless, excepting the dissipative scale of size zero. For steady and locally homogeneous conditions our approach predicts the dimensionless pre-factor in the 3D Eulerian wavenumber spectrum as [(4 pi)^2/3]/3 = 1.8, and in the Lagrangian frequency spectrum as 2. Our derivations rest on geometry, methods from many-particle physics, and on elementary conservation laws.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
Through Ginzburg-Landau and Navier-Stokes equations, we study turbulence phenomena for viscous incompresible and compressible fluids by a second order phase transition. For this model, the velocity is defined by the sum of classical and whirling components. Moreover, the laminarturbulent transition is controlled by rotational effects of the fluid. Hence, the thermodynamic compatibility of the differential system is proved. This model can explain the turbulence by instability effects motivated by a double well potential of the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The same model is used to understand the origins of tornadoes and the birth of the vortices resulting from the fall of water in a vertical tube. Finally, we demonstrate how the weak Coriolis force is able to change the direction of rotation of the vortices by modifying the minima of the phase field potential.
Fluid Dynamics Research, 2014
Fluid dynamical analogs of the electrodynamical Lorentz force law and Poynting theorem are derived and their implications analyzed. The companion paper by Scofield and Huq 2014 Fluid. Dyn. Res. 46 055513 gives a heuristic introduction to the present results. The fluid dynamical analogs are consequences of a new causal, covariant, geometrodynamical theory of fluids (GTF). Compared to the Navier-Stokes theory, GTF shows the existence of new causal channels of stress-energy propagation and dissipation due to the action of transverse modes of flow. These channels describe energy-dissipation and transport along curved stream tubes common in turbulent flows.
We develop a field theoretical formalism for the dynamics of the point-like vortex models of the ideal fluid (Euler) equation and the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation for planetary atmosphere and magnetized plasma. The action functional in this framework exhibits the particular Bogomolnyi type extremum, showing that the fluids and plasmas relaxes to states that are self-dual. A new equation is derived. The solutions compares very well with observations, experiment and numerical simulations asymptotic stationary states in fluids atmosphere and plasma.
Fluid mechanics has emerged as a basic concept for nearly every field of technology. Despite there being a well-developed mathematical theory and available commercial software codes, the computation of solutions of the governing equations of motion is still challenging, especially due to the nonlinearity involved, and there are still open questions regarding the underlying physics of fluid flow, especially with respect to the continuum hypothesis and thermodynamic local equilibrium. The aim of this Special Issue is to reference recent advances in the field of fluid mechanics both in terms of developing sophisticated mathematical methods for finding solutions of the equations of motion, on the one hand, and on novel approaches to the physical modelling beyond the continuum hypothesis and thermodynamic local equilibrium, on the other.
Europhysics Letters (EPL), 2001
Hydrodynamic turbulence in 3D is characterized by a non-linear transfer of energy from large to small scales. Here, we provide a geometrical view of energy transfer by relating it to the deformation of fluid volumes under Lagrangian dynamics. The energy flux is parametrized in terms of the coarse-grained velocity difference tensor together with the tensor describing the shape of the volume. Our construction provides an intepretation for the non-trivial time dependence of the energy of relative motion within a "cloud" of Lagrangian particles observed in the direct numerical simulation turbulence.
Les Houches - Ecole d’Ete de Physique Theorique, 2001
To describe transport of scalar and vector fields by a random flow one needs to apply the methods of statistical mechanics to the motion of fluid particles, i.e. to the Lagrangian dynamics. We first present the propagators describing evolving probability distributions of different configurations of fluid particles. We then use those propagators to describe growth, decay and steady states of different scalar and vector quantities transported by random flows. We discuss both practical questions like mixing and segregation and fundamental problems like symmetry breaking in turbulence. Contents I. Introduction A. Propagators B. Kraichnan model C. Large Deviation Approach II. Particles in fluid turbulence A. Single-particle diffusion B. Two-particle dispersion in a spatially smooth velocity C. Two-particle dispersion in a non-smooth incompressible flow D. Two-particle dispersion in a compressible flow E. Multi-particle configurations and zero modes III. Unforced evolution of passive fields A. Decay of tracer fluctuations B. Growth of density fluctuations in compressible flow C. Vector fields in a smooth velocity IV. Cascades of a passive tracer A. Direct cascade B. Inverse cascade in a compressible flow V. Active tracers A. Activity changing cascade direction B. Two-dimensional incompressible turbulence VI. Conclusion References
Structures and statistics of fluid turbulence / Structures et statistiques de la turbulence des fluides The Lundgren-Monin-Novikov hierarchy: Kinetic equations for turbulence
Reviews of Modern Physics, 2001
The understanding of fluid turbulence has considerably progressed in recent years. The application of the methods of statistical mechanics to the description of the motion of fluid particles, i.e. to the Lagrangian dynamics, has led to a new quantitative theory of intermittency in turbulent transport. The first analytical description of anomalous scaling laws in turbulence has been obtained. The underlying physical mechanism reveals the role of statistical integrals of motion in non-equilibrium systems. For turbulent transport, the statistical conservation laws are hidden in the evolution of groups of fluid particles and arise from the competition between the expansion of a group and the change of its geometry. By breaking the scaleinvariance symmetry, the statistically conserved quantities lead to the observed anomalous scaling of transported fields. Lagrangian methods also shed new light on some practical issues, such as mixing and turbulent magnetic dynamo.
