Muzičke večeri u Donatu: Zbornik radova


The volume includes the following essays: Dragotin CVETKO, <Uloga glazbe i glazbenika u drugoj polovici 16. i na početku 17. stoljeća u Vojvodini Kranjskoj> [The role of music and musicians in the Duchy of Kranj from the middle of the 16th century to the beginning of the 17th century]; Miho DEMOVIĆ, <Spomenici glazbene kulture u Hrvatskoj od 10. do 12. stoljeća> [Monuments of the musical culture of Croatia between the 10th and 12th centuries]; Marijan GRGIĆ, <Pregled glazbenog života i srednjevjekovnom Zadru> [A survey of musical life in medieval Zadar]; Koraljka KOS, <Bossinensis, Antico i instrumentalna glazba njihova vremena> [Bossinensis, Antico, and the instrumental music of their time]; Danica PETROVIĆ, <Stara srpska muzika u svetlu današnjih istraživanja> [Old Serbian music in light of recent research]; Cvjetko RIHTMAN, >Instrumentalna muzika sredniega vijeka i renesanse u Bosni i Hercegovini< [Medieval and Renaissance instrumental music in Bosnia and Herzegovina]; Pavuša VEZIĆ, <Muzički zapisi i glazbala na umjetninama u Zadru> [Music and instruments represented in Zadar art].