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This presentation is an overview of recent customized applications of general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, PHOENICS [1], to the CFD modeling of flammable/hazardous gas release and dispersion (GRAD) for risk and safety assessments.
Introduction. In many industries, there are serious safety concerns related to the use of flammable gases in indoor and outdoor environments. It is important to develop reliable methods of analyses of flammable gas release and dispersion (GRAD) in real-life complex geometry cases. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is considered as one of the promising cost-effective approaches in such analyses. Over the last 6 years, the authors have been collaborating in CFD modeling of GRAD processes. As a result, the advanced robust CFD models have been developed, tested, validated and applied to the modeling of various industrial real-life indoor and outdoor flammable gas (hydrogen, methane, etc.) release scenarios with complex geometries. The user-friendly GRAD CFD modeling tool has been designed as a customized module based on PHOENICS. Advanced CFD models include the following: the dynamic boundary conditions, describing the transient gas release from a pressurized vessel, the calibrated outlet boundary conditions, the real gas law properties applied at high-pressure releases, the special output features and the local adaptive grid refinement (LAGR) tools. The predictions of transient 3D distributions of flammable gas concentrations have been validated using the comparisons with available experimental data. The validation matrix contains the enclosed and non-enclosed geometries, the subsonic and sonic release flow rates and the releases of various gases, e.g. hydrogen, helium, methane, etc. GRAD CFD module is recommended for safety and environmental protection analyses. It has been extensively applied to the hydrogen safety assessments including the analyses of hydrogen releases from pressure relief devices and the determination of clearance distances for venting of hydrogen storages. In particular, the dynamic behaviors of flammable gas clouds (with the gas concentrations between the lower flammability level (LFL) and the upper flammability level (UFL)) are accurately predicted with this module, which
Advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of gas release and dispersion (GRAD) have been developed, tested, validated and applied to the modeling of various industrial real-life indoor and outdoor flammable gas (hydrogen, methane, etc.) release scenarios with complex geometries. The user-friendly GRAD CFD modeling tool has been designed as a customized module based on the commercial general-purpose CFD software, PHOENICS. Advanced CFD models available include the following: the dynamic boundary conditions, describing the transient gas release from a pressurized vessel, the calibrated outlet boundary conditions, the advanced turbulence models, the real gas law properties applied at high-pressure releases, the special output features and the adaptive grid refinement tools. One of the advanced turbulent models is the multifluid model (MFM) of turbulence, which enables to predict the stochastic properties of flammable gas clouds. The predictions of transient threedimensional (3D) distributions of flammable gas concentrations have been validated using the comparisons with available experimental data. The validation matrix contains the enclosed and nonenclosed geometries, the subsonic and sonic release flow rates and the releases of various gases, e.g., hydrogen, helium, etc. GRAD CFD software is recommended for safety and environmental protection analyses. For example, it was applied to the hydrogen safety assessments including the analyses of hydrogen releases from pressure relief devices and the determination of clearance distances for venting of hydrogen storages. In particular, the dynamic behaviors of flammable gas clouds (with the gas concentrations between the lower flammability level (LFL) and the upper flammability level (UFL)) can be accurately predicted with the GRAD CFD modeling tool. Some examples of hydrogen cloud predictions are presented in the paper. CFD modeling of flammable gas clouds could be considered as a costeffective and reliable tool for environmental assessments and design optimizations of combustion devices. The paper details the model features and provides currently available testing, validation and application cases relevant to the predictions of flammable gas dispersion scenarios. The significance of the results is discussed together with further steps required to extend and improve the models.
Dispersion of fuel gases in air is very rapid during accidental release which can lead to minor asphyxiate to major explosion. Leakage of fuel gases poses an unseen threat due to odourless and colourless properties of gas components. A complete understanding of fuel gases mixing behaviours with air is very crucial to develop prevention or mitigation guidelines towards major accident. Various fuel gases transient dispersion behaviours are simulated by using computational fluid dynamics in simple geometries. Transient dispersion behaviour and flammability limits of major fuel gases, which include methane, hydrogen, ethane, propane, carbon monoxide and acetylene are simulated in 2D closed and open-top geometries. Formation of flammability region is predicted and compared for each component of fuel gas in the range of higher and lower flammability limits. It is found that dispersion rate of gases is considerably effected by the density difference between air and fuel gas. Spatial and temporal distributions of fuel gases are compared in closed and open-top geometries.
Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, 2020
Oil & Gas plants are risk-relevant complex facilities for the presence of toxic, flammable and pressurized fluids. Risk assessment is mandatory to guarantee plant sustainability and compliance with directives. For offshore plants characterized by congested spaces, semi-empirical models for accident consequence simulation often result in risk overestimation. This could be avoided through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which guarantees more accurate results. Complex phenomena and geometries, however, entail large computational efforts that force limiting the number of simulations to explore the accident scenarios. This calls for new approaches able to model and simulate complex congested geometries in affordable time, while achieving keeping the required accuracy of the results. In this context, a novel CFD model based on ANSYS Fluent, named SBAM (Source Box Accident Model), has been proposed by the research group of the SEADOG lab in Politecnico di Torino with the aim of simulating complex environments with good accuracy and reduced computational cost. In this work, the results provided by the SBAM model on an accidental high pressure flammable gas release in a platform, are compared with those provided by other tools and models available in the market, and widely used in industrial applications, such as FLACS developed by Gexcon US and KFX developed by DNV-GL.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009
The paper presents a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach to major -hazard studies, by applying a finite-domain technique to predict the dispersion of combustion products (CO, SO 2 , smoke, Volatile Organic Compounds, VOC, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, PAH, etc.) from fuel-tank fires, as well as the toxic plume rise.
International audienceThe research activities in AIRRE project (Assessing the Influence of Real Releases on Explosions) include a unique series of large-scale explosion experiments with ignited high-momentum jet releases of natural gas directed into congested geometries. The primary objective for the AIRRE project is to gain improved understanding of the effect realistic releases and turbulent flow conditions have on the course and consequences of accidental gas explosions in the petroleum industry, and thereby develop and commercialize technology and methodology that can facilitate safe and optimal design of process facilities. A few tests were performed in open air without any congestion. The mean velocity and turbulence flow fields are presented herein. Flameproof turbulence sensors were purposely designed for the project and calibrated at small scale. These are Pitot probes connected to fast differential pressure sensors. This paper describes the turbulence measurement technique...
Energies, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
MATEC Web of Conferences
One of the most important tools for improving the OHS level in process industries is represented by risk analysis and assessment. Within industrial units in operation or in the ones which find themselves in the design phase, risk assessment is carried out for determining the hazards which may occur and which may lead to unwanted events, such as hazardous toxic releases, fires and explosions. Accidental releases of toxic/flammable/explosive substances may have serious consequences on workers or on the neighbouring population, therefore the need to establish safety areas based on best practices in the field and on scientific grounds is fully justified. Pressure tanks containing hazardous materials represent one of the most relevant industrial facilities within process plants, being most of the time exposed to hazardous toxic releases, fire and explosion risks. The current study aims to evaluate the consequences and discuss the safety distances required in case of an accidental release...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Natural gas is used as fuel in industries, power plants, commercial installations, and households. In its application, natural gas leaks can be considered as a major hazard because of its flammable and explosive nature. In addition to fuel, heat and oxygen sources, fires and explosions can occur if the concentration of natural gas in the air is between Low Flammable Limit (LFL) and Upper Flammable Limit (UFL). If the release of natural gas is not ignited, it will immediately form a Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE) that can cause an explosion if it meets ignition point. Therefore, a research on dispersion patterns in a particular area or space is needed to minimize hazards and to develop safety procedures and regulations. This research aims to determine the external parameters that affect the dispersion and explosion caused by natural gas by using FLACS software from PT. Gexcon Indonesia. This software can display overpressure graphs of time and 3D visuals of simulations. The external parameters consist of vent size (5.4 m2 and 2.7 m2), wind direction, lighter position (center and back), day and night condition, and the presence of a obstacle (with and without obstacle). From the research results by the simulations, it is obtained that the highest overpressure value when there is an obstacle with a vent size of 2.7 m2; wind direction from the north; night condition, and back ignition point is 0.503 bars at 40,835 s which can cause most buildings to collapse and the death rate to increase.
Integral or phenomenological consequence models are extensively used for explosion and dispersion studies at onshore petrochemical facilities. These models will generally ignore the influence of the geometry of the facility on the ventilation and flow patterns, the generation of flammable gas clouds, and any subsequent explosions. Another significant weakness of these models is the inability to handle dense vapour cloud dispersion in low wind conditions. Risk and consequence studies performed according to API-RP 752 or Seveso-II are mostly referred to as worst-case assessments. In reality these represent some kind of a probabilistic assessment as only “maximum credible” release scenarios are considered. Typically non-conservative gas cloud sizes are predicted, deflagration-to-detonation transitions (DDT) potential is ignored, and the ability to predict the effect of mitigation is limited when using such tools. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), on the other hand, can incorporate th...
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
The current paper is an overview on previous and ongoing research carried out by the authors concerning the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics for the accurate classification of hazardous Ex areas generated by flammable gases, for the optimization of computational simulation of air-methane mixture explosions by using ANSYS CFX and FLUENT and for calibrating computational simulations of gas explosions using the Schlieren effect. These research works containing analytic studies have led to the observation of basic principles which come to support the benefit of computational approaches for estimating gas dispersion within technological installations in which are handled or stored flammable materials and in which there are likely to occur explosive atmospheres. Preliminary results have led to the idea of developing a computational method for assessing the hazardous area extent in case of gas leak explosions in confined spaces. The computational method intended to be developed has to be validated in the lab using an experimental chamber as domain for analysing accidental flammable gas leaks from transportation installations and for studying the formation, ignition and burning of air-flammable gas mixtures in confined spaces. Results obtained from physical experiments will be used for calibrating the mathematical models. Further, verification and validation of computational simulations carried out based on physical experiments will be performed by a comparative analysis of virtual results with the experimental ones. In the end, the mathematical model will be implemented on a small-scale reproduction of a confined industrial area with explosion hazard.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 1991
The safety professional in the oil and petrochemical industry is continually involved in decision making in the areas of plant/facility siting, equipment layout and spacing for crosscountry pipelines, isolation and emergency shutdown systems engineering, land use and urban development in the vicinity of existing plants, wells or pipelines, emergency preparedness planning and disaster evacuation procedures. In many instances an effective way to assist in these decisions is to generate quantitative assessments of the risks and hazards associated with each available option. Expressions such as 'rupture exposure radius', 'hazard impact zone', 'risk transect' and 'risk contour plot' are frequently used to convey safety related concerns. Quantitative risk assessment commences by considering an imaginary, but plausible, incident involving accidental loss of containment of a toxic and/or flammable material. A numerical estimate of the unwanted consequences of this incident is then made on the basis of properties of the substance released, rate of release (instantaneous or continuous), rate of vaporization, and transport and dispersion of the vapour under given meteorological conditions. Mathematical modelling of these physical phenomena becomes an essential input to this process. In the aftermath of Bhopal, Mexico City, and Chernobyl, the number of available models has grown. The primary purpose of the paper is to provide background information on the practical uses of gas dispersion models. It does not provide an evaluation of any of the available models.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 1991
A heavy gas/liquid spill and dispersion modelling system has been developed for estimating the hazard zones due to accidental spills of flammable or toxic chemicals such as propane, butane, chlorine and ammonia. It consists of three basic modules: the spill rate module for estimating the direct source term for an accidental release from refrigerated or pressurized storage; the pool spread and gas generation module for estimating the rate of spread of any liquid spill on a surface and the rate of gas generation (indirect source term) as a result of evaporation or boil-off from the pool; and the heavy gas spread and dispersion module for estimating time dependent downwind concentration distributions and hazard zones. The third module is based on advanced similarity modelling concepts. It incorporates the effects of gravity spread, atmospheric dispersion modified by the presence of the heavy gas cloud, heat transfer from the substrate, diffusion in the x-direction, and cooling and heating of the cloud by physical reaction and phase change of humidity in the air and heavy gas-liquid droplets. The latter effect is particularly important for releases of liquefied gases from pressurized storage where a large part of the spilled material ends up in aerosol form suspended in the gas cloud. The objective of this paper is to describe the basic equations used in the dispersion module in relation to the physical phenomena important in the behaviour of heavy gas clouds released from pressurized liquefied storage. Model comparisons with available field data from Maplin Sands, Thorney Island, China Lake and Frenchman Flats are presented. Results of comparative sensitivity runs are given for various scenarios such as refrigerated versus pressurized storage, diked versus unconfined spills, etc., demonstrating the capabilities of the modelling system and its usefulness in emergency planning and also as a safety design tool.
Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, 2011
Quantification of spatial and temporal concentration profiles of vapor clouds resulting from accidental loss of containment of toxic and/or flammable substances is of great importance as correct prediction of spatial and temporal profiles can not only help in designing mitigation/prevention equipment such as gas detection alarms and shutdown procedures but also help decide on modifications that may help prevent any escalation of the event.The most commonly used models – SLAB (Ermak, 1990), HEGADAS (Colenbrander, 1980), DEGADIS (Spicer & Havens, 1989), HGSYSTEM (Witlox & McFarlane, 1994), PHAST (DNV, 2007), ALOHA (EPA & NOAA, 2007), SCIPUFF (Sykes, Parker, Henn, & Chowdhury, 2007), TRACE (SAFER Systems, 2009), etc. – for simulation of dense gas dispersion consider the dispersion over a flat featureless plain and are unable to consider the effect of presence of obstacles in the path of dispersing medium. In this context, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been recognized as a potent tool for realistic estimation of consequence of accidental loss of containment because of its ability to take into account the effect of complex terrain and obstacles present in the path of dispersing fluid.The key to a successful application of CFD in dispersion simulation lies in the accuracy with which the effect of turbulence generated due to the presence of obstacles is assessed. Hence a correct choice of the most appropriate turbulence model is crucial to a successful implementation of CFD in the modeling and simulation of dispersion of toxic and/or flammable substances.In this paper an attempt has been made to employ CFD in the assessment of heavy gas dispersion in presence of obstacles. For this purpose several turbulence models were studied for simulating the experiments conducted earlier by Health and Safety Executive, (HSE) U.K. at Thorney Island, USA (Lees, 2005). From the various experiments done at that time, the findings of Trial 26 have been used by us to see which turbulence model enables the best fit of the CFD simulation with the actual findings. It is found that the realizable k–ɛ model was the most apt and enabled the closest prediction of the actual findings in terms of spatial and temporal concentration profiles. It was also able to capture the phenomenon of gravity slumping associated with dense gas dispersion.► A new CFD-based method is presented for modeling dense gas dispersion in presence of obstacles. ► The novelty lies in the use of turbulence model and the manner of resolution of domain geometry. ► Excellent fit of theory with experimental findings.
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools are increasingly employed for quantifying incident consequences in quantitative risk analysis (QRA) calculations in the process industry. However, these tools must be validated against representative experimental data, involving combined release and ignition scenarios, in order to have a real predictive capability. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) has recently carried out experiments involving vertically upwards hydrogen releases with different release rates and velocities impinging on a plate in two different geometrical configurations. The dispersed cloud was subsequently ignited and resulting explosion overpressures recorded. Blind CFD simulations were carried out prior to the experiments to predict the results. The simulated gas concentrations are found to correlate reasonably well with observations. The overpressures subsequent to ignition obtained in the blind predictions could not be compared directly as the ignition points chosen in the experiments were somewhat different from those used in the blind simulations, but the pressure levels were similar. Simulations carried out subsequently with the same ignition position as those in the experiments compared reasonably well with the observations. This agreement points to the ability of the CFD tool FLACS to model such complex scenarios even with hydrogen as a fuel. Nevertheless, the experimental setup can be considered to be small-scale. Future large-scale data of this type will be valuable to confirm ability to predict large-scale accident scenarios.
Computation, 2018
A hazardous release accident taking place within the complex morphology of an urban setting could cause grave damage both to the population’s safety and to the environment. An unpredicted accident constitutes a complicated physical phenomenon with unanticipated outcomes. This is because, in the event of an unforeseen accident, the dispersion of the hazardous materials exhausted in the environment is determined by unstable parameters such as the wind flow and the complex turbulent diffusion around urban blocks of buildings. Our case study focused on a diesel pool fire accident that occured between an array of nine cubical buildings. The accident was studied with a Large eddy Simulation model based on the Fire Dynamics Simulation method. This model was successfully compared against the nine cubes of the Silsoe experiment. The model’s results were used for the determination of the immediately dangerous to life or health smoke zones of the accident. It was found that the urban geometry ...
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