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2000, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
It is shown how a highly compact representation of binary trees can be used as the basis of two access methods for dynamic files, called BDS-trees and S-trees, respectively. Both these methods preserve key-order and offer easy and efficient sequential access. They are different in the way the compact binary trees are used for searching. With a BDS-tree the search is a digital search using binary digits. Although the S-tree search is performed on a bit-by-bit basis as well, it will appear to be slightly different. Actually, with S-trees the compact binary trees are used to represent separators at low storage costs. As a result, the fan-out, and thus performance, of a B-tree can be improved by using within each index page an S-tree for representing separators efficiently.
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1979
Extendible hashing is a new access technique, in which the user is guaranteed no more than two page faults to locate the data associated with a given unique identifier, or key. Unlike conventional hashing, extendible hashing has a dynamic structure that grows and shrinks gracefully as the database grows and shrinks. This approach simultaneously solves the problem of making hash tables that are extendible and of making radix search trees that are balanced. We study, by analysis and simulation, the performance of extendible hashing. The results indicate that extendible hashing provides an attractive alternative to other access methods, such as balanced trees.
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 1984
Traditional file structures that provide multikey access to records, for example, inverted files, are extensions of file structures originally designed for single-key access. They manifest various deficiencies in particular for multikey access to highly dynamic files. We study the dynamic aspects of tile structures that treat all keys symmetrically, that is, file structures which avoid the distinction between primary and secondary keys. We start from a bitmap approach and treat the problem of file design as one of data compression of a large sparse matrix. This leads to the notions of a grid partition of the search space and of a grid directory, which are the keys to a dynamic file structure called the grid file. This tile system adapts gracefully to its contents under insertions and deletions, and thus achieves an upper hound of two disk accesses for single record retrieval; it also handles range queries and partially specified queries efficiently. We discuss in detail the design decisions that led to the grid file, present simulation results of its behavior, and compare it to other multikey access file structures.
In multimedia databases, the spatial index structures based on trees (like R-tree, M-tree) have been proved to be efficient and scalable for low-dimensional data retrieval. However, if the data dimensionality is too high, the hierarchy of nested regions (represented by the tree nodes) becomes spatially indistinct. Hence, the query processing deteriorates to inefficient index traversal (in terms of random-access I/O costs) and in such case the tree-based indexes are less efficient than the sequential search. This is mainly due to repeated access to many nodes at the top levels of the tree. In this paper we propose a modified storage layout of tree-based indexes, such that nodes belonging to the same tree level are stored together. Such level-ordered storage allows to prefetch several top levels of the tree to the buffer pool by only a few or even a single contiguous I/O operation (i.e. one-seek read). The experimental results show that our approach can speedup the tree-based search significantly.
Being popular for managing data dynamically in today's storage systems, fast data insertion, deletion and searching are also concerned with the system's performance. Those criteria are heavily dependent on the way to handle the attributes of the algorithm used because it can determine how large as well as how much the system can hold data and throughput. B+ tree-based indexing algorithm is capable of scaling data logarithmically and so widely used in distributed file system. However, the level of the system's scalability is solely associated with the order and height of the tree. The proposed system modifies the traditional B+ Tree in the form power of 2-based for data expansion and it is designed on object-based file system.
Full-path indexing can improve I/O efficiency for workloads that operate on data organized using traditional, hierarchical directories, because data is placed on persistent storage in scan order. Prior results indicate, however, that renames in a local file system with fullpath indexing are prohibitively expensive. This paper shows how to use full-path indexing in a file system to realize fast directory scans, writes, and renames. The paper introduces a range-rename mechanism for efficient key-space changes in a write-optimized dictionary. This mechanism is encapsulated in the key-value API and simplifies the overall file system design. We implemented this mechanism in BetrFS, an inkernel, local file system for Linux. This new version, BetrFS 0.4, performs recursive greps 1.5x faster and random writes 1.2x faster than BetrFS 0.3, but renames are competitive with indirection-based file systems for a range of sizes. BetrFS 0.4 outperforms BetrFS 0.3, as well as traditional file system...
Software: Practice and Experience, 2010
The construction of suffix trees in secondary storage was considered impractical due to its excessive I/O cost. Algorithms developed in the last decade show that a suffix tree can efficiently be built in secondary storage for inputs which fit the main memory. In this paper, we analyze the details of algorithmic approaches to the external memory suffix tree construction and compare the performance and scalability of existing state-of-theart software based on these algorithms.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2008
With the rise of XML, the database community has been challenged by semi-structured data processing. Since the data type behind XML is the tree, state-of-the-art RDBMSs have learned to deal with such data (e.g., ). This paper introduces a Ph.D. project focused on the question in how far the tree-awareness of recent RDBMSs can be used to, once again, try to implement filesystems using database technology. Our main goal is to provide means to query the data stored in filesystems and to find ways to enhance/ combine the data storage and query capabilities of operating systems using semi-structured database technology.
