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An analysis of the structure of John 17
An exegetical analysis is done on a portion of the High Priestly Prayer, prayed by Jesus before going to the cross to offer salvation to all mankind. This prayer contains some of the most profound supplications. As a result, John felt compelled to add this prayer to his Gospel to proclaim that “all those who believe in Jesus through his message are given glory and made one with Jesus and the Father when they are united by love for one another so that the world will know that Jesus was sent by the Father and loved them.” This prayer carries significant meaning as this paper will depict.
Jesus prayed often, but we know very little of what he said in prayer. Here are Jesus’s prayers that we have, with the number of words in the Greek (WH) in brackets: Matthew 11:25, 26 (29); 26:39 (19); 26:42 (15); 27:46 (4); Luke 10:21, 22 (29); 23:34 (8); 23:46 (8); John 11:41, 42 (26); 12:27, 28 (20). This makes a total of 158 words. However, the prayer in John 17 is 486 words—three times more than all the other prayers combined. This makes Jesus's prayer in John 17 significant.
The goal of this paper is to gain theological and practical understanding of the prayer of Jesus Christ recorded in John 17. This goal will be achieved by analyzing the authorial intent behind the passage in John 17:1-26 in light of the context of the whole book. This study will presuppose a sound interpretative approach of literal historical-grammatical hermeneutics, as well as such crucial biblical doctrines as inspiration, inerrancy, and perspicuity of Scripture. It must be noted the scope of this paper will not allow for a through exegesis of the text, which includes careful consideration of each detail of the text. Still, the analyses delineated in this paper will be based on carefully considered exegetical insights of respectable conservative Evangelical scholars. Therefore, research efforts found here are aimed to represent a practical aid for expositing and applying the passage in John 17 based on a valid hermeneutical approach and sound scholarship.
This thesis demonstrates that 1 John 1:5-2:11 is a cohesive unit. This is determined by using discourse analysis methodologies to complement traditional grammatical-historical hermeneutics. The thesis demonstrates that traditional grammatical-historical hermeneutics fails to approach the text as a cohesive whole. Because of this oversight lexical cues such as organic ties, semantic cohesion, and boundary markers are missed and meaning is skewed. Discourse analysis approaches a text from the understanding that it is a communication act. As such, each text is structured in such a way as to communicate the author’s intention to his audience. Thus, there is meaning in the text. Because the author has so structured the text, it is possible to arrive at an understanding of a text thousands of years after it was written.
Biblical background to the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus CHAPTER TWO EXEGESIS ON JOHN 17:9-16 …………………………………… 18 2.1 Exegetical analysis 2.2 The Triple Sanctification 2.2.1 Father sanctified the Son and sent into the world 2.2.2 The Self-Sanctification of Jesus 2.2.3 The Son prays for the Sanctification of his disciples, basing on his own Sanctification ii CHAPTER THREE HERMENEUTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF JOHN 17: 6-19……. 3.1 Hermeneutical Implications of Consecration to the present context 3.2 Hermeneutical implication in the light of Gaudete et Exultate GENERAL CONCLUSION…………………………………………. BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………. CHAPTER ONE PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS Understanding the theology of the Gospel according to St. John is an almost presumptuous work. The Johannine tradition is very rich and dense in its theology and literature. To understand it by not destroying its theological emphasis demands a profound understanding of the context and background of the text as a whole. Consequently, before we deal with the exegetical analysis of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus it demands that we have an understanding of the preliminary observations regarding the text, that is, the textual, redaction, form and source criticisms and its connection to the Old Testament. Thus a better background understanding of the text will help in understanding the exegetical analysis.
Discourse Analysis of the New Testament Writings, 2020
This PDF offers the 30-page introduction to discourse analysis as well as the front matter to the book, described as follows. For the first time, one volume includes a discourse analysis of every writing in the New Testament. Discourse analysis of written texts involves examining units of language higher than the sentence and considering how the author used those units of language to accomplish communicative purposes. But discourse analysis is not a clearly defined method. Rather, it is a linguistic perspective that provides numerous ways to approach and better comprehend a discourse. For this reason, most analysts bring their own unique research questions about a discourse and, therefore, their own methodology. Each author in this volume explains their methodology, presents a macrostructure of the discourse, and then analyzes microstructures and other aspects of the discourse that support the proposed macrostructure. The reader is able to see each methodology on display, each with their emphases, strengths, and potential weaknesses. Each chapter also provides the reader with a useful analysis of the discourse as a holistic unit, which will aid students, pastors, and scholars in studying entire New Testament writings to see how each part contributes to the whole.
The main goal of this study is to understand the likely historical factors that caused the Apostle John to record Christ emphasizing unity in his Priestly Prayer, which is found in Jn. 17:20-23. In order to do this, the Historical-Critical method will be used because it emphasizes locating the prehistoric period and the history that led to the final formation of the text. It largely uses a diachronic approach to explain the outside influences on the text we are holding. 1 Therefore, it appears that this method is the most suitable one for this study. Additionally, exegetical study will also be necessary to decipher the chosen text's true meaning. And eventually, an attempt will also be made to emphasize the relevance of this study to TBCU.
HTS Theological Studies , 2022
Oneness in John's Gospel with special focus on John 17:1-26
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Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică şi traductologie, 2022
The Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies, 2014
Journal of Biblical Text Research, 2024
Modeling Biblical Language Selected Papers from the McMaster Divinity College Linguistics Circle, 2016
Verbum et Ecclesia, 2002
WHICH MAN IS CURSED? A short syntactic-semantic analysis of Jr 17:5 (Atena Editora), 2022
Arts, Linguistics, Literature and Language Research Journal, v. 2, n. 1, 2022