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2006, Natural Hazards
The National Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan started the HAZ-Taiwan project in 1998 to promote researches on seismic hazard analysis, structural damage assessment, and socio-economic loss estimation. The associated application software, ''Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES)'', integrates various inventory data and analysis modules to fulfill three objectives. First, it helps to obtain reliable estimates of seismic hazards and losses soon after occurrence of large earthquakes. Second, it helps to simulate earthquake scenarios and to provide useful estimates for local governments or public services to propose their seismic disaster mitigation plans. Third, it helps to provide catastrophic risk management tools, such as proposing the seismic insurance policy for residential buildings. This paper focuses on the development and application of analysis modules used in early loss estimation system. These modules include assessments of ground motion intensity, soil liquefaction potential, building damage and casualty.
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2007
We employ a probabilistic seismic risk analysis to estimate exceedance probability curves, average annual loss (AAL) and probable maximum loss (PML) of building stocks in Taipei. It utilizes an event-driven loss estimation model, HAZ-Taiwan, and develops its pre-processing and post-processing software modules. The pre-processing module establishes a set of hazard-consistent scenario earthquakes. The HAZ-Taiwan model estimates hazards, vulnerabilities and economic losses for each scenario earthquake. The aggregate and occurrence exceedance probability curves for building losses and their confidence intervals are simulated using the Monte Carlo simulation in the postprocessing module. It is found that the exceedance probability of an aggregate loss of USD 1.22 billion is 0.001. This amount of loss is approximately 2.78% of the total building stocks in Taipei. Its 5%-95% confidence intervals range from USD 1.13-1.31 billion. The average annual loss of buildings in Taipei is currently USD 32 million, or approximately 0.07% of the total building stocks.
Abstract. Rapid loss estimation after potentially damaging earthquakes is critical for effective emergency response and public information. A methodology and software package, ELER-Earthquake Loss Estimation Routine, for rapid estimation of earthquake shaking and losses throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region was developed under the Joint Research Activity-3 (JRA3) of the EC FP6 Project entitled “Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology-NERIES”. Recently, a new version (v2.0) of ELER software has been released. The multi-level methodology developed is capable of incorporating regional variability and uncertainty originating from ground motion predictions, fault finiteness, site modifications, inventory of physical and social elements subjected to earthquake hazard and the associated vulnerability relationships. Although primarily intended for quasi real-time estimation of earthquake shaking and losses, the routine is also equally capable of incorporating scenario-based earthquake loss assessments. This paper introduces the urban earthquake loss assessment module (Level 2) of the ELER software which makes use of the most detailed inventory databases of physical and social elements at risk in combination with the analytical vulnerability relationships and building damage-related casualty vulnerability models for the estimation of building damage and casualty distributions, respectively. Spectral capacitybased loss assessment methodology and its vital components are presented. The analysis methods of the Level 2 module, i.e. Capacity Spectrum Method (ATC-40, 1996), Modified Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum Method (FEMA 440, 2005), Reduction Factor Method (Fajfar, 2000) and Coefficient Method (ASCE 41-06, 2006), are applied to the selected building types for validation and verification purposes. The damage estimates are compared to the results obtained from the other studies available in the literature, i.e. SELENA v4.0 (Molina et al., 2008) and ATC-55 (Yang, 2005). An urban loss assessment exercise for a scenario earthquake for the city of Istanbul is conducted and physical and social losses are presented. Damage to the urban environment is compared to the results obtained from similar software, i.e. KOERILoss (KOERI, 2002) and DBELA (Crowley et al., 2004). The European rapid loss estimation tool is expected to help enable effective emergency response, on both local and global level, as well as public information
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 2017
Earthquake loss estimation (ELE), generally also referred to as earthquake risk assessment, is a comparably young research discipline which, at first, relied on empirical observations based on a macroseismic intensity scale. Later, with the advent of methodologies and procedures that are based on theoretical simulation in estimating physical damage under earthquake loading, the analytical approach for ELE was formulated. The open-source software SELENA, which is a joint development of NORSAR (Norway) and the University of Alicante (Spain), is undergoing a constant development. One of the more recent features being included is the possibility to address topographic amplification of seismic ground motion. Additionally, SELENA has been adapted by including various methods for the analytical computation of structural damage and loss. SELENA now offers complete flexibility in the use of different types of fragility curves based on various ground motion intensity parameters (e.g. PGA, Sa, Sd), which has been suggested by many recently released guidelines (e.g. FEMA P-58, GEM-ASV, SYNER-G, HAZUS-MH). Besides, under the framework of the ongoing Horizon 2020 LIQUEFACT project, SELENA is extended in order to allow the consideration of liquefaction-induced ground displacements and respective structural damage. In general, software tools for ELE are particularly useful in two different settings, i.e., for disaster management and (re)insurance purposes. Both sectors pose very different demands on ELE studies: while the (re)insurance sector is foremost interested in the direct and indirect economic losses caused by an earthquake to its insured physical assets, those institutions (often governmental and nongovernmental organizations) in charge of disaster emergency management and response are more interested in reliable estimates on human losses and the potential short-and long-term social consequences. Being aware about these peculiar differences between software tools for disaster management and insurance applications, NORSAR/UA thereby offers two in its core similar software tools, i.e., the opensource software SELENA and the proprietary software PML (Probable Maximum Loss) which is actively used by the insurance association in Chile (South America) since 2011.
