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Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the communication of post-classical research. PCA publishes a variety of manuscript types, including original research, discussions and review articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the science and practice of archaeology, particularly multidisciplinary research which use specialist methodologies, such as zooarchaeology, paleobotany, archaeometallurgy, archaeometry, spatial analysis, as well as other experimental methodologies applied to the archaeology of post-classical Europe. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that it has been approved by all co-authors. Authors must clear reproduction rights for any photos or illustration, credited to a third party that they wishe to use (including content found on the Internet). For more information about ethics (including plagiarism), copyright practices and guidelines please visit the website PCA is published once a year in May. Manuscripts should be submitted to
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 23/2 (December 2017) CUPRINS – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE ARTICLES — Felix Adrian TENCARIU, Măriuca VORNICU, Andrei ASĂNDULESEI, Loredana SOLCAN, George BODI, Casandra BRAȘOVEANU Investigating a Chalcolithic dwelling at Isaiia, Iași County, Romania — Policarp HORTOLÀ From antiquities to memorabilia: a standardised terminology for ancestral artefacts according to manufacture date — Florica MĂȚĂU, Ana-Lavinia MATRICALĂ, Adrian BELE, Ioana RUSU, Dragoș Lucian GORGAN, Neculai BOLOHAN Diagenetic analysis and historical interpretations. Case studies from eastern Romania — Sergey M. ZHESTOKANOV The mysterious expedition of Thrasybulus of Miletus — E. Deniz OĞUZ-KIRCA, Ioannis LIRITZIS Chasing Hygassos (Anatolia): Settlement under epigraphic evidence — Oleg KLIMOV The Greek culture of dialogue and of political decision-making process at Hellenistic Kings’ court — Arina BRAGOVA Cicero on the gods and Roman religious practices — Iulian MOGA Jewish society and family tradition in funerary inscriptions — Lucrețiu MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA La population dans les villages situés entre Sacidava et Axiopolis — Eugene AFONASIN Neoplatonic Asclepius: Science and religion at the crossroads of Aristotelian biology, Hippocratic medicine and Platonic theurgy — Valerii KAVRUK, Roxana-Gabriela CURCĂ A new exploratory project: The ethnoarchaeology of salt in the Inner Carpathian area of Romania REVIEWS — Victor Sava, Neolithic and Eneolithic in the Lower Mureș Basin (Ana DROB) — Blas Román Castellón Huerta, Cuando la sal era una joya. Antropología, arqueología y tecnología de la sal durante el Posclásico en Zapotitlán Salinas, Puebla (Mihaela ASĂNDULESEI)
Guest editor, 2023
Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the communication of post-classical research. PCA publishes a variety of manuscript types, including original research, discussions and review articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the science and practice of archaeology, particularly multidisciplinary research which use specialist methodologies, such as zooarchaeology, paleobotany, archaeometallurgy, archaeometry, spatial analysis, as well as other experimental methodologies applied to the archaeology of post-classical Europe. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that it has been approved by all co-authors. Authors must clear reproduction rights for any photos or illustration, credited to a third party that they wishe to use (including content found on the Internet). For more information about ethics (including plagiarism), copyright practices and guidelines please visit the website PCA is published once a year in May. Manuscripts should be submitted to [email protected] in accordance to the guidelines for contributors in the webpage Post-Classical Archaeologies' manuscript review process is rigorous and is intended to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each submitted manuscript, to determine which manuscripts are suitable for publication, and to work with the authors to improve their manuscript prior to publication. This journal has the option to publish in open access. For more information on our open access policy please visit the website How to quote: please use "PCA" as abbreviation and "European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies" as full title. Cover image: Artistic representation of the animal burial found in Santa Maria delle Lacrime a Treviglio (BG), by Binoli Navodya Nimnadi Kankanige Don. "Post-Classical Archaeologies" is indexed in Scopus and classified as Q3 by the Scimago Journal Rank (2022). It was approved on 2015-05-13 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion and indexed in Carhus+2018. Classified A by ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca).
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 2019
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 25/1 (August 2019) CUPRINS – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE ARTICLES — Sedat BARALIU & Ilir MUHARREMI —— Les importations grecques dans le territoire de Kosovo — Valerii KAVRUK, Dan ȘTEFAN, Marius ALEXIANU, Viorica VASILACHE —— A salt production site at Gherla–Valea Sărată (Transylvania). Preliminary report — Alexei BORISOVICH EGOROV —— The notion of justice in Roman wars and the fetial law — Nadezhda S. SHIROKOVA —— The cult of Mercury in Roman Gaul and Roman Britain — Lucrețiu MIHAILESCU-BÎRLIBA —— La population dans le milieu rural de Capidava — Svetla PETROVA —— The votive relief to Pluto from Nicopolis ad Nestum — Radu PETCU —— Swastika-shaped fibulae with horse-head decorations (Almgren 232) from the Roman period in Dobrudja (Moesia Inferior) — Marian MOCANU —— ESB in Western Black Sea — Firas ALAWNEH, Abdelrahman ELSEROGY, Rita Sulaiman AL DAWOOD —— The conservation of the byzantine icon from Georgios Church, Jordan — Marta LICATA, Silvia IORIO, Chiara ROSSETTI, Giuseppe ARMOCIDA, Adelaide TOSI, Francesco MUSCOLINO, Antonio CELLINA, Roberto MELLA PARIANI, Ilaria GORINI, Melania BORGO, Paola BADINO —— The medieval church of San Biagio in Cittiglio (Varese, Northern Italy). Archaeological and anthropological investigations of the cemeterial area — Kamal Aldin NIKNAMi, Reza GHASEMI, Rezvan REZAEI —— A study on the Seleucid and Parthian seals of the Semnan Museum, Iran — Policarp HORTOLÀ A multilingual Romance-language lexicon for manufactured objects — Patrizia MASCOLI —— Sidonio Apollinare nella manualistica letteraria di età umanistica REVIEWS — A. Tomas, Inter Moesos et Thraces: The Rural Hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia (1st–6th Centuries AD) (Rada VARGA)
Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the communication of post-classical research. PCA publishes a variety of manuscript types, including original research, discussions and review articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the science and practice of archaeology, particularly multidisciplinary research which use specialist methodologies, such as zooarchaeology, paleobotany, archaeometallurgy, archaeometry, spatial analysis, as well as other experimental methodologies applied to the archaeology of post-classical Europe. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that it has been approved by all co-authors. Authors must clear reproduction rights for any photos or illustration, credited to a third party that they wishe to use (including content found on the Internet). For more information about ethics (including plagiarism), copyright practices and guidelines please visit the website PCA is published once a year in May. Manuscripts should be submitted to [email protected] in accordance to the guidelines for contributors in the webpage Post-Classical Archaeologies' manuscript review process is rigorous and is intended to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each submitted manuscript, to determine which manuscripts are suitable for publication, and to work with the authors to improve their manuscript prior to publication. This journal has the option to publish in open access. For more information on our open access policy please visit the website How to quote: please use "PCA" as abbreviation and "European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies" as full title. Cover image: Artistic representation of the animal burial found in Santa Maria delle Lacrime a Treviglio (BG), by Binoli Navodya Nimnadi Kankanige Don. "Post-Classical Archaeologies" is indexed in Scopus and classified as Q3 by the Scimago Journal Rank (2022). It was approved on 2015-05-13 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion and indexed in Carhus+2018. Classified A by ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca).
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 2018
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 24/2 (December 2018) CUPRINS – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE ARTICLES — Felix-Adrian TENCARIU Examining the relation between the shape/manufacture technique and the function of the pottery used for salt-making (briquetages) — Gheorghe LAZAROVICI & Cornelia-Magda LAZAROVICI The role of salt sources in Transylvania in the process of neolithisation of Central and Southern Europe — Florica MĂȚĂU, Roxana MUNTEANU, Valentin NICA, Mitică PINTILEI, Ana-Lavinia VASILIU, Alexandru STANCU Technological issues of the shell-tempered ware from Gârcina (Neamț County, Romania) — Radu-Ștefan BALAUR Social structures and economic strategies at household level in the Chalcolithic settlement of Hăbășești, Romania — Andrey V. VASILYEV First steps of the Roman diplomacy in the Eastern Mediterranean: development of the common political strategy — Larisa PECHATNOVA Nabis and the helots — Arina BRAGOVA Cicero on vices — Lluís PONS PUJOL & Jordi PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ La presencia del aceite bético en Mauretania Tingitana. Nuevos métodos de análisis — Annamária-Izabella PÁZSINT Cult associations on the northern shore of the Black Sea: three centuries of research303-319 — Lucian MUNTEANU & Sergiu-Constantin ENEA Roman imperial coin finds from Tăcuta (Vaslui County, Romania) — Marian MOCANU Late Roman tableware from Argamum REVIEWS — Ștefan Honcu, Ceramica romană de bucătărie din Dobrogea (secolele I–III p. Chr.) (Bianca Elena GRIGORAȘ)
Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the communication of post-classical research. PCA publishes a variety of manuscript types, including original research, discussions and review articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the science and practice of archaeology, particularly multidisciplinary research which use specialist methodologies, such as zooarchaeology, paleobotany, archaeometallurgy, archaeometry, spatial analysis, as well as other experimental methodologies applied to the archaeology of post-classical Europe. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that it has been approved by all co-authors. Authors must clear reproduction rights for any photos or illustration, credited to a third party that they wishe to use (including content found on the Internet). For more information about ethics (including plagiarism), copyright practices and guidelines please visit the website PCA is published once a year in May. Manuscripts should be submitted to [email protected] in accordance to the guidelines for contributors in the webpage Post-Classical Archaeologies' manuscript review process is rigorous and is intended to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each submitted manuscript, to determine which manuscripts are suitable for publication, and to work with the authors to improve their manuscript prior to publication. This journal has the option to publish in open access. For more information on our open access policy please visit the website How to quote: please use "PCA" as abbreviation and "European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies" as full title. Cover image: LiDAR survey of Castelseprio (north Italy) (project funded by Varese Province). "Post-Classical Archaeologies" is indexed in Scopus. It was approved on 2015-05-13 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion and indexed in Carhus+2018. Classified A by ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca).
