Public and private life on the Capitoline Hill

The domus of the Aracoeli. Public and private life on the Capitoline Hill Since 2001 I have been investigating, through an architectural and archaeological survey generously financed by the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, a large and previously unknown Republican domus located on the northern summit of the Capitoline Hill, beneath the medieval basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli. The luxurious house that I have identified and studied -the only one so far discovered on the Arx -appears to have been restored several times in Antiquity. In the Middle Ages this domus was identified with the palace of the emperor Augustus and it was associated with his presumed vision of Christ. In the second half of the 13 th century, however, the house was buried along with other Roman buildings (likewise identified during the course of my survey) under the floor of the Aracoeli. In my book I examine, for the first time, the building phases and decorations (mosaics and frescoes) of the domus and the nearby structures. I compare this 'residential' sector of the Arx to the insula of the Aracoeli, which is located on the W slope of the hill, as well as to the public spaces and monumental buildings that stood around the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus.