Corpus-Based English Language Teaching: A New Method


In this paper, I have made a proposal for using modern English language corpora of both spoken and written texts for ELT activities meant for the Bengali learners. In a short descriptive way, I have tried to highlight some of the characteristic features and advantages of Corpus-Based English Language Teaching (C-BELT), which has been successfully adopted and implemented in many countries where English is being taught as a second language. After I have justified the need for learning English for the Bengali learners in the present global context (Section 2), I have shown how English language corpora become relevant in ELT (Section 3), how these can be utilised as a primary resource in classroom teaching (Section 4), and how these may be accessed as a secondary resource in designing ELT textbooks, study materials, and other resources. This paper is primarily meant for those scholars who are either engaged in ELT activities or are involved in designing ELT resources for the Bengali learners.