Mickey Mouse Democracy: Explaining Trump´s Triumph

Through his whole electoral campaign Donald Trump proved to be a compulsive liar, a misogynous bad hombre, a nasty racist, a hard-core xenophobic, a cynical bigot, and an open enemy of freedom of press, and freedom of speech. He showed he has no idea of U.S. and world politics, climate change, trade, economics, and the military. He spent a good time whining, bad-behaving, and doing tantrums, instead of leading a serious political presidential campaign. He won the election. What happened? How do you explain Trump´s triumph? In this piece, after summing up who voted for whom, I will expose some arguments that will address, from an analytical perspective, Trump´s triumph. At the end I will address also the overall questions that can be happily solved in alternative universes, but hardly in this one.