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Abstract: Mixed Reality (MR) aims to create user interfaces in which interactive virtual objects are overlaid on the physical environment, naturally blending with it in real time. In this paper we present Tiles, a MR authoring interface for easy and effective spatial composition, layout and arrangement of digital objects in MR environments. Based on a tangible MR interface approach, Tiles is a transparent user interface that allows users to seamlessly interact with both virtual and physical objects.
While Mixed Reality (MR) technology is steadily maturing, application development is still lacking advanced authoring tools -even the simple presentation of information, which should not require any programming, is not systematically addressed by development tools. Moreover, there is also a severe lack of agreed techniques or best practices for the structuring of MR content. In this paper we present APRIL, the Augmented Presentation and Interaction Languge, an authoring platform for MR presentations which provides tools and techniques that are independent of specific applications or target hardware platforms, and should be suitable to raise the level of abstraction on which MR content creators can operate.
Human-Computer Interaction Series, 2009
In this chapter, we discuss the design of tangible interaction techniques for Mixed Reality environments. We begin by recalling some conceptual models of tangible interaction. Then, we propose an engineering-oriented software/hardware co-design process, based on our experience in developing tangible user interfaces. We present three different tangible user interfaces for real-world applications, and analyse the feedback from the user studies that we conducted. In summary, we conclude that, since tangible user interfaces are part of the real world and provide a seamless interaction with virtual words, they are well-adapted to mix together reality and virtuality. Hence, tangible interaction optimizes a users' virtual tasks, especially in manipulating and controlling 3D digital data in 3D space.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2018
We present VirtualHaus, a collaborative mixed reality application allowing two participants to recreate Mozart's apartment as it used to be by interactively placing furniture. Each participant has a different role and therefore uses a different application: the visitor uses an immersive virtual reality application, while the supervisor uses an augmented reality application. The two applications are wirelessly synchronised and display the same information with distinct viewpoints and tools.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on …, 2001
This paper describes a program of research to develop and implement an integrated system of data collection and authoring tools and a concomitant infrastructure for collecting and presenting a range of information about a specific location in a Mixed Reality experience. The system has been designed so that a wide range of users such as scientific domain experts, artists, or any user with a mobile phone, can author and "post" information to a particular site.
Mixed Reality (MR) offers a unique challenge in integrating interacting agents, show-control devices, graphics and audio presentation, and human interaction into a single consolidated system. While each component may be addressed individually, combining their various functionalities via a dynamic script that delivers an interactive, non-linear story (scenario, world) requires a robust process and system. In this paper, we present a
… for Computer Aided Design in …, 2008
MxR-PRonounCed "MIxeR"-Is A MIxed/AugMented ReAlIty systeM Intended to suPPoRt CollAboRAtIon duRIng eARly PhAses of ARChIteCtuRAl desIgn. MxR allows an interdisciplinary group of practitioners and stakeholders to gather around a table, discuss and test different hypotheses, visualize results, simulate different physical systems, and generate simple forms. MxR is also a test-bed for collaborative interactions and demonstrates different configuration potentials, from exploration of individual alternatives to group discussion around a physical model. As a MR-VR transitional interface, MxR allows for movement along the reality-virtuality continuum, while employing a simple tangible user-interface and a Magiclens interaction technique.
2008 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 2008
Space planning is one of the popular applications of VR technology including interior design, architecture design, and factory layout. In order to provide easier and efficient methods to accommodate physical objects into virtual space under plan, we suggest applying mixed reality (MR) interface. Our MR system consists of a video see-through display with a touch screen interface, mounted on a mobile platform, and we use screen space 3D manipulations to arrange virtual objects within the MR scene. Investigating the interface with our prototype implementation, we are convinced that our system will help users to design spaces in more easy and effective way.
Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2004
In this paper we suggest a new approach for authoring tangible augmented reality applications, called 'immersive authoring.' The approach allows the user to carry out the authoring tasks within the AR application being built, so that the development and testing of the application can be done concurrently throughout the development process. We describe the functionalities and the interaction design for the proposed authoring system that are specifically targeted for intuitive specification of scenes and various object behaviors. Several cases of applications developed using the authoring system are presented. A small pilot user study was conducted to compare the proposed method to a non-immersive approach, and the results have shown that the users generally found it easier and faster to carry out authoring tasks in the immersive environment.
IMedia-Space Journal, 2008
Mixed Reality (MR) describes new technology that intrinsically supports the mixing between the real world with the virtual world. In this paper, we present different interactive Mixed Reality experiences we have been developing that explore the artistic applications of the technology. We discuss our approach, the knowledge we have gained and review issues raised by these diverse experiences. Finally, we introduce some initial design guidelines to help others to develop their own interactive Mixed Reality artistic creations.
Int J Virtual Real, 2008
In this paper, we present a novel tangible interface, wIzQubes TM , for interactive storytelling in Mixed Reality. A pair of cubes tracked by computer vision is used to control the storytelling process. The first cube is used to navigate through different scenes of the story, with the numbers printed on fiducial markers pasted on the six sides. The second cube is used to choose different items needed in the story, with the cartoon symbols on the six sides. Bringing two cubes close to each other with right items selected advances the story. wIzQubes TM embeds the concept of both Mixed Reality and Tangible Interaction. Multiple modalities including speech, 3D audio, 3D graphics and touch are used to provide the kids with multi-sensory experiences in interactive storytelling
Fourth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'05), 2005
Proceedings of the working conference on …, 2006
Entertainment Computing, 2003
Aslib Proceedings, 2007