Choose Your Own Ethics: A Hypertext Adventure


The process of formulating one’s personal and professional ethics should be better integrated into the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. My paper suggests one way of facilitating that for the student, the provision of an interactive hypertext reader. Such a reader also provides a logistical alternative to a departmental ethics course, “self-taught” and sensitive to this profoundly personal developmental process. By converting static text or pdf documents to hypertext, the site can link phrases, words and documents to form alternative paths through the text. Students can insert their own text into the reader – elevating it to “journal” status and blurring the line between author and reader. Such an ethics reader is not linear like an academic text, but allows the reader to construct their own paths that may be long or short, linear or full of loops, resolved or unresolved. This kind of document also enriches an ethics course, since it centers on the participant’s agency and encourages the creation of an artifact of that process.