European Journal of PostClassical Archaeologies, 2022
Post-Classical Archaeologies (PCA) is an independent, international, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the communication of post-classical research. PCA publishes a variety of manuscript types, including original research, discussions and review articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the science and practice of archaeology, particularly multidisciplinary research which use specialist methodologies, such as zooarchaeology, paleobotany, archaeometallurgy, archaeometry, spatial analysis, as well as other experimental methodologies applied to the archaeology of post-classical Europe. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that it has been approved by all co-authors. Authors must clear reproduction rights for any photos or illustration, credited to a third party that they wishe to use (including content found on the Internet). For more information about ethics (including plagiarism), copyright practices and guidelines please visit the website PCA is published once a year in May. Manuscripts should be submitted to [email protected] in accordance to the guidelines for contributors in the webpage Post-Classical Archaeologies' manuscript review process is rigorous and is intended to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each submitted manuscript, to determine which manuscripts are suitable for publication, and to work with the authors to improve their manuscript prior to publication. This journal has the option to publish in open access. For more information on our open access policy please visit the website How to quote: please use "PCA" as abbreviation and "European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies" as full title. Cover image: Artistic representation of the animal burial found in Santa Maria delle Lacrime a Treviglio (BG), by Binoli Navodya Nimnadi Kankanige Don. "Post-Classical Archaeologies" is indexed in Scopus and classified as Q3 by the Scimago Journal Rank (2022). It was approved on 2015-05-13 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion and indexed in Carhus+2018. Classified A by ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca).
During an archaeological investigation at LutomierskeKozi owki in central Poland, deposits indicative of an old rettery from the 16the17th century AD were discovered. The artifacts found in the lacustrine deposits, together with historical sources and radiocarbon dates of organic matter, show that the pond at a local mill was present from ca. AD 1525 to at least AD 1620. The high content of Cannabis and Linum subfossil macro-and micro-remains in the sediment indicate that the pond was most probably used as a rettery for hemp and flax fibre production. Pollen analysis revealed strong deforestation of the local landscape at the beginning of the pond history. Despite high pollution caused by plant retting, speciesrich chironomid, cladoceran and diatom communities occupied the pond. Our investigations reveal that the rettery was situated on the artificial channel of a local stream. High abundance of yellow flatsedge (Cyperus flavescens) fruit remains and coprophile beetle subfossils indicate that pond was also used as a watering place for cattle. Decline in the concentration of aquatic invertebrate subfossils, diatoms, aquatic and cultivated plant macrofossils, reveals rapid abandonment of the rettery in the mid-17th century AD. For some time after the basin was a telmatic ecosystem overgrown by sedges and bulrush. The basin was finally filled by a high-energy overbank deposition not later than in the beginning of 19th century AD.
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 2020
Archeostorie. Journal of Public Archaeology, 2018
Book of abstracts form the 9th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, 2021
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 2018
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica , 2024
Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica , 2023
Kleos - Amsterdam Bulletin of Ancient Studies and Archaeology, 2024
B. Jacobs / R. Rollinger (eds.), A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire I (Hoboken, NJ 2021) 213-220
Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero, 2014
in: Carver, Geoff: Digging in the Dirt. Excavation in a new millennium. BAR Int Series 1256, pp. 240-256., 2004
Book of abstracts from the 8th conference Methodology and Archaeometry, 2020