Kontribusi Filsafat Ilmu Terhadap Etika Masyarakat Modern

2015, Jurnal Kanun

Modern society has succeeded in developing science and advanced technology to overcome problems in life, but on the other side of science and technology are not able to cultivate noble morality society. Countries Indonesia has a philosophy of "mutual cooperation, empathy for others, is now experiencing a moral crisis. Values Honesty, truth, justice, sympathy and empathy for others turns into behavior deceitful, oppressive, squeeze and hurt each other even murder. They work together for the benefit group and in groups commit fraud, theft, oppression. the philosophy of science seeks to locate and restore the noble goals of science so that science invented in modern society, not be bomerang lead to the destruction of mankind, religious ties that are too rigid and structured to inhibit the development of science, but science intelligence that upholds freedom must pay attention to the value system of religion, so that the two are not contradictory. the purpose of this paper describes the role of the philosophy of science based on Islam, and describes the contribution and the function of the philosophy of science for modern society.