Romania – An Attractive Market for Foreign Investors


General information about Romania: form of government: republic; parliament: bicameral (Deputy Chambers and Senate); flag: three colors, in the following order from top to bottom: blue, yellow and red; coat of arms of Romania: a golden eagle holding in its claws a scepter and a sword, symbol of the historical provinces Walachia, Moldova, Transylvania, Banat and Dobrogea; geographical localization: southeastern Europe; neighbors: Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine; surface: 238.391 square kilometers (12th largest in Europe and 81st in the world); official language: Romanian; time: GMT+2h; currency: Romanian leu (RON); capital: Bucharest (1.9 million inhabitants); administration: 42 districts (including Bucharest), 319 cities, 2851 villages; population: 21.5 inhabitants (June 2007); population density: 91 inhabitants/square km; population structure: 89.5% Romanians, 6.6% Hungarians, 3.9% other nationalities. The paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of the Romanian demographical, economic, technological, political and juridical environment for potential investors.