Zika becomes a global concern


Man has always been the victim of circumstances and sometimes, he treats as a whimsical puppet in the hands of God and sometimes, he feels extreme agonies of pain for his silent gesture of gloomy face that reflects his inability as a helpless human being to do something. But, it is also true that, we are born in a challenging era where little or more we have to suffer multifarious sorts of known and unknown diseases; some of them are curable, some are hard to cure and rest of them are incurable in spite of being the wonders of modern science. In this regard, Zika virus infection is one of them which has traumatized the world with its rapid growth and has its ominous impacts on human health. Though the scientists are still unable to invent its curing vaccine in the recent time, nevertheless, its research work is still going on. Therefore, it is now considered as a global concern for the time being.