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I. ABSTRACT Seismic damage simulation and loss estimation is a very important task for the civil protection departments and urban planning policies for earthquake hazard mitigation. Many different software packages have been produced around the world in order to provide accurate loss estimates. Building damage functions for ground shaking include: (1) fragility curves that describe the probability of reaching or exceeding different states of damage given peak building response, and (2) building capacity (pushover) curves that are used (with damping-modified demand spectra) to determine peak building response. For use in lifeline damage evaluation, a separate set of building fragility curves expresses the probability of structural damage in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA). Damage is described by one of four
Abstract. Rapid loss estimation after potentially damaging earthquakes is critical for effective emergency response and public information. A methodology and software package, ELER-Earthquake Loss Estimation Routine, for rapid estimation of earthquake shaking and losses throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region was developed under the Joint Research Activity-3 (JRA3) of the EC FP6 Project entitled “Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology-NERIES”. Recently, a new version (v2.0) of ELER software has been released. The multi-level methodology developed is capable of incorporating regional variability and uncertainty originating from ground motion predictions, fault finiteness, site modifications, inventory of physical and social elements subjected to earthquake hazard and the associated vulnerability relationships. Although primarily intended for quasi real-time estimation of earthquake shaking and losses, the routine is also