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Abstract The problem of choosing a method for the reverse engineering of relational database systems is not trivial. Methods have different input requirements, and each legacy system has its particular characteristics that restrict information availability. In this paper, we propose a classification framework based on the method's input requirements, namely: attribute semantics, attribute name consistency, data instances, applications source code, candidate keys, 3rd normal form (3NF), inclusion dependencies and human input.
Automated Software Engineering, 1996
This paper analyzes the requirements that CASE tools should meet for effective database reverse engineering (DBRE), and proposes a general architecture for data-centered applications reverse engineering CASE environments. First, the paper describes a generic DBMS-independent DBRE methodology, then it analyzes the main characteristics of DBRE activities in order to collect a set of desirable requirements. Finally, it describes DB-MAIN, an operational CASE tool developed according to these requirements. The main features of this tool that are described in this paper are its unique generic specification model, its repository, its transformation toolkit, its user interface, the text processors, the assistants, the methodological control and its functional extensibility. Finally, the paper describes five real-world projects in which the methodology and the CASE tool were applied.
One important problem in today organizations is the existence of non-integrated information systems, inconsistency and lack of suitable correlations between legacy and modern systems. One main solution is to transfer the local databases into a global one. In this regards we need to extract the data structures from the legacy systems and integrate them with the new technology systems. In legacy systems, huge amounts of a data are stored in legacy databases. They require particular attention since they need more efforts to be normalized, reformatted and moved to the modern database environments. Designing the new integrated (global) database architecture and applying the reverse engineering requires data normalization. This paper proposes the use of database reverse engineering in order to integrate legacy and modern databases in organizations. The suggested approach consists of methods and techniques for generating data transformation rules needed for the data structure normalization.
10th International Conference on Entity-Relationship …, 1991
Part of the material the lecture is related with the PHENIX research project developed jointly by the University of Namur 1 and the BIKIT 2 . The objective of the project is to develop an expert-system approach to database reverse engineering. This project is supported by IRSIA, a Belgian public research agency, and by industrial partners 3 .
Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Modelling/International Conference on Conceptual Modeling / the Entity Relationship Approach, 1999
Database reverse engineering is a complex activity that can be modeled as a sequence of two major processes, namely data structure extraction and data structure conceptualization. The first process consists in reconstructing the logical - that is, DBMS-dependent - schema, while the second process derives the conceptual specification of the data from this logical schema. This paper concentrates on the
… Engineering, 1996., …, 1996
Recovering the semantic description of file and database structures is an important aspect of business application reverse engineering. It includes a particularly delicate activity, namely data structure extraction, i.e. finding the exact data structures and integrity constraints of the database. This process is made more complex than generally expected due to the fact that these structures and constraints often are not explicitly defined, but are translated into implicit constructs, controlled and managed through procedural code or user interface protocol for instance. This paper describes the problem of implicit structure elicitation. It proposes an analysis of this phenomenon, and of the techniques and heuristics that can be used in the elicitation process. It develops a set of efficient techniques and a strategy for the elicitation of one of the most common implicit construct, namely the foreign key. The paper also explains how DB-MAIN, a general-purpose database reverse engineering CASE tool, can help analysts elicit implicit constructs, and specifically foreign keys.
Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 1997
While the database reverse engineering problems and solving processes are getting more and more mastered, the academic community is facing the complex problem of knowledge transfer, both in university and industrial contexts. The paper addresses one efficient support of this transfer, namely academic case studies, i.e., small, clean, self-contained applications exhibiting representative problems and appropriate solutions that can be mastered
… of the First International Working Session …, 2007
In this paper we describe an experience of Data Reverse Engineering supported by a repository of conceptual schemas.We first introduce a set of integration/abstraction primitives that are used in order to organize a large set of conceptual schemas in a repository. We describe the methodology conceived to produce the repository of schemas of central public administrations in Italy. Then we describe an heuristic methodology, applied in the production of the set of schemas of the public administrations of an italian region. We also compare the former exact methodology and the heuristic one according to their correctness, completeness, and efficiency.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, 2010
At the state of the art, objects oriented applications use data structured in relational databases by exploiting some patterns, like the Domain Model and Data Mapper. These approaches aim to represent data in the OO way, using objects for representing data entities. Furthermore, we point out that the identification of these patterns can show the link between the object model and the conceptual entities, exploiting their associations to the physical data objects. The aim of this paper is to present a unified perspective for the definition of an integrated approach for software and data reverse engineering. The discussion is carried out by means of a sample application and a comparison with results from current tools.
