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Since the discovery of microemulsions by Jack H. Shulman, there have been huge progresses made in applying microemulsion syst ems in a plethora of research and industrial processes. Microemulsions are clear, stable, isotropic mixtures of oil, water and surfactant, frequently in combination with a cosurfactant. Microemulsions are optically isotropic and thermodynamically stable liquid solutions of oil, water and amphiphile. To date microemulsions have been shown to be able to protect labile drug, control drug release, increase drug solubility, increase bioavailability and reduce patient variability. Furthermore, it has proven possible to formulate preparations suitable for most routes of administration. Since the discovery of microemulsions, they have attained increasing significance both in basic research and in industry. Due to their unique proper ties, namely, ultralow interfacial tension, large interfacial area, thermodynamic stability and the ability to solubilise otherwise immiscible liquids, uses and applications of microemulsions have been numerous. Microemulsions are readily distinguished from normal emulsions by their transparency, low viscosity and more fundamentally their thermodynamic stability. Microemulsions are shown to be effective dermal delivery mechanism for several active ingredients for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications. Topical microemulsions allow rapid penetration of active molecules due to the large surface area of the internal phase, and their components reduce the barrier property of stratum corneum. Microemulsions thereby enhance dermal absorption compared with conventional formulations and are therefore a promising vehicle due to their pot ential for transdermal drug delivery.
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2018
Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable, transparent, colloidal drug carrier system extensively used by the scientists for effective drug delivery across the skin. It is a spontaneous isotropic mixture of lipophilic and hydrophilic substances stabilized by suitable surfactant and co-surfactant. The easy fabrication, long-term stability, enhanced solubilization, biocompatibility, skin-friendly appearance and affinity for both the hydrophilic and lipophilic drug substances make it superior for skin drug delivery over the other carrier systems. The topical administration of most of the active compounds is impaired by limited skin permeability due to the presence of skin barriers. In this sequence, the microemulsion represents a cost-effective and convenient drug carrier system which successfully delivers the drug to and across the skin. In the present review work, we compiled various attempts made in last 20 years, utilizing the microemulsion for dermal and transdermal delivery of various drugs. The review emphasizes the potency of microemulsion for topical and transdermal drug delivery and its effect on drug permeability.
Abstract: A drug delivery method has been explored as microelectric emulsions that are optically isotropical, and thermodynamically stable water, oil, surfactant and/or surfactants due to their potential to solubilize poorly water soluble medicines and to their increased topical and systemic availability. The lipophilic drugs mobility may be solubilized and the skin can be entered quickly and effectively. Thus the topical administration of drugs is helpful. Many commonly utilized topical treatments such as salts, creams and lotions have numerous drawbacks such as sticky texture, causing discomfort when applied, They have a lower coefficient of propagation so applied by rubbing and they also show a stability concern. The difficulty of stability of the microemulsion is low viscosity, but it may be solved by adding viscosity and the moisturizing stratum corneum into topical DDS, which increases dermal penetration and skin flow of medical devices. Because of all these considerations, th...
Microemulsions and nanoemulsions are lipid-based pharmaceutical systems with a high potential to increase the permeation of drugs through the skin. Although being isotropic dispersions of two nonmiscible liquids (oil and water), significant differences are encountered between microemulsions and nanoemulsions. Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable o/w emulsions of mean droplet size approximately 100–400 nm, whereas nanoemulsions are thermodynamically unstable o/w emulsions of mean droplet size approximately 1 to 100 nm. Their inner oil phase allows the solubilization of lipophilic drugs, achieving high encapsulation rates, which are instrumental for drug delivery. In this review, the importance of these systems, the key differences regarding their composition and production processes are discussed. While most of the micro/nanoemulsions on the market are held by the cosmetic industry to enhance the activity of drugs used in skincare products, the development of novel pharmaceuti...
International Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Analysis
Microemulsions, comprising oil, water and a surfactant, in association with some co-surfactant, are thermodynamically stable systems. They have found applications in a large number of chemical and pharmacological processes due to their unique properties such as large interfacial area, low interfacial tension, and most importantly, the ability to solubilize and deliver hydrophobic drugs. Microemulsions are ore, topical and parenteral administration. Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable. Microemulsions are clear, thermodynamically stable isotropic liquid mixtures of oil, water and surfactant, frequently in combination with a cosurfactant. This review highlights the properties and several recent developments in the use of microemulsions for medical treatment purposes including targeted drug delivery.
There has been a continuously increased interest during recent years in the use of topical vehicle systems that can enhance drug penetration through the skin barrier into the skin or the systemic circulation. In particular, transdermal drug delivery (TDD) is an attractive alternative to conventional oral and injectable dosage forms. Since its introduction about twenty years ago, TDD has generated much hype as a solution for drugs with short biological half-lives, narrow therapeutic windows and poor oral absorption. Transdermal ‘patches’ are currently available for motion sickness (scopolamine), cardiovascular diseases (clonidine and nitroglycerine), chronic pain (fentanyl, sulfentanil), hormone replacement (for example, estradiol, levonorgestrel), smoking cessation (nicotine), hypogonadism (testosterone) and overactive bladder (oxybutynin). Many more transdermal products for various diseases and disorders are at various stages of research and development.
Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia
Microemulsions (ME) is a system that combines water, oil, and an emulsifier / surfactant which is a form of volatile liquid, homogeneous and kinetically stable. Microemulsion is an attractive drug delivery system for topical administration. Due to its solubility, mild skin irritation, and watery swelling are used in the Topical Drug Delivery System (TDDS). By improving the quality of skin texture, it provides a level of penetration. The function of skin balance is to limit the penetration of bacteria, viruses, and other environmental factors. With standard drugs, skin penetration may take time and have not been able to provide immediate action. So, in this case, we used the Microemulsion-based Topical Drug Delivery system. Microemulsion increases solubility, protects the drug from environmental factors and improves drug bioavailability. MEs provide high penetration and the ability to penetrate into the skin. Because of this, the immediate action of the drug can occur in the infected...
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Medicine (IJPSM), 2024
A topical drug delivery system usually denotes local dermatological activity as the effect of the pharmaceutical component on the skin to cure the disease. The microemulgel can be used to achieve a combined effect of microemulsion and gel. It shows the dual control release effect of drugs and increasing stability. It has the primary objective ability to incorporate hydrophobic drugs. Various market products containing foreign agent, for example gel, cream, ointment they have several drawbacks, including poor absorption, poor permeability, allergic reaction, irritation, less spreading stickiness, and stability problem. This evaluation provides a summary of the best properties, excipient, preparation, and evaluation related to microemulgel. A recent study of recent development and future directions for microemulgel-based systems was conducted. The emulgel provides various beneficial aspects of its cosmetic and dermatology activity, thixotropic, greaseless, emollient, easily distributed, readily removable, non-staining and water-soluble, with a long half-life, biocompatible, and transparent and pleasant appearing. Therefore, emulgel is a better semi-solid preparation neither conventional system nowadays. It is utilized to administer of anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-acne, analgesic, anti-psoriasis drugs. The formulated emulgel is characterized of various parameters such as pH, viscosity, spreadability, etc. its need and merit will advance in the upcoming years.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Microemulsion (ME) systems are now considered of the most successful transdermal drug delivery systems. This is due to their nanodroplets size in the one hand and to their composition that enables the use of several mechanistically penetration enhancers in the same formulation on the other hand. This work summarizes the types, properties, and the merits of the use of MEs for transdermal delivery and reviews the successful studies that were performed to deliver several drugs through this important route during the past 10–12 years.