Su x trees and su x arrays are classical data structures that are used to represent the set of su xes of a given string, and thereby facilitate the e cient solution of various string processing problems | in particular on-line string searching. Here we investigate the potential of suitably adapted binary search trees as competitors in this context. The su x binary search tree (SBST) and its balanced counterpart, the su x AVL-tree, are conceptually simple, relatively easy to implement, and o er time and space e ciency to rival su x trees and su x arrays, with some distinct advantages | for instance in cases where only a subset of the su xes need be represented.
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database technology Advances in database technology - EDBT '08, 2008
Run-Length-Encoding (RLE) is a data compression technique that is used in various applications, e.g., biological sequence databases. multimedia: and facsimile transmission. One of t h e main challenges is how t o operate, e.g., indexing: searching, and retriexral: on the compressed data without decompressing it. In t.his paper, we present the String &tree for _Compressed sequences; termed t h e SBC-tree, for indexing and searching RLE-compressed sequences of arbitrary length. The SBC-tree is a two-level index structure based on t h e well-knoxvn String B-tree and a 3-sided range query structure. T h e SBC-tree supports substring as \\re11 as prefix m,atching, and range search operations over RLE-compressed sequences. T h e SBC-tree has an optimal external-memory space complexity of O (N / B) pages, where N is the total length of t h e compressed sequences, and B is t h e disk page size. T h e insertion and deletion of all suffixes of Two-dimensional lndex (3-sided structure) c
Data management applications store their data using structured files in which data are usually sorted to serve indexing and queries. However, in-place insertions and removals of data are not naturally supported in a file’s address space. To avoid repeatedly rewriting existing data in a sorted file to admit changes in place, applications usually employ extra layers of indirections, such as mapping tables and logs, to admit changes out of place. However, this approach leads to increased access cost and excessive complexity. This paper presents a novel storage engine that provides a flexible address space, where in-place updates of arbitrary-sized data, such as insertions and removals, can be performed efficiently. With this mechanism, applications can manage sorted data in a linear address space with minimal complexity. Extensive evaluations show that a key-value store built on top of it can achieve high performance and efficiency with a simple implementation.
ACM SIGMOD Record, 1989
Traversal recursion is a class of recursive queries where the evaluation of the query involves traversal of a graph or a tree. This limited type of recursion arises in many applications. In this report we investigate a simple file structure that efficiently supports traversal recursion over large, acyclic graphs. The nodes of the graph are sorted in topological order and stored in a B-tree. Hence, traversal of the graph can be done in a single scan. Nodes and edges can also be inserted, deleted, and modified efficiently.
In this paper, a new and novel data structure is proposed to dynamically insert and delete segments. Unlike the standard segment trees, the proposed data structure permits insertion of a segment with interval range beyond the interval range of the existing tree, which is the interval between minimum and maximum values of the end points of all the segments. Moreover, the number of nodes in the proposed tree is lesser as compared to the dynamic version of the standard segment trees, and is able to answer both stabbing and range queries practically much faster compared to the standard segment trees.
GeoInformatica, 2012
Tree index structures are crucial components in data management systems. Existing tree index structure are designed with the implicit assumption that the underlying external memory storage is the conventional magnetic hard disk drives. This assumption is going to be invalid soon, as flash memory storage is increasingly adopted as the main storage media in mobile devices, digital cameras, embedded sensors, and notebooks. Though it is direct and simple to port existing tree index structures on the flash memory storage, that direct approach does not consider the unique characteristics of flash memory, i.e., slow write operations, and erase-beforeupdate property, which would result in a sub optimal performance. In this paper, we introduce FAST (i.e., Flash-Aware Search Trees) as a generic framework for flashaware tree index structures. FAST distinguishes itself from all previous attempts of flash memory indexing in two aspects: (1) FAST is a generic framework that can be applied to a wide class of data partitioning tree structures including R-tree and its variants, and (2) FAST achieves both ef f iciency and durability of read and write flash operations through memory flushing and crash recovery techniques. Extensive experimental results, based on an actual implementation of FAST inside the GiST The research of M. Sarwat and M. F.
Proceedings of the 26th …, 2000
Temporal databases assume a single line of time evolution. In other words, they support timeevolving data. However there are applications which require the support of temporal data with branched time evolution. With new branches created as time proceeds, branched and temporal data tends to increase in size rapidly, making the need for e cient indexing crucial. We propose a new paginated access method for branched and temporal data: the BT-tree. The BT-tree is both storage e cient and access e cient. We h a ve implemented the BT-tree and performance results con rm these properties.
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, 2006
In this paper, we propose a new indexing method called compressed B +-tree. The traditional B +-tree is the most common dynamic index structures in database systems. However, in practical applications, its performance still remains considerable room for improvement. Compressed B +-tree outperforms traditional access methods in two respects. The first is more economic storage requirement in the indexing structure. The second is better performance in retrieval. In addition, a compressed B +-tree can be used for the implementation of linebased database indexes.
