Chapter 2 -Postmodernism, equality and feminism: current contemporary issues What is feminism? gender equality and why it matters Post-modernism and post-feminism: contemporary gender representations Part II Chapter 3 -Gender and the media: international representations and stereotyping The "Third World woman" in the West and issues of stereotyping Post-colonialism and "The Third world women" in international media representations Part III 1 Chapter 4 -"Women in the Third World": contextualising the Brazilian women in an age of globalization Feminists movements and struggles in Latin America and Brazil: from the past to the present The myth of the "Brazilian women": versions of femininity, the body and beauty Chapter 5 -The media, advertising and images of femininity: a case study of images and representations in Brazilian commercials and magazines Gender representations and the Brazilian media: an assessment Advertising and sexism: from female magazines to beer commercials and International Women's Day Part IV Chapter 6 -Feminism, politics and democracy Gender, political philosophy and democracy Feminism, politics and state Chapter 7 -Gender politics, equality and new technologies for development ICTS for development: cyberfeminism, blogging and the Internet Female political representation and gender politics in Brazil Online media activism and new feminist websites: from "Think Olga" to "Blogueiras Feministas" Part V Chapter 8 -Gender, development and democracy: future challenges for transnational feminisms and global gender justice Gender inequality and the media: future challenges and suggestions for reform 2 Constructing avenues for democratic change: the future gender equality in Latin America and Brazil -Concluding remarks Bibliography and references Appendices Interviewees biography List of acronyms 3 Preface and acknowledgements The idea for this book emerged during the course of the research conducted for my previous work on the role of public service broadcasting and the public media in the democratization project in Brazil. One chapter of the book focused on the growing presence and role of new technologies in the country, and particularly the use that female politicians made of social media during the 2010 presidential elections. From the material I gathered then, I saw two important trends 4 developing in Brazil as a result of the re-democratization process: mainly the escalation and intensity of the pressures for social inclusion by various social movements and other civil society groups in Brazil in the last decade, who have been historically marginalised from mainstream society and politics, and the ways in which these demands were increasingly assuming a female face, both in the realm of politics and within wider Brazilian society and everyday life. A lot has changed in Latin America in the last 50 years, including the decline in the traditional hegemony of the US and a shift away from authoritarian forms of government towards more stable liberal democracies which are more socially inclusive and committed to equality. This is a continent which has been traditionally known also for having developed a strong "macho" and male dominated culture, and in the case of Brazil this is present throughout Brazilian society, politics and the media, standing in sharp contrast with a history of vibrant feminist struggles and mobilization. The development of a nation, and the strengthening of its democracy, is closely connected to the ways in which it treats its citizens and grants them citizenship rights and participation. A sustainable and inclusive growth is also dependent on affording more equal opportunities to diverse groups in Brazilian society, thus reducing inequality and advancing the rights of women and other minorities in the polity. Moreover, as Guy Berger, director of the division for freedom of expression and media development from Unesco has argued in the foreword of UNESCO/IAMCR's 2014 report of the Global Alliance on Media and Gender, there is significant scope for the media to make a much more substantial contribution to the advancement of women's rights.