Recent progress in combinatorial drug has led to the generation of a large number of new compounds. microemulsions are versatile systems of great technological and scientific interest to the researchers because of their potential to incorporate a wide range of drug molecules (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) due to the presence of both lipophilic and hydrophilic domains. A micro emulsion is a transparent, thermodynamically stable mixture of two immiscible liquid stabilized by surfactant (or mixture of surfactant). Microemulsions have many advantages for instance, more drug solubility, thermodynamic stability, manufacturing and permeation is easy over conventional formulations that convert them to important drug delivery systems. The design and development of microemulsions aimed at controlling or improving required bioavailability levels of therapeutic agents. Through this review an attempt has been made to focus on several recent developments occurred in the field of microemulsions based applications and which confirms its role as a suitable cargoes for delivery of drugs. In that note, the relevance of this paper and the truncated basic aspects and application on microemulsions are discussed.
Microemulsions are one of the best candidates as novel drug delivery system because of their long shelf life, improved drug solubilization with ease of preparation and administration. Microemulsions are thermodynamically stable and optically isotropic liquid solutions of oil, water and amphiphile. They have emerged as novel vehicles for drug delivery which allow controlled or sustained release for ocular, percutaneous, topical, transdermal, and parenteral administration of medicaments. Microemulsions can be easily distinguished from normal emulsions by their low viscosity, transparency and more accurately their thermodynamic stability. Microemulsions have great range of applications and uses such as in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, cutting oils, biotechnology, food, cosmetics, analytical applications, environmental detoxification etc. The main objective of this review paper is to discuss microemulsions as drug carrier system with other possible applications.
Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 2021
Microemulsions, comprising oil, water and a surfactant, in association with some co-surfactant, are thermodynamically stable systems. They have found applications in a large number of chemical and pharmacological processes due to their unique properties such as large interfacial area, low interfacial tension, and most importantly, the ability to solubilize and deliver hydrophobic drugs. In addition to the oral and intravenous route, they are suitable for drug delivery through the ophthalmic, vaginal, pulmonary, dental, and topical routes. This review highlights the properties and several recent developments in the use of microemulsions for medical treatment purposes including targeted drug delivery.
Micro emulsions are isotropic, thermodynamically stable transparent system of oil, water and surfactant, frequently in combination with a co-surfactant. These versatile systems are currently of great technological and scientific interest to the researchers because of their potential to incorporate a wide range of drug molecules (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) due to the presence of both lipophilic and hydrophilic domains. They have been used to improve the oral bioavailability of various poorly soluble drugs.The discoveries of micro emulsions have attained increasing significance both in basic research and in industry. Due to their unique properties namely ultralow interfacial tension, large interfacial area, thermodynamic stability and the ability to solubilise other immiscible liquids, uses and applications of micro emulsions have been numerous. Micro emulsions avoid first pass metabolism, and their ease of administration with good control over rate of drug delivery. In topical formulations they have been proved to increase the cutaneous absorption of both lipophilic and hydrophilic API's. In this type of applications the micro emulsions attribute to the performance to generally a higher solubility of the API'S of micro emulsions, generating increased concentration gradient towards skin.
In the designing of topical formulations of highly lipophilic drugs the clinical efficacy is compromised by their low aqueous solubility resulting in poor drug penetration through skin. Among the different innovative approaches that have been suggested for enhancing the penetration of lipophilic drugs through topical administration, microemulsions have shown better results. The microemulsion is a promising vehicle due to powerful ability to deliver drug through skin and large solubilizing capacities of lipophilic, hydrophilic and amphiphilic drug candidates. A microemulsion one of the pharmaceutical interests for new drug delivery is normally composed of oil, water surfactant and cosurfactant. Microemulsion can be defined as a transparent and clear solution obtained by titrating a normal coarse emulsion with medium chain alcohols to the point of clarity.
Therapeutic Delivery, 2013
Microemulsions (MEs) are thermodynamically stable, optically transparent isotropic solutions of oil and water successfully formulated by using a combination of suitable surfactant and cosurfactant. While the selection of oil is based primarily on the solubility of drug in it, surfactant is generally selected on the basis of its hydrophilic–lipophilic balance value. MEs are characterized by ultra-low interfacial tension between the immiscible phases and offer the advantage of spontaneous formation, thermodynamic stability and ease of manufacture. The solubilization power of MEs for lipophilic, hydrophilic and amphiphilic solutes form a viable approach for enhancing bioavailability of hydrophobic drugs and percutaneous permeation of poorly permeable drugs, mainly due to the large area to volume ratio available for mass transfer.
