High level cognitive information processing in neural networks



1. Summary This project comprised two related research efforts:(A) high-level connectionist cognitive modeling,(B) local neural circuit modeling. The goals of the first effort were to develop connectionist models of high-level cognitive processes such as problem solving or natural language understanding, and to understand the computational requirements of such models. The goals of the second effort were to develop biologically-realistic models of local neural circuits, and to understand the computational behavior of such models.

Key takeaways

  • (A) high-level connectionist cognitive modeling, (B) local neural circuit modeling.
  • Barnden created and investigated the "temporal-winner-take-all" We adoptedfully connectionistsystemsthat supportanalogy-based reasoningas a novel way of achieving that goal, at least in the realm of high-level cognitive processing.
  • The systematicity and structure-sensitivity of high-level cognition, notably common-sense reasoning and natural language understanding, are widely recognized to present a challenge to connectionism.
  • It provides a salient instanceof the way in which low level neuralphenomena, such as the fine signaltiming differencesexploitedby temporal-winner-take-all, can makean importantcontribution to high-level connectionistmodeling.
  • The project personnel were as follows: