Seismic and aseismic slip on the Central Peru megathrust

2010, Nature


1 The seismic hazard associated to any fault depends primarily on its slip-rate and on the relative proportion of seismic and aseismic slip. The size, location and frequency of earthquakes that faults can generate indeed depend on where and when aseismic creep is taking place and what fraction of long-term slip-rate it accounts for. Here, we address these questions focusing on the central Peru megathrust. We show that the M w 8.0 Pisco earthquake ruptured two asperities within a patch that had remained locked in the interseismic period and triggered aseismic frictional afterslip on two adjacent patches. The most prominent patch of afterslip coincides with the subducting Nazca ridge, an area also characterized by a locally low interseismic coupling and which seems to have acted as a barrier to seismic rupture propagation repeatedly in the past. The 'seismogenic' portion of the megathrust thus appears to be paved with interfingering rate-weakening and rate-strengthening patches. The rate-strengthening patches are shown to contribute to a high proportion of aseismic slip and to determine the extent and frequency of large interplate earthquakes. Aseismic slip accounts for as much as 50-70 % of the slip budget on the seismogenic portion of the megathrust of central Peru and the return period of M w 8.0 earthquakes in the Pisco area is estimated to 250 years.