Environmental Control of Food Web Structure

1983, Ecology


The structure of 40 real food webs , represent ing aquatic and terrestrial communities fro~ all latitudes, is found to be markedly affected by the degree of variability of (he physical environme nt. In particular, food webs in flu ctuating ecosystems are characterized by a significantl y lower conn e cta!l~e than webs representative of more constant systems. This is interpreted within the context of stabil Ity theory as a means 10 optimize feedi ng in the face of increasing distu rbance. It is sh own further that the nature of the habitat itself imposes addition al constraints on food web structu re in interti dal, pelagic, estuarine, and forest ecosystems .

Key takeaways

  • Webs only partially defin ed , too schematic in rep resentation , or else based on informatio n drawn from different locations, were omitted.
  • I follow here the pro cedure used b y Yodzis ( 1980) , which yields a relati vely high estimate of th e connectance but possesses such attributes.
  • As shown in Fig. lA, for any given number of species , the connectance is significantly lower in fluctuating than in constant environments (t test , P < .OOS).
  • It is perhaps worthy of note that the components of connectance relate quite distinctly to species richness: on one hand, the number of trophic links, that is , the total of nonzero entries in the food web matrix, in~ creases as a nearly linear function of 5 (y = 1.3x 1.
  • As shown in Fig. 3, intertidal , forest , estuarine, pelagic, and mixed terrestrial communities appear as distinct groups in the space defined by connectance, species richness, and percentage of strictly herbivorous species; the last variable is chosen as indicative of food web shape.