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Abstract As the stock of human knowledge has increased, this evolution has imposed branching into disciplines which use special terminology understood “correctly” only by experts. This has raised barriers that impede communication since interpretations of terms and knowledge can vary significantly, especially in a multidisciplinary context. Misinformation is exacerbated by vague definitions including synonyms, homonyms and acronyms.
In this article we show examples of how the discipline of terminology is evolving and how diversification in methodology and new research questions emerge thanks to the participation of terminology theorists in multidisciplinary applied research projects. The origins of the discipline are revisited, some recent developments are discussed and examples are given of terminological research projects at CVC Brussels.
During the past several decades, the theory of terminology has been a subject of debates in various circles. The views on terminology as a scientific discipline vary considerably. Currently, there are a number of treatments of this field and a number of debatable questions involved. Is terminology a science, or just a practice? does terminology have a status of separate scholarly discipline with its own theory or does it owe its theoretical assumptions to more consolidated disciplines?
Chapter 1.1 of my book A Model for an English-Polish Systematic Dictionary of Chemical Terminology
Eurasia Review, 2022
Terminology is the field of lexicology (or the study of lexicon) that deals with specialized vocabularies and sets of terms related to particular fields (aviation terminology, medical terminology, stylistics, agriculture, etc.). Terminology as a new academic field is located at the boundary among linguistics, logic, theory of existence, information science and specialized areas of science and technology, and in the interdisciplinary area.
During the past several decades, the theory of terminology has been a subject of debates in various circles. The views on terminology as a scientific discipline vary considerably. Currently, there are a number of treatments of this field and a number of debatable questions involved. Is terminology a science, or just a practice? Does terminology have a status of separate scholarly discipline with its own theory or does it owe its theoretical assumptions to more consolidated
Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 2000
The evolution of knowledge has imposed branching into disciplines that use terms understood “correctly” only by experts. Globalisation favours cross-disciplinary and transparent communication. However, these trends have uncovered impedances such as prolixity, ambiguity and jargon. Internet enables communication with the speed of light, thus exposing other limits to knowledge transfer, such as misinformation and misunderstanding. Knowledge is transferred by interaction of language with other models (e.g. figures) and by demonstrations. Transparency of terminology is critical for knowledge management. This treatise presents an axiomatic definition of the term 'definition' itself, in order to enable a rational analysis of lexical elements - the words. The examples of confusing terms (homonyms, synonyms) are discussed. A trend of using inter-disciplinary and transparent lexicon is proposed, with adopting a hierarchy of terms that allocates the priority to fundamental disciplines (mathematics, physics). Scientific lexicon should attribute to each definition a unique set of words. The need to expunge scientific and technical language of ambiguity is urgent and the comprehensive review and “cleaning” of scientific terms is a task that demands the gathering together of appropriate institutions. The key to disambiguation of scientific language is in defining quantifiable criteria.
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 2003
Scientific and technical jargon-specialized vocabulary, usually Latinateplays a vital role in scientific and teehnical communication. But its proper use continues to be a point of discussion because of our concern with audience adaptation, rhetorical exigence, rhetorical purpose, and ethics. We've focused on teaching students-and on convincing scientists, engineers, and other writers/speakers-to gear their specialized language to the recipients of their communication, to the occasion calling for their communication, to what they wish to accomplish through their communication, and to the ethical goals of safety, helpfiilness, empowerment, and truth. These are exactly the sorts of things we should be doing. My contribution to this conversation is a reinforcement and, I hope, an extension of the argument that we should also be teaching and convincing students and professionals:
The discipline of terminology has gained significantly in importance in the past decades. Yet there are still many problems that need to be solved. Examples of the role of terminology in the fields of documentation, information management, standardisation, translation and training are presented. The role, aims and objectives of the newly established European Association for Terminology (EAFT) are described.
Dette speciales formål er at undersøge, hvorvidt den generelle terminologilaere repraesenterer terminologi som en uafhaengig videnskabelig disciplin. Diskussionen tager udgangspunkt i den terminologiske teori grundlagt af E. Wüster der i sin bog Einführung in die Allgemeine Terminologielehre und Terminologische Lexikographie (1979) beskriver den teoretiske side af terminologisk arbejde. Teorien er blevet kritiseret meget af eksperter såsom Kageura, Cabré, Temmerman, m.fl. fordi den ikke er i stand til at afgraense terminologi klart fra andre relaterede discipliner såsom sprogvidenskab, anvendt sprogvidenskab, leksikografi og fagleksikografi og ikke tager højde for alle aspekter som udgør terminologi i dens helhed. Diskussionen i specialet fokuserer på to af teoriens mest kritiserede karakteristiske traek: relationen mellem begreb og term og relevansen af syntaks -saetningslaere -i terminologi.
First International Workshop on …, 2009
European Journal of Language and Literature, 2017
ELETO (Hellenic Society for Terminology), 2006
Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science, 2013
Profession of Engineering Education: Advancing Teaching, Research and Careers: 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education 2012, 2012
Journal of Information Systems and Operations Management, 2010
Public Understanding of Science, 2020