Cahiliye Döneminde Lat Kültü

Öz Cahiliye Arapları Allah'ı kabul etmekle birlikte kendileri ile Allah arasına bazı aracılar koyarları. Bu aracılardan biri de Lât'tır. Han-gi kelimeden türediği ve menşeinin neresi olduğu tartışılan Lât'ın nebati tanrıçası olduğu bilinmektedir. Petra'nın koruyucu tanrı-çası olan Lât nebatiler döneminde Hicaz'a geçtiği sanılmaktadır. Hicaz'da adına bazı mabetler inşa edilmiştir. Bu mabetlerin so-nuncusu Taif'te bulunuyordu. Hz. Peygamber tarafından gönderi-len Muğire b. Şu'be ile Ebu Süfyan tarafından yıkılmıştır. Abstract Allat is originated from Nabateans. Nabateans, who believe in it, had built so many temples for Allat. Lat was resided in the section as known Baytal. The meaning of this term is " the home of god ". There was a worldly place for these pagan gods because of their material character. So, the " baytal " at the Allat temples were the places of gods in the world. As the celestial link of gods, the " bay-tal " had inscribed as niches at the wall of temple. These niches had symbolized the gate of other world. This matter had reflected as a stone in the Hijaz region. So the stone has accepted as the baytal of allat at temple and temple as a rock. Therefore some historians have claimed that the allat is a rock. But the rock or stone is the baytal of allat, which allat has resided in. There are some temples for Allat in the different territories. The two of them were at Hijaz. The small of them is located at Nahlah and the big of them is located at Taef. Also there was a grave of man, who is resident. The biggest temples of Allat which located at Taef had belonged to Sakef tribe. But, all Arabs had respected to this temple and had come to worship. The prophet after his prophecy has fought with Manat, Uzza, Allat and other pagan idols. The temple of Allat at Taef had collapsed by Mughire b. Shube and Abu Suf-yan and had built the Taef Masjid/mosque instead of it.