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2013
An automated, real-time, multiple sensor data source relying and globally applicable earthquake loss model and visualiser is desirable for post-event earthquake analysis. To achieve this there is a need to support rapid data ingestion, loss estimation and integration of data from multiple data sources and rapid visualisation at multiple geographic levels. In this paper, the design and development of the Automated Post-Event Earthquake Loss Estimation and Visualisation (APE-ELEV) system for real-time estimation and visualisation of insured losses incurred due to earthquakes is presented. A model for estimating ground up and net of facultative losses due to earthquakes in near real-time is implemented. Since post-event data is often available immediately from multiple disparate sources, a geo-browser is employed to facilitate the visualisation and integration of earthquake hazard, exposure and loss data. The feasibility of APE-ELEV is demonstrated using a test case earthquake that occurred in Tohoku, Japan (2011). The APE-ELEV model is further validated for ten global earthquakes using industry loss data.
This paper employs probabilistic risk analysis to estimate exceedance probability curves, average annual loss (AAL) and probable maximum loss (PML) for seismic hazards. It utilizes and event-driven loss estimation model, HAZ-Taiwan, and develops its pre-processing and post-processing software modules. First, the pre-processingmodule establishes a set of hazard-consistent scenarios. Then, the HAZ-Taiwan modelextimates hazards, vulnerabilities and economic losses for each scenario. Finally, the aggregate and occurrence exceedance probability curves for losses and theirconfidence intervals are simulated using the Monte Carlo simulation in thepost-processing module. The methodology is then applied to analyze seismic risks in Taipei. It is found that the exceedance probability of an aggregate loss of NT$40.398 billion is 0.001. This amount of loss is approximately 2.78% of the total stock of buildings in Taipei. Its 5%-95% confidence intervals range from NT$37.41-43.12 billion. The avera...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
During the last two decades, the rapid urbanization movement has increased the concentration of population and buildings in Ulaanbaatar city (UB), Mongolia. There are several active faults around UB. The estimated maximum magnitude of 7 in the Emeelt fault has been expected to significantly impact the UB region because the fault is only 20 km from the city. To consider the disaster mitigation planning for such large earthquakes, assessments of ground shaking intensities and building damage for the scenarios are crucial. In this study, we develop the building inventory data in UB, including structural types, construction year, height, and construction cost in order to assess the buildings’ vulnerability (repair cost) due to a scenario earthquake. The construction costs are estimated based on the procedure of the Mongolian construction code from the coefficients of cost per floor area for each structural type, and coefficients for heating system, floor areas, and buildings’ locations....
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011
This article summarizes the work done over the last decades regarding the development of new approaches and setting up of new applications for earthquake rapid response systems that function to estimate earthquake losses in quasi-real time after an earthquake. After a critical discussion of relevant earthquake loss estimation methodologies, the essential features and characteristics of the available loss estimation software are summarized. Currently operating near-real-time loss estimation tools can be classified under two main categories depending on the size of area they cover: global and local systems. For the global or regional near-real-time loss estimation systems: GDACS, WAPMERR, PAGER, and NERIES-ELER methodologies are presented together with their loss estimations for the 2009 Abruzzo (L'Aquila) earthquake in Italy. Examples are provided for the local rapid earthquake loss estimation systems, including the Taiwan Earthquake Rapid Reporting System, Real-time Earthquake Assessment Disaster System in Yokohama, Real Time Earthquake Disaster Mitigation System of the Tokyo Gas Co., and Istanbul Earthquake Rapid Response System.
Natural Hazards, 2014
Pakistan is an earthquake-prone region due to its tectonic setting resulting in high hazard with moderate-to-strong ground motions and vulnerability of structures and infrastructures, leading to the loss of lives and livelihood, property damage and economic losses. Earthquake-related disaster in Pakistan is a regular and serious threat to the community; however, the country lack tools for earthquake risk reduction through early warning (preearthquake planning), rapid response (prompt response at locations of high risk) and prefinancing earthquake risk (property insurance against disaster). This paper presents models for physical damageability assessment and socioeconomic loss estimation of structures in Pakistan for earthquake-induced ground motions, derived using state-of-the-art earthquake loss estimation methodologies. The methodologies are being calibrated with the site-specific materials and structures response, whereas the derived models are tested and validated against recent observed earthquakes in the region. The models can be used to develop damage scenario for earthquakes (assess damaged and collapsed structures, casualties and homeless) and estimate economic losses, i.e., cost of repair and reconstruction (for a single earthquake event as well as all possible earthquakes). The models can provide help on policy-and decision-making toward earthquake risk mitigation and disaster risk reduction in Pakistan.
