
Since the discovery of microemulsions by Jack H. Shulman, there have been huge progresses made in applying microemulsion syst ems in a plethora of research and industrial processes. Microemulsions are clear, stable, isotropic mixtures of oil, water and surfactant, frequently in combination with a cosurfactant. Microemulsions are optically isotropic and thermodynamically stable liquid solutions of oil, water and amphiphile. To date microemulsions have been shown to be able to protect labile drug, control drug release, increase drug solubility, increase bioavailability and reduce patient variability. Furthermore, it has proven possible to formulate preparations suitable for most routes of administration. Since the discovery of microemulsions, they have attained increasing significance both in basic research and in industry. Due to their unique proper ties, namely, ultralow interfacial tension, large interfacial area, thermodynamic stability and the ability to solubilise otherwise immiscible liquids, uses and applications of microemulsions have been numerous. Microemulsions are readily distinguished from normal emulsions by their transparency, low viscosity and more fundamentally their thermodynamic stability. Microemulsions are shown to be effective dermal delivery mechanism for several active ingredients for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications. Topical microemulsions allow rapid penetration of active molecules due to the large surface area of the internal phase, and their components reduce the barrier property of stratum corneum. Microemulsions thereby enhance dermal absorption compared with conventional formulations and are therefore a promising vehicle due to their pot ential for transdermal drug delivery.