Re-Writing Literary Past in the Digital Age



The concept of knowledge society has by now become an inseparable part of modern human been said that the Internet has transformed knowledge into a global library and made it into a circulating hypertext. According to Umberto Eco it has created such an explosion of semiotic fireworks, where any point in space can be connected with any other similar point. 1 The new Library of Babylon does not acknowledge borders between states, nations and cultures. This process is global with respect to the consumption of culture, but local regarding the creation of digital content. Thus, Marshall McLuhan's phrase 'the medium is the message' should also be considered when memory documents created with the old analogue media are re-mediated and reconstructed in the environment of new digital media. 2 Below, we will examine the new practices of culture, and in the age of new media, its development can use seemingly limitless resources. It has representing the past from the viewpoint of memory institutions that hold and preserve large collections documents.