2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on Data Engineering, 2015
With prices of main memory constantly decreasing, people nowadays are more interested in performing their computations in main memory, and leave high I/O costs of traditional disk-based systems out of the equation. This change of paradigm, however, represents new challenges to the way data should be stored and indexed in main memory in order to be processed efficiently. Traditional data structures, like the venerable B-tree, were designed to work on disk-based systems, but they are no longer the way to go in main-memory systems, at least not in their original form, due to the poor cache utilization of the systems they run on. Because of this, in particular, during the last decade there has been a considerable amount of research on index data structures for main-memory systems. Among the most recent and most interesting data structures for main-memory systems there is the recently-proposed adaptive radix tree ARTful (ART for short). The authors of ART presented experiments that indicate that ART was clearly a better choice over other recent tree-based data structures like FAST and B +-trees. However, ART was not the first adaptive radix tree. To the best of our knowledge, the first was the Judy Array (Judy for short), and a comparison between ART and Judy was not shown. Moreover, the same set of experiments indicated that only a hash table was competitive to ART. The hash table used by the authors of ART in their study was a chained hash table, but this kind of hash tables can be suboptimal in terms of space and performance due to their potentially high use of pointers. In this paper we present a thorough experimental comparison between ART, Judy, two variants of hashing via quadratic probing, and three variants of Cuckoo hashing. These hashing schemes are known to be very efficient. For our study we consider whether the data structures are to be used as a non-covering index (relying on an additional store), or as a covering index (covering key-value pairs). We consider both OLAP and OLTP scenarios. Our experiments strongly indicate that neither ART nor Judy are competitive to the aforementioned hashing schemes in terms of performance, and, in the case of ART, sometimes not even in terms of space.
We present the interpolation search tree (ISB-tree), a new cache-aware indexing scheme that supports update operations (insertions and deletions) in O(1) worst-case (w.c.) block transfers and search operations in O(logB log n) expected block transfers, where B represents the disk block size and n denotes the number of stored elements. The expected search bound holds with high probability for a large class of (unknown) input distributions. The w.c. search bound of our indexing scheme is O(logB n) block transfers. Our update and expected search bounds constitute a considerable improvement over the O(logB n) w.c. block transfer bounds for search and update operations achieved by the B-tree and its numerous variants. This is also suggested by a set of preliminary experiments we have carried out. Our indexing scheme is based on an externalization of a main memory data structure based on interpolation search.
Software: Practice and Experience, 1993
Much has been said in praise of self-adjusting data structures, particularly self-adjusting binary search trees. Self-adjusting trees are most suited to skewed key-access distributions as the techniques attempt to place the most commonly accessed keys near the root of the tree. Theoretical bounds on worst-case and amortized performance (i.e. performance over a sequence of operations) have been derived which compare well with those for optimal binary search trees. In this paper, we compare the performance of three different techniques for self-adjusting trees with that of AVL and random binary search trees. Comparisons are made for various tree sizes, levels of key-access-frequency skewness and ratios of insertions and deletions to searches. The results show that, because of the high cost of maintaining selfadjusting trees, in almost all cases the AVL tree outperforms all the self-adjusting trees and in many cases even a random binary search tree has better performance, in terms of CPU time, than any of the self-adjusting trees. Self-adjusting trees seem to perform best in a highly dynamic environment, contrary to intuition.
Acta Informatica, 1996
High-performance transaction system applications typically insert rows in a History table to provide an activity trace; at the same time the transaction system generates log records for purposes of system recovery. Both types of generated information can benefit from efficient indexing. An example in a well-known setting is the TPC-A benchmark application, modified to support efficient queries on the History for account activity for specific accounts. This requires an index by account-id on the fast-growing History table. Unfortunately, standard disk-based index structures such as the B-tree will effectively double the I/O cost of the transaction to maintain an index such as this in real time, increasing the total system cost up to fifty percent. Clearly a method for maintaining a real-time index at low cost is desirable. The Log-Structured Merge-tree (LSM-tree) is a disk-based data structure designed to provide low-cost indexing for a file experiencing a high rate of record inserts (and deletes) over an extended period. The LSM-tree uses an algorithm that defers and batches index changes, cascading the changes from a memory-based component through one or more disk components in an efficient manner reminiscent of merge sort. During this process all index values are continuously accessible to retrievals (aside from very short locking periods), either through the memory component or one of the disk components. The algorithm has greatly reduced disk arm movements compared to a traditional access methods such as B-trees, and will improve costperformance in domains where disk arm costs for inserts with traditional access methods overwhelm storage media costs. The LSM-tree approach also generalizes to operations other than insert and delete. However, indexed finds requiring immediate response will lose I/O efficiency in some cases, so the LSM-tree is most useful in applications where index inserts are more common than finds that retrieve the entries. This seems to be a common property for History tables and log files, for example. The conclusions of Section 6 compare the hybrid use of memory and disk components in the LSM-tree access method with the commonly understood advantage of the hybrid method to buffer disk pages in memory.
We consider two tree-based indexing schemes that are widely used in practical systems as the basis for both primary and secondary key indexing. We define B-tree and its features, advantages, disadvantages of B-tree. The difference between B+-tree and B-tree has also been discussed. We show the algorithm, examples and figures in the context of B+-tree.
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