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2008
A damage estimation exercise has been carried out using the building stock inventory and population database of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and selected European earthquake loss estimation packages: KOERILOSS, SELENA, ESCENARIS, SIGE, and DBELA. The input groundmotions, common to all models, correspond to a ''credible worst case scenario'' involving the rupture of the four segments of the Main Marmara Fault closest to Istanbul in a M w 7.5 earthquake. The aim of the exercise is to assess the applicability of the selected software packages to earthquake loss estimation in the context of rapid post-earthquake response in European urban centers. The results in terms of predicted building damage and social losses are critically compared amongst each other, as well as with the results of previous scenario-based earthquake loss assessments carried out for the study area. The key methodological aspects and data needs for European rapid post-earthquake loss estimation are thus identified.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2011
Assessment of expected loss and damage caused by earthquakes and secondary technological accidents are of primary importance for the development and implementation of preventive measure plans, as well as for emergency management just after the disaster. The paper addresses the procedures for estimations of loss caused by strong events and secondary hazards with information technology application. Examples of individual seismic risk zoning at Russian federal and regional levels are given, as well as that of scenario earthquakes consequences estimation, taking into account secondary technological hazards.
Natural Hazards, 2001
The abodes in Costa Rica have almost the same vulnerability as the old civil houses in China, which represent the vulnerability in worst cases. On the other hand, the high quality buildings in Middle East have the same vulnerability as the reinforced concrete buildings in China due to employing the state-of-art-design and construction techniques, which represent the vulnerability of the best cases. The macroeconomic vulnerability is defined as the ratio of physical economic loss caused by earthquake to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) within a given area. Since the total macroscopic loss is the sum of losses of different types of buildings and facilities, the macroeconomic vulnerability must be greater than that of best cases while less than that of worst cases. In the present paper, the implications of macroeconomic vulnerability to earthquake loss estimate are discussed.
Earthquake loss modelling is a multidisciplinary activity which requires the collection of databases of earthquake activity, ground conditions, ground-motion prediction models, building stock and infrastructure exposure, vulnerability characteristics of the exposed elements, repair costs and human casualties. Each component of the model carries large associated uncertainties which need to be propagated through the analysis, such that the total uncertainty in the resulting loss estimates can be obtained. However, a number of epistemic (i.e. knowledge-based) uncertainties present within a given method are often not accounted for. This paper describes various studies which have looked at the influence of these uncertainties in the loss model results and makes proposals for how these uncertainties could be included in future earthquake loss models.
Natural Hazards, 1997
In the traditional method of earthquake loss estimation, all exposed facilities are classified according to their structural type and/or occupancy. Inventory data is collected and the total loss is estimated as the aggregate of all facility losses from each facility class separately. For many regions of the world, however, the vast amount of data required for this method is difficult or impossible to obtain. The traditional method is also unable to estimate quickly the loss from an unexpected catastrophic earthquake. It is difficult to give the necessary risk information to help the government with rescue and relief after the earthquake disaster. In this paper, we propose a quick and approximate estimation method of earthquake loss based on a macroscopic index of exposure and population distribution from GIS. This method was applied to analyze several earthquake scenarios with World Bank and CIESIN data. The preliminary analysis and comparison results show that our method is effective and reasonable for quick assessment of earthquake risk.
SYNER-G is a European collaborative research project funded by European Commission (Seventh Framework Program, Theme 6: Environment) under Grant Agreement no. 244061. The primary purpose of SYNER-G is to develop an integrated methodology for the systemic seismic vulnerability and risk analysis of buildings, transportation and utility networks and critical facilities, considering for the interactions between different components and systems. The whole methodology is implemented in an open source software tool and is validated in selected case studies. The research consortium relies on the active participation of twelve entities from Europe, one from USA and one from Japan. The consortium includes partners from the consulting and the insurance industry. SYNER-G developed an innovative methodological framework for the assessment of physical as well as socio-economic seismic vulnerability and risk at the urban/regional level. The built environment is modelled according to a detailed taxonomy, grouped into the following categories: buildings, transportation and utility networks, and critical facilities. Each category may have several types of components and systems. The framework encompasses in an integrated fashion all aspects in the chain, from hazard to the vulnerability assessment of components and systems and to the socio-economic impacts of an earthquake, accounting for all relevant uncertainties within an efficient quantitative simulation scheme, and modelling interactions between the multiple component systems. The methodology and software tools are validated in selected sites and systems in urban and regional scale: city of Thessaloniki (Greece), city of Vienna (Austria), harbour of Thessaloniki, gas system of L'Aquila in Italy, electric power network, roadway network and hospital facility again in Italy. The scope of the present series of Reference Reports is to document the methods, procedures, tools and applications that have been developed in SYNER-G. The reports are intended to researchers, professionals, stakeholders as well as representatives from civil protection, insurance and industry areas involved in seismic risk assessment and management.
