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2008, Doctor Virtualis
19 pages
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Dal Pra e lo scetticismo medievale 59 Riccardo Fedriga Dal Pra e lo scetticismo medievale [1]
Scetticismo. Una vicenda flosofica, ed. Mario De Caro ed Emidio Spinelli, Roma, Carocci, 2007, p. 39-65 et 236-239 (notes)
Scetticismo e criticismo nel medioevo Alfonso Maierù e Luisa Valente 0. Introduzione 1 La prima parte di questo articolo è ad opera di Luisa Valente, la seconda di Alfonso Maierù. Sulla tematica della discussa presenza di una riflessione di carattere scettico nel medioevo cfr. gli Atti del convegno tenutosi a Uppsala dal 6 all'8 maggio
According to Husserl there is not only a negative meaning of scepticism, in which reason dissolves itself in an exasperated relativism, but also a completely opposite one, in which the idea of scepticism is a necessary transition for rational argumentation that reflects the actual ability of radically questioning those certainties that are fideistically interwoven in the relationship between life and scientific knowledge. It is therefore equally unquestionable that the objective of such scepticism is to seek, with untiring fatigue, solid, persuasive terrain for one's own argumentation that has the constant backdrop of revealing a new idea of subjectivity in its intrinsic tie with science and the common world of practical life. These two forms of scepticism, the anti-philosophical and the critical-rational therefore share an important trait: their unavoidable reference to subjectivity. However, whilst the discovery of the absolute intimacy of subjectivity with the world as a thea...
Doctor Virtualis, 2008
Immanenza e trascendenza: Dal Pra, il medioevo e il problema di Dio [1] L'aver ritirato dalla visione della realtà il carattere dell'assolutezza avendo contemporaneamente contestato la possibilità di una metafisica comprende sempre, in modo inevitabile, una componente specifica, storicamente configurata. Questa componente è la critica dei margini di quello che è il senso che noi vogliamo dare al mondo. Senso e critica costituiscono così due punti di riferimento strettamente connessi i quali, a loro volta, non possono essere assolutizzati indebitamente se non si vuole scivolare immediatamente su un terreno incontrollabile e metafisico.
29/05/2019. Seminario "A proposito di Hans Blumenberg. La legittimità del moderno", Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Via Monte di Dio 14, Napoli, 28-29 maggio 2019.
Syzetesis - Rivista di filosofia VII (, 2020
Giuseppe Rensi and the Greek Roots of Scepticism. After sketching Giuseppe Rensi's bio-bibliographical main features, this paper tries to reconstruct his analysis about the Greek contribution to the long history of scepticism. Although in many cases very careful and historically faithful, Rensi's approach aims to insert such contribution in a wider perspective, useful for reinforcing his own original idea of what should be considered the genuine (and productive) essence of the sceptical efforts, intended as the most powerful means against any "absolutist" philosophical pretension. AbStrAct: Dopo aver sinteticamente presentato le principali caratteristiche della vicenda bio-bibliografica di Giuseppe Rensi, questo articolo cerca di ricostruire la sua analisi del contributo greco alla lunga storia dello scettici-smo. Benché in molti casi attento e storicamente attendibile, l'approccio di Rensi mira a inserire un tale contributo in una prospettiva più ampia, utile per rinforzare la sua originale idea di ciò che dovrebbe essere considerata la genuina (e produttiva) essenza degli sforzi scettici, intesi come il più potente strumento contro ogni pretesa filosofica "assolutistica".
Il populismo contemporaneo, le sue attinenze con la filosofia politica tra dogmatismo e scetticismo ed i suoi limiti teleologici di azione , 2024
The aim of this essay is to analyze the debate on ‘direct democracy’ that has arisen from the rise of populist movements, which place the concept of ‘sovereignty of the people’ at the basis of their political initiatives; the article will analyze the development of the idea of ‘electoral expression’ by examining some fundamental aspects in the history of political thought, from the Greek concept of stasis that constituted a “negative pole”-the expression of the vote was seen as a fracture of the unity of the polis, examined by Nicole Loraux and more recently by Giorgio Agamben-to the utopian socio-political considerations of the contractualisms of the modern age, aimed at the creation of an “ideal society,” which analyzed the positive state in light of considerations typical of moral philosophy (the constitution of a society based on law and at the same time “just”), contrasted with theories of the State of Nature, partially configured on the basis of travel reports compiled in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries concerning non-European communities. Finally, the concept of the “will of the people” theorized by Pufendorf and Rousseau will be analyzed, which based on the view of the expression of a unanimous vote effectively ruled out the existence of political minorities, leading to Tocqueville and Maistre's considerations of the “real sovereignty of the people”.
Delli Aspetti de Paesi. Vecchi e nuovi Media per l’Immagine del Paesaggio
For a long time, in Europe, the theme of the Antique, before hypo-statizing itself in images of ruins during the Modern Age, referred to an eminently ideological dimension, essentially very far from investigations about cities and landscapes marked by history. Even in the mirror of Middle Age Italy, a country so widely marked by settling civilizations, commercial, productive or religious values were those that most attracted the attention of merchants and pilgrims towards urban territories and centers described or just quoted by chronicles and correspondences where potential antiquarian references pointed out, at most, ancient consular roads and places linked with the commemoration of Christian martyrs and saints. In point of fact, the idea of an Eternal City – although it was a long-lasting political and administrative model until the XVth century at least – is in itself an abstraction, an idea essentially unrelated to the physical texture of its Imperial-age buildings and of its urban landscape. Like Rome, the Phlegraean Fields to the West of Naples were also a landscape of ruins. Nevertheless those ruins, thanks to a thriving thermalism, reflecting Imperial-age balnea, continued attracting the nobility and many pilgrims during the Middle Ages, thus qualifying the territory as an outstanding exemplum Naturae et Artis at a time when most other places later canonized as workshops of the Antique were little more than a distant “elsewhere”.
Le lingue, le culture e la traduzione per la mediazione: prospettiva didattiche e di ricerca, 2014
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Spartaco Pupo, Lo scetticismo politico. Storia di una dottrina dagli antichi ai giorni nostri, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2020, pp. 416, 2020
Linguae Rivista Di Lingue E Culture Moderne, 2009
Open Journal of Humanities, 5 (2020), pp. 163-184, 2020
Analele Universității „Ovidius” Constanța. Seria Filologie Vol. XXXII, 1/2021
Intersezioni, 2018
Bullettino dell'Istituto storico italiano per il medioevo, 2020