One hand, two objects: Emergence of affordance in contexts


Studies on affordances typically focus on single objects. We investigated whether affordances are modulated by the context, defined by the relation between 2 objects and a hand. Participants were presented with pictures displaying 2 manipulable objects linked by a functional (knifebutter), a spatial (knife-coffee mug), or by no relation. They responded by pressing a key whether the objects were related or not. To determine if observing other's actions and understanding their goals would facilitate judgments, a hand was: a. displayed near the objects; b. grasping an object to use it; c. grasping an object to manipulate/move it; d. no hand was displayed. RTs were faster when objects were functionally rather than spatially related. Manipulation postures were the slowest in the functional context and functional postures were inhibited in the spatial context, probably due to mismatch between the inferred goal and the context. The absence of this interaction with foot responses instead of hands in Experiment 2 suggests that effects are due to motor simulation rather than to associations between context and hand-postures.

Key takeaways

  • If the activation of the affordances of the active object (possibly mediated by the activation of the Canonical Neuron System) is sensitive to the context given by the presence of a second object, then participants should respond faster and more accurately to the functional than to the spatial context, given that the functional context allows using the two objects together, while the spatial context does not allow a combined action with the two objects.
  • You are required to decide if the two objects are usually seen/used together or not.
  • We performed separate analyses on the "yes" trials (i.e. trials requiring a "yes" response with the right hand, characterized by functional or spatial relations between the two objects) and the "no" trials (i.e. trials implying a "no" response with the left hand, characterized by the absence of relation between the two objects).
  • Similarly, because in the Spatial context no functional use of the object is allowed, it is possible that the motor system continues to try to make sense of the scene, leading to longer RTs with the functional posture.
  • Further studies are needed, in order to understand the precise time course of activation of motor information associated to one object, to two objects and to the hand.