In order to incorporate seismic risk of facilities into a decision making framework, procedures are needed to quantify such risk for stakeholders. Seismic loss estimation methods combine seismic hazard, structural response, damage fragility, and damage consequences to allow quantification of seismic risk. This paper presents a loss estimation methodology which allows various means of quantifying seismic risk of a specific facility. The methodology is component-based and can therefore distinguish between different structural configurations or different facility contents and is consistent with state-of-the-art loss assessment procedures. Loss is measured in the forms of direct structural and non-structural repair costs, and although not considered in the example, business disruption and occupant casualties can also be considered. This framework has been packaged in a computer code available for future dissemination in the public domain so that users need only to have a basic understanding of the methodology and the input data that is required. Discussion is given to the flexibility of the framework in terms of the rigour which can be employed at each of the main steps in the procedure. Via a case study of a high-rise office building, the use of the methodology in decision-making is illustrated. Methodological requirements and further research directions are discussed.
Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2011
Metropolitan Tehran, as the capital, the economic and political center, and the most populated city in Iran, has a special position in earthquake preparation, mitigation and response. Tehran is vulnerable to earthquakes and is expecting a destructive earthquake with a magnitude greater than 7. In the present paper, the items of hazard analysis, vulnerability assessment, and loss estimation in respect of Tehran are introduced, and the relevant research concerning the category of physical and structural damage is investigated. The results from vulnerability assessment indicate the vulnerability of a major part of the buildings in Tehran. The results from the loss estimation indicate a high percentage of damage in the event of an earthquake in Tehran. Furthermore, based on the loss estimation results, the likely amount of debris generated and possibilities for positioning of the temporary housing are provided. The results emphasize the necessity of short-term, average-term and long-ter...
A preliminary forecast of the type of losses that the New York City area could suffer after an earthquake is the subject of this paper. This research is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is coordinated by the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER). The initial stages of this study involved fact-finding and assessment, with the development of preliminary soil maps and building inventories. The primary objective of this study was to develop an initial risk characterization for Manhattan below 59th Street. Smaller regions within Manhattan and larger tri-State regions are also studied. The vehicle for performing these loss estimations has been a software tool entitled Hazards US (or HAZUS). The Federal Emergency Management Agency, through the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) and RMS, Inc., developed the standardized earthquake loss estimation methodology and computer modelling program HAZUS, which can be used to quantify regional seismic risks and to form the basis for a more coordinated national loss program. The aim of this ongoing loss estimation project is to provide a framework for businesses and agencies to take mitigative action to reduce potential damage and losses which might be experienced in future earthquakes.
I. ABSTRACT Seismic damage simulation and loss estimation is a very important task for the civil protection departments and urban planning policies for earthquake hazard mitigation. Many different software packages have been produced around the world in order to provide accurate loss estimates. Building damage functions for ground shaking include: (1) fragility curves that describe the probability of reaching or exceeding different states of damage given peak building response, and (2) building capacity (pushover) curves that are used (with damping-modified demand spectra) to determine peak building response. For use in lifeline damage evaluation, a separate set of building fragility curves expresses the probability of structural damage in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA). Damage is described by one of four
The ground shaking intensity used for calculating the quasi-static forces to be applied in building design according to the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) is established by probabilistic seismic hazard analyses. The probability level for which the amplitudes of design motions are determined in the current building code, NBCC-1995, corresponds to a 10% chance of exceedance in 50 years. The insurance industry has funded loss estimation studies at the University of British Columbia for a number of cities in British Columbia, including the largest, Vancouver. This city has the highest seismic hazard among the three most populated urban centres in Canada. A major objective of the studies was to provide a rational basis for discussions with government on how to cope with catastrophic losses in the region. For this reason, it was considered appropriate to use the same probability of exceedance of shaking intensity as that used in NBCC-1995. The seismic provisions of the next edition of the code, NBCC-2005, will be based on a probability level corresponding to a 2% chance of exceedance in 50 years. This paper investigates the impact of this change on the loss estimations for Vancouver. The concepts and strategies used in the Vancouver study are of wide applicability and should be of interest to others engaged in risk assessment.
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