Physica Scripta, 2013
This paper presents a parameter-free theory of shear-generated turbulence at asymptotically high Reynolds numbers in incompressible fluids. It is based on a two-fluids concept. Both components are materially identical and inviscid. The first component is an ensemble of quasi-rigid dipole-vortex tubes (vortex filaments, excitations) as quasiparticles in chaotic motion. The second is a superfluid performing evasive motions between the tubes. The local dipole motions follow Helmholtz' law. The vortex radii scale with the energy-containing length scale. Collisions between quasiparticles lead either to annihilation (likewise rotation, turbulent dissipation) or to scattering (counterrotation, turbulent diffusion). There are analogies with birth and death processes of population dynamics and their master equations and with Landau's two-flluid theory of liequid Helium. For free homogeneous decay the theory predicts the TKE to follow t −1 . With an adiabatic wall condition it predicts the logarithmic law with von Kármán's constant as 1/ √ 2 π = 0.399. Likewise rotating couples form dissipative patches almost at rest (→ intermittency) wherein under local quasi-steady conditions the spectrum evolves into an "Apollonian gear" as discussed first by . Dissipation happens exclusively at scale zero and at finite scales this system is frictionless and reminds of Prigogine's (1947) law of minimum (here: zero) entropy production. The theory predicts further the prefactor of the 3D-wavenumber spectrum (a Kolmogorov constant) as 1 3 (4 π) 2/3 = 1.802, well within the scatter range of observational, experimental and DNS results.
Low Temperature Physics, 2019
The hydrodynamic problems of superfluid fluid containing chaotic tangles of quantized vortex filaments are discussed. The construction of such hydrodynamics crucially depends on the statistics of vortex tangles, and two important cases are presented. The first corresponds to a tangle that consists of entirely chaotic vortex filaments. This case is implemented in counterflowing helium, and is referred to as Vinen turbulence. In the construction of macroscopic dynamics, the system of equations is closed by the Vinen equation for the density of vortex filaments. The second, referred to as the Hall-Vinen-Bekarevich-Khalatnikov case, corresponds to a situation where the system contains bundles of polarized vortex filaments. In this instance, the system is closed by the Feynman equation that relates density of vortex filaments with the vorticity of superfluid velocity. Problems related to the application of both approaches are discussed.
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015
A turbulent flow is maintained by an external supply of kinetic energy, which is eventually dissipated into heat at steep velocity gradients. The scale at which energy is supplied greatly differs from the scale at which energy is dissipated, the more so as the turbulent intensity (the Reynolds number) is larger. The resulting energy flux over the range of scales, intermediate between energy injection and dissipation, acts as a source of time irreversibility. As it is now possible to follow accurately fluid particles in a turbulent flow field, both from laboratory experiments and from numerical simulations, a natural question arises: how do we detect time irreversibility from these Lagrangian data? Here we discuss recent results concerning this problem. For Lagrangian statistics involving more than one fluid particle, the distance between fluid particles introduces an intrinsic length scale into the problem. The evolution of quantities dependent on the relative motion between these fluid particles, including the kinetic energy in the relative motion, or the configuration of an initially isotropic structure can be related to the equal-time correlation functions of the velocity field, and is therefore sensitive to the energy flux through scales, hence to the irreversibility of the flow. In contrast, for single-particle Lagrangian statistics, the most often studied velocity structure functions cannot distinguish the "arrow of time". Recent observations from experimental and numerical simulation data, however, show that the change of kinetic energy following the particle motion, is sensitive to time-reversal. We end the survey with a brief discussion of the implication of this line of work.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1981
Entropy, 2017
In the last few decades a series of experiments have revealed that turbulence is a cooperative and critical phenomenon showing a continuous phase change with the critical Reynolds number at its onset. However, the applications of phase transition models, such as the Mean Field Theory (MFT), the Heisenberg model, the XY model, etc. to turbulence, have not been realized so far. Now, in this article, a successful analogy to magnetism is reported, and it is shown that a Mean Field Theory of Turbulence (MFTT) can be built that reveals new results. In analogy to compressibility in fluids and susceptibility in magnetic materials, the vorticibility (the authors of this article propose this new name in analogy to response functions, derived and given names in other fields) of a turbulent flowing fluid is revealed, which is identical to the relative turbulence intensity. By analogy to magnetism, in a natural manner, the Curie Law of Turbulence was discovered. It is clear that the MFTT is a theory describing equilibrium flow systems, whereas for a long time it is known that turbulence is a highly non-equilibrium phenomenon. Nonetheless, as a starting point for the development of thermodynamic models of turbulence, the presented MFTT is very useful to gain physical insight, just as Kraichnan's turbulent energy spectra of 2-D and 3-D turbulence are, which were developed with equilibrium Boltzmann-Gibbs thermodynamics and only recently have been generalized and adapted to non-equilibrium and intermittent turbulent flow fields.
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