2007, Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
At the heart of Christopher Lehrich's The Occult Mind several theses are articulated: that the works of certain occult thinkers are in need of reassessment in light of their intellectual proximity to contemporary theoretical debates, that the "problem of occult analogy" may be seen to haunt the structural anthropology of Lévi-Strauss and its heirs, and that the question of "magic" is in need of urgent theoretical rehabilitation given the foregoing propositions. Each of these notions is pursued in order to explicate a more general problem for historians: Is it possible to overcome the distinction between historical and morphological methodologies in regard to the study of "esoteric" texts? At several points Lehrich posits that the solution to this methodological problem "would require a spell" and it is only at the end of the book that one realizes that that is precisely what he has done -The Occult Mind appears as nothing less than a twenty-first-century grimoire, a book of incantatory power for anyone interested in the tradition of Western esotericism and its recent academic legitimation.