SCOPUS Sept 2016 Socio-Economic Planning of the Economy.pdf

The economic impact on improving the quality of the strategic management system operation by increasing the quality, reliability and validity of the results obtained is the basis of socio-economic planning and economic design. Methods: The comparative analysis of the expert-analytical support of strategic management, socio-economic planning and economic design in the Russian Federation and a number of foreign countries, carried out in this article, let us conclude that the system of expert-analytical support in general meets the level of the leading developed countries. Findings: One of the main scientific tasks in this area is to improve the mechanisms and algorithms of the current support of strategic management in the Russian Federation, as well as to minimize and overcome the negative trends in the economy. The article considers the principles and selection algorithm for research and expert-analytical support that should be used in the further development of national foresight projects. The authors have formulated recommendations for improving the overall efficiency of the system of strategic management, socio-economic planning and economic design which allow creating conditions for a more active involvement of System Expert Societies (SES) to solving strategic problems of the economy. The main differences of the proposed algorithm from the current practice are as follows: A competitive and transparent nature; the possibility to form analytical teams on the principle of efficiency; ensuring the required level of quality of the final outcomes before the competition (since the required level of quality is determined by the SES status of participants that all contestants have). Application/Improvements: It is necessary to create a national system of expertanalytical communities, whose planning and forecasting results should be accounted for in the strategic management system, socio-economic planning and economic design at the national and regional levels.