IJRET, 2012
The database forensic investigation plays an important role in the field of computer. The data stored in the database is generally stored in the form of tables. However, it is difficult to extract meaningful data without blueprints of database because the table inside the database has exceedingly complicated relation and the role of the table and field in the table are ambiguous. Proving a computer crime require very complicated processes which are based on digital evidence collection, forensic analysis and investigation process. Current database reverse engineering researches presume that the information regarding semantics of attributes, primary keys, and foreign keys in database tables is complete. However, this may not be the case. Because in a recent database reverse engineering effort to derive a data model from a table-based database system, we find the data content of many attributes are not related to their names at all. Hence database reverse engineering researches is used to extracts the information regarding semantics of attributes, primary keys, and foreign keys, different consistency constraints in database tables. In this paper, different database reverse engineering (DBRE) process such as table relationship analysis and entity relationship analysis are described .We can extracts an extended entity-relationship diagram from a table-based database with little descriptions for the fields in its tables and no description for keys. Also the analysis of the table relationship using database system catalogue, joins of tables, and design of the process extraction for examination of data is described. Data extraction methods will be used for the digital forensics, which more easily acquires digital evidences from databases using table relationship, entity relationship, different joins among the tables etc. By acquiring these techniques it will be possible for the database user to detect database tampering and dishonest manipulation of database
Currently, the demand for the reverse engineering has been growing significantly. The need of different business sectors to adapt their systems to Web or to use other technologies is stimulating the research for methods, tools and infrastructures that support the evolution of existing applications. In this paper, we present the main research trends on reverse engineering, and discuss how should be an efficient reverse engineering approach, aiming at higher reuse levels.
Data & knowledge engineering, 1993
This paper describes an algorithmic method for transforming a Relational database schema to a Binary-Relationship one. The source schema may consist of relations that are at any level of normalization, and the designer may add semantic information on the source schema, such as the definition of candidate keys, foreign keys, functional dependencies of various types, multi-valued dependencies, many-to-many constraints, inclusion dependencies, and others. Based on this information, the multi-stage transformation algorithm applies mapping rules to generate object-types, binary-relationships and constraints in the target conceptual schema. The method is implemented as a PC-based tool, utilizing Ingres, SQL and C, and is part of a comprehensive database design tool for both forward and reverse engineering.
