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Dengan inkarnasi Yesus Kristus, kodrat manusia dan kodrat ilahi mulai berada dalam relasi yang sangat dekat, sehingga kodrat manusia, karena persekutuannya dengan kodrat ilahi, menjadi ilahi, tidak hanya di dalam Yesus Kristus, tetapi juga di dalam diri mereka yang memeluk kehidupan yang diajarkan oleh Yesus Kristus. ... Komunitas jemaat Allah yang dipimpin oleh Yesus Kristus ini, berada di tengah komunitas bangsa-bangsa yang hidup sebagai peziarah, seperti bintang-bintang di dalam dunia ini (bdk. Fil 2:15) [Origenes, Contro Celso, 3, 28-30]
STT HKBP Pematangsiantar, 2025
Gereja sebagai inst i tusi sosial memiliki peran pent i ng dalam membentuk norma, nilai, dan ritual yang menjaga integrasi serta stabilitas masyarakat. Dengan struktur yang formal dan sistemat i s, gereja ti dak hanya berfungsi sebagai pusat ibadah, tetapi juga sebagai agen sosial yang memelihara solidaritas melalui ritual dan simbol kolekt i f. Selain itu, gereja beradaptasi dengan dinamika sosial, menjawab tantangan kontemporer. Fungsi laten gereja, sepert i memberikan dukungan psikologis bagi anggota-anggotanya serta membangun relasi sosial, juga merupakan wujud relevansinya dalam masyarakat. Selain itu, sebagai penggerak perubahan sosial, gereja merupakan kekuatan moral di tengah transformasi sosial.
Jurnal Teologi, 2014
Members of the Catholic Church believe the Church's teaching on Eucharistic celebration as the summit and the fount of the Church's life. They even believe that the Eucharist is the summit and the fount of their faith lives. Unfortunately, the real meaning of this belief oftentimes is not well understood. As a result, the Eucharistic celebration does not really influence their way of thinking and their way of lives. This article tries to discover and present such meaning, with the hope that by having such understanding all members of the Catholic Church-including religious and priests-will make it as their way of thinking and living. The Eucharistic celebration will become the summit of the Church's life if those who celebrate it have already tried to build a communion before the celebration takes place. It will become the fount of the Church's life if those who celebrate it will try their best to become a Eucharistic people by becoming promotors of peace and solidarity.
Jurnal Transformasi, 2014
Perjanjian Baru adalah firman Allah yang berotoritas dimana ajaran di dalamnya bersifat tidak terikat waktu (berlaku sepanjang zaman). Di sisi yang lain, ajaran Perjanjian Baru disampaikan dalam situasi dan kondisi tertentu yang menjadi konteks atau bingkai sejarah dari pesan/ajaran yang bersifat kekal tersebut; jika kita mengabaikan konteks atau bingkai sejarah yang membungkus pesan/ajaran dari Perjanjian Baru, kita dapat salah memahami ajaran dalamnya. Itulah sebabnya penting bagi kita untuk memahami pergumulan sosial masyarakat abad pertama masehi yang menjadi konteks dari ajaran Perjanjian Baru, dan kita akan melihat bahwa Perjanjian Baru bukan sekedar kumpulan rumusan ajaran, namun rumusan ajaran yang diimplementasikan dalam konteks pergumulan sosial zamannya.
Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan, 2021
Nearly all people of the church is exposed to pandemic covid-1, instead they are not exposed to sars virus covid-19, they are exposed to predisposition, frailty, and any other social impacts. Indicators of ABC, Attendance (crowded by visitors), Building and Cash flow currently deemed as measurement of successful church service abruptly changed amid covid-19. In fact, church visitors drastically decreased, church building would be vacant and cash flow particularly income definitely declines. If in history the world was suffered from pandemic for several times, it suggested that a pandemic may happens in such a prolonged time, then church is unlikely to dwell on this condition, church is unlikely to be underdeveloped with the same pattern. This study offered the possibility to church to switch to solidarity services, the mission transfers to the deepest part of the church. There is a challenge for the church to transform into more humanity, pursue solidarity, try to be more gracious, ...
EPIGNOSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristiani dan Teologi
It is stated in the Bible that His coming was to seek and save the lost. The existence of the church is actually inseparable from the purpose of Jesus coming to this world. The church is a group of people who have experienced the love of Christ in their lives, which was received through the blood sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The church exists because of Jesus' example of love in seeking and loving sinners. In the midst of the world's rapid development, the challenges we face are increasing. Selfish lifestyles, pursuing physical pleasures, have begun to penetrate the church and the people in it. The church should perform its function as the spiritual steward of the congregation, in the sense of leading, providing spiritual nourishment, and guarding or protecting from all things that threaten their spirituality. The research in this journal uses a descriptive qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The reason for choosing this research method and technique is because the problems studied concern ongoing problems or explanations of the reality that occurs. In addition, it also uses the library study method (Library Research). This writing aims to enable the church to carry out its function as a spiritual organizer for believers.
Gereja atau umat Allah diharapkan selalu berada dalam perubahan positif, agar tegar dan siap terus melaksanakan tanggung jawab vertical dan horizontal. Prinsip yang perlu adalah gereja memberi kontribusi bagi masyarakat. Peluang-peluang seperti halnya mengembangkan pelayanan berdasarkan panggilan Allah, bermotif kasih, dan berorientasikan perbuatan baik menjadi kekuatan lahirnya pengakuan "Allahmu adalah Allahku, Kristusmu adalah Kristusku"
Miktab: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani
Gereja adalah komunitas orang-orang yang percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, dan komunitas ini tidak dapat dipisahkan dari masyarakat dunia yang selalu berubah. Perubahan yang terjadi dan harus disikapi adalah transisi menuju era baru yang dikenal dengan Society 5.0. Gereja tidak bisa acuh tak acuh dalam menghadapi era baru ini. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peluang dan ancaman gereja. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif berdasarkan literatur dan observasi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gereja perlu meningkatkan sumber dayanya untuk memanfaatkan peluang dan mengatasi ancaman, sehingga tidak mati karena memiliki antisipasi yang baik. Gereja harus mengikuti perkembangan agar tetap relevan dengan orang-orang yang hidup di Era Society 5.0.
Studia Philosophica et Theologica, 2011
The article discusses the dignity and role of the Catholic laity. The author argues that the differentiation between the laity (laikos) and clerus (kleros) does not emerge in the Scriptures. The term used in the Scriptures is laos, which refers to the chosen people. The differentiation grew as a historical development and, to some extent, created an impression that the laity were the lower group in the Catholic Church. Second Vatican Council has promoted a fresh look at the laity. They are not simply the non-clerical members of the Church. Rather, they are equal members of the People of God with a unique vocation, stemming from one Baptism, to spread the Gospel in the temporal world.
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Jurnal Teruna Bhakti, 2020
Jurnal Transformasi STT INTI Bandung, 2014
Jurnal Diakonia, 2023
Kurious: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2021
Davar : Jurnal Teologi
BONAFIDE: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen