Direct Sum of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Submodules of G-module

In this paper, we introduce the notion of direct sum of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules of G-module M and discuss some related properties. If B and C are intuitionistic fuzzy submodules of G-module M and G-module N respectively, then we extend the definition of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules B and C to formulate intuitionistic fuzzy submodules of the direct sum M ⊕ N. It is proved that the support of the direct sum of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules B and C is equal to the direct sum of supports of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules B and C. Also we analyze the direct sum of arbitrary family of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules and obtained some results. We also introduce the notion of decomposability and indecomposility of intuitionistic fuzzy G-modules and prove some results. 2010 AMS Classification: 03F55, 16D10