Is Nanotechnology Giving Rise to New Ethical Problems?

2013, NanoEthics


In this paper I focus on the question whether there are new ethical problems arising in nanotechnology, as opposed to mere new instances of old ethical problems. Firstly, I show that we cannot do without the general distinction between being an instance of a new ethical problem and being a new instance of an old one. Secondly, I propose one possible way of interpreting the distinction, and accordingly I give a definition of “being a new ethical problem”. Thirdly I examine whether we have good reasons to claim that there are, or there are going to be, new ethical problems in nanotechnology. My answer is negative: there is no new type of ethical problem in nanotechnology, and rather there are just new occurrences of some well-known types of ethical problems. Fourthly I consider three arguments by van de Poel (2008) against my conclusion. I argue that my negative answer is consistent with the claim that some ethical issues arising in nanotechnology may require new normative standards, or new analytical tools. I conclude that it is likely that some ethical issues arising in nanotechnology will have a deep impact on our ethical theories and values – and that ethical reflection on nanotechnology will be one of the mother lodes of future ethical research – in spite of the fact that no ethical problem in nanoethics will actually be “new”.