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Hemeneutika dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu tafsir yang tidak hanya menggarap urusan bagaimana proses memahami dan menafsirkan yang benar itu, tetapi lebih jauh hermeneutika juga menggarap asumsi-asumsi dasar dan kondisi serta kedudukan manusia dan segala faktor yang terlibat dalam proses penafsiran yang dimaksud (aspek ontologis dan aksiologis). Sedangkan untuk memahami kandungan al Quran kaum muslimin telah mempunyai ilmu tersendiri yang sudah mapan yaitu ilmu tafsir. Ilmu ini telah digunakan sebagai pembedah al Quran sejak masa awal Islam sampai sekarang.
Al-Quran merupakan kitab suci agama islam yang di turunkan oleh Allah swt kepada nabi muhammad saw melalui malaikat jibril as, pada bulan ramadhan yang di kenal dengan malam nuzul quran, di sini para ulama berbeda pendapat tentang jatuh hari nya pada malam nuzul Quran, ada yang mengatakan malam ke 17, malam ke 21, malam ke 24, dan malam ke 27, dan berbagai pendapat lainya yang jelas al Quran turun pada bulan ramadhan, di dalam Al-Quran sendiri terdapat 30 juz, 114 surat, tapi
is the most important source of Islamic religious teachings, because in fact the Al-Quran is the holy book of Muslims which was revealed through the intermediary of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Over time, Muslims began to give birth to knowledge in understanding the Koran, namely the science of interpretation, which is used to explain and understand the true meaning of the word of Allah SWT. In the current era of globalization, there have been significant changes in understanding the content and teachings of the holy book, in understanding it there is a hermeneutic approach. history, author, and social psychological condition of the writer when writing.
Bashori, Jazilla Zakia Khusaini, 2024
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki berbagai pendekatan hermeneutika dalam memahami Al-Quran, dengan fokus pada metode studi literatur. Dengan menganalisis literatur yang relevan, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi konsep-konsep kunci dalam pendekatan hermeneutika yang berbeda dan bagaimana kontribusi masing-masing pendekatan tersebut terhadap pemahaman Al-Quran dalam konteks kehidupan modern. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur, yang melibatkan pengumpulan, seleksi, evaluasi, dan analisis terhadap bahan pustaka yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis untuk menyajikan hasil analisis secara komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa pendekatan hermeneutika yang telah dikembangkan untuk memahami Al-Quran, termasuk hermeneutika gender, hermeneutika pembebasan, hermeneutika dekonstruksi, dan hermeneutika humanistik. Setiap pendekatan menawarkan perspektif unik tentang bagaimana teks suci Al-Quran dapat dipahami dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari umat Muslim. Dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur, penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi konsep-konsep kunci dalam setiap pendekatan hermeneutika dan mengeksplorasi kontribusi masing-masing pendekatan terhadap pemahaman Al-Quran yang lebih mendalam dan kontekstual.
Hermeneutika sebagai pendekatan dalam menafsirkan AL-Quran
This article outlines a mapping map of various hermeneutic approaches in the study of the Qur'an. The hermeneutic approach is used to interpret the text of the Qur'an through various theoretical and methodological lenses, with the aim of understanding the meaning and message contained in this sacred text according to the historical, social, and cultural context in which the texts were derived. One prominent approach is gender hermeneutics, which aims to uncover and address gender bias in traditional interpretations, as well as offer a more inclusive and equitable perspective towards women in the understanding of the Qur'an. Liberation hermeneutics emphasizes the interpretation of texts as tools for fighting for social justice, liberation from oppression, and equality. This approach emerged from the context of liberation theology movements, highlighting the role of religion in fighting for human rights and social liberation. Deconstructive hermeneutics, developed by Jacques Derrida, emphasizes the diversity of meanings, uncertainties, and paradoxes in texts, and rejects the idea that texts have a single and stable meaning. Humanistic hermeneutics, introduced by Wilhelm Dilthey, emphasizes a deep understanding of human experience and the works of art and culture produced by humans, taking into account historical, cultural, and social contexts. Overall, this article presents a comprehensive overview of the various approaches to hermeneutics in the study of the Qur'an, demonstrating the unique contribution of each approach in the understanding and interpretation of the Qur'anic text.
Makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah "Pendekatan Studi Islam" Dosen Pengampu: Dr. Badruddin, M.HI Ahkam Riza Kafabih NIM: 15781025 PROGRAM MAGISTER AL-AHWAL AL-SYAKHSIYYAH UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM MALANG 2016 BAB I PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang
Al-Bayan, 2016
This article attempts to show that hermeneutics as an approach in understanding the Qur‟an has been available in Ulum al-Qur‟an (the science of the Qur‟an). Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting the text. It is a theory imported from the West and has been implemented mostly to interpret the Bible. Many scholars who implemented this approach to investigate the Bible showed that Bible is no longer original and many alteration have been made to it. Thus, how could this approach be implemented to understand the Qur‟an? Will it reduce the divinity of the Qur‟an? This article shows that In fact if we look at the meaning of the hermeneutics as stated above, the procedural aspects in understanding the Qur‟an have been available in ulumul Qur‟an. The science of the Qur‟an has proven that the Qur‟an is sacred and divine. It is revealed from God to Muhammad through Jibril. Thus, there is no question of putting the Qur‟an less divine if we implement hermeneutical approach. It is just a matter of the term which previously unrecognised, but the practice has been implemented in ulum al-Qur‟an long ago. Keywords: Hermeneutics; Ulu>m al-Qur‟an; Understanding
Qolamuna: Jurnal Studi Islam, 2022
This article aims to explain and provide insight that hermeneutics is one of the approach or theory that can help someone to understand the text of the scriptures. the presence of hermeneutics is also very influential on Islamic studies which basically have the nuances of "multi-interpretation". The hermeneutic approach in Islamic studies, especially as a new alternative in interpreting the meaning of the verses of the Qur'an, should be understood as a way to bring out a deeper meaning from the verses of the Qur'an. In addition, the hermeneutic approach has its own characteristics and gives rise to great hermeneutic figures in Islam and their works have different principles on a meaning and language to be achieved in order to explain the intent of a text from the author with a clearer and better understanding.
Studi al-Qur'an telah mengalami evolusi yang signifikan dari masa ke masa, dengan pendekatan hermeneutika dan ta'wil menjadi fokus utama dalam penafsiran teks suci. Artikel ini menjelajahi kemungkinan dan kendala dalam menggabungkan kedua pendekatan ini dalam konteks al-Qur'an. Melalui analisis literatur dan refleksi kritis, artikel ini menguraikan prinsip-prinsip dasar hermeneutika dan ta'wil, mendiskusikan kemungkinan integrasi antara keduanya, serta menyoroti tantangan yang muncul dalam proses tersebut. Dengan demikian, artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang kompleksitas penafsiran al-Qur'an dalam kerangka hermeneutika dan ta'wil.
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Andragogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2020