Reverse engineering applied to databases permits to extract a conceptual schema that represents, at a higher level of abstraction, the database implementation. This resulting conceptual schema may be used to facilitate, among others, system maintenance, evolution and reuse. In the last years, the use of object-relational constructs was incorporated into database development. However, reverse engineering techniques for these specific constructs have not been yet provided. In this sense, the main goal of this paper is to present a method that considers these new constructs in the reverse engineering of an existing object-relational database. As a result of the process, our method returns an equivalent conceptual schema specified in UML (extended with a set of OCL integrity constraints) that represents, at a conceptual level, the database schema. We provide a prototype tool that implements our method for the Oracle9i database management system. context Checkpoint inv: Checkpoint.allInstances->isUnique(id) context Person inv: self.age > 10 context Person inv: Person.allInstances->isUnique(name) context Address inv: self.floor->size()<=10>size() <= 30 context Address inv: self.floor->size() <= 10 context Address inv: self.street->size() <= 40 3 Obtained CS
Information & Software Technology, 1995
This paper describes the steps of a reverse engineering process for translating a hierarchical data schema into a conceptual description in the extended entity-relationship model. The methodology presented is composed of well-defined tasks which, due to the good level of automation, forecast the possibility of a profitable use of CASE tools. However, the final production of a semantically richer conceptual schema requires the involvement of the designer, whose experience could be implemented with artificial intelligent techniques. The forward process is also analysed to determine all useful decisions which could be applied in the reverse methodology. In addition, an example is presented which illustrates the real applicability of the proposed approach.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2003
This paper presents a solution and a methodology to recover legacy databases of most DBMS using formal-method based techniques. These formal methods (terms rewriting systems) are applied during the data reverse engineering process and allow for an automatic approach. This automatic approach reduces the time invested and the number of people involved in the data reverse engineering and data migration
Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2001
Database reverse engineering (DBRE) attempts to recover the technical and semantic specifications of the persistent data of information systems. Dependencies between records (data dependency) form a major class that need to be recovered. Since most of these dependencies are not supported by the DBMS, (foreign keys are the main exception, at least in modern relational DBMS), they have not been
Proceedings Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 2000
Data reverse engineering is a rapidly growing field which is sometimes misunderstood. In our effort to promote the realization that data reverse engineering is a valuable and essential part of reverse engineering and is now finding its place in software engineering, we present a summary of the history of data reverse engineering. In this paper, a definition of data reverse engineering, a summary of the history of what has been done and published, a statement about the state-of-theart today, and a comment on the future of DRE is presented.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 1994
A methodology for extracting an extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model from a relational database is presented. Through a combination of data schema and data instance analysis, an EER model is derived which is semantically richer and more comprehensible for maintenance and design purposes than the original database. Classification schemes for relations and attributes necessary for the EER model extraction are derived and justified. These have been demonstrated to be implementable in a knowledge-based system; a working prototype system which does so is briefly discussed. In addition, cases in which human input is required are also clearly identified. This research also illustrates that the database reverse engineering process can be implemented at a high level of automation.
Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 1995
This paper proposes a general architecture for Information systems (or data-centered applications) reverse engineering CASE environments. Recovering the specifications of such applications requires recovering first those of their data, i.e. database reverse engineering (DBRE). First, the paper describes a generic DMS-independent DBRE methodology, then it analyses the main characteristics of DBRE activities in order to collect a set of minimum
Database reverse engineering (DBRE) methods recover conceptual data models from physical databases. The bottom-up nature of these methods imposes two major limitations. First, they do not provide an initial high level abstract schema suitable for use as a basis for reasoning about the application domain: a single detailed schema is only produced at the very end of the project. Second, they provide no support for a divide-and-conquer approach: the entire database schema must be analysed and processed as a unit, and cannot be divided into smaller database schemas. We present a simple solution to overcome both limitations. In our proposal, relations are grouped based on their primary keys. Each group can be perceived in two ways as a relational schema that can be reversed engineered as a standalone DBRE project; and as an element, either an entity or a relationship, of a high-level abstract schema that provides initial insight about the application domain. We also present examples from actual large database systems
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering
This paper describes a method to cope with denormalized relational schemas in a database reverse engineering process. W e propose two main steps to irnprove the understanding of data semantics. Firstly we extract inclusion dependencies by analyzing the equijoin queries embedded in application progranis and hy querying the database extension. Secondly we show how to discover only functional dependencies uhicli in-the database extension, the application programs, but especially expert users. * Expressing the extracted semantics with a high level data model This task consists in a schema translation activity and gives rise to several difficulties since the concepts of the original model do not overlap those of the target model. fluence the way attributes should be restructured. The method is interactive since an expert user has to validate the presumptions on the elicited dependencies. Moreover, a restructuring phase leads to a relational schema an third normal form provided with key constraints and referential integrity constraints. Finally, we sketch how an Entity-Relationship schema can be derived from such information.