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology, 2018
Microemulsions are defined as clear, transparent, thermodynamically stable, isotropic mixtures of oil and water, frequently in combination with a co-surfactant. Recently microemulsion formulations are widely used for the delivery of hydrophilic as well as lipophilic drug as drug carriers due to their improved drug solubilisation capacity, long shelf life, ease of preparation and improvement of bioavailability. In this present review, we will discuss about the various advantages of microemulsion in pharmaceuticals, along with its preparation, classification, evaluation parameters and research work carried out on microemulsions.
Microemulsions are defined as clear, transparent, thermodynamically stable, isotropic mixtures of oil and water, frequently in combination with a co-surfactant. Recently microemulsion formulations are widely used for the delivery of hydrophilic as well as lipophilic drug as drug carriers due to their improved drug solubilisation capacity, long shelf life, ease of preparation and improvement of bioavailability. In this present review, we will discuss about the various advantages of microemulsion in pharmaceuticals, along with its preparation, classification, evaluation parameters and research work carried out on microemulsions.
Internationale Pharmaceutica Sciencia, 2020
Microemulsions are have appear as novel vehicles for drug delivery system, microemulsions clear, stable, isotropic mixtures of oil, water and surfactants, frequently in combination with co-surfactants. Microemulsions acts as potential drug carrier systems for oral, topical, and parenteral administration. They are having the advantages like spontaneous formation, thermodynamically stable, ease of manufacturing and scale-up, improved drug solubilization and bioavailability, long self-life.
International Journal of Indigenous Herbs and Drugs
Microemulsions are excellent candidates as potential drug delivery systems because of their improved drug solubilization, long shelf life, and ease of preparation and administration. The formulation of microemulsion for pharmaceutical use requires a thorough understanding of the properties uses, and limitations of the microemulsion. Three distinct microemulsions – oil external, water external and middle phase can be used for drug delivery, depending upon the type of drug delivery upon the type of drug and the site of action. In this article, Since the term micro emulsion’ was first coined almost fifty years ago to describe clear, isotropic, thermodynamically stable systems composed of oil, water, surfactant and cosurfactant, numerous and varied reports of the applications of microemulsions have appeared in the literature. Reports of the use of microemulsions in separation science began to appear in the literature in the early 1990’s when they were first used as mobile phases for HPL...
International Research Journal Of Pharmacy, 2018
Micro-emulsions are unit optically and macroscopically isotropous mixtures of a minimum of a hydrophilic associated, a hydrophobic and an ampiphilic half. These are unit stable than different emulsion forms, clear, usually conjoint with a co surfactant their diameter is within the parameter of 10-140µm. These days, the micro-emulsion formulations are unit accepted everywhere to deliver the hydrophilic yet because the lipophilic medications as drug carriers as a result they need lots of additional wonderful drug solubilizing ability, long time period, better bioavailability, the comfort of preparations, ultra-low surface tension and enormous surface space. During this critical review, the varied benefits, disadvantages, limitations, of micro-emulsions within the prescription drugs, ways of preparation, types of micro-emulsion, analysis parameters and therefore the totally different analysis works on the micro-emulsions squares measure represented.
Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Research, 2019
The major obstacle of dermal and transdermal therapeutics is the low penetration rate of xenobiotics through the skin due to the diffusional barrier of its upper layer, the stratum corneum. A wide array of techniques has been proposed thus far, however, recent developments in the application of nanosystems for topical drug administration have gained much interest and optimism. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the main types of nanocarriers that have been studied and developed up-to-date. We conclude that the nanosystems may become a useful dosage form for a variety of dermally active principals by modulating drug transfer and serving as nontoxic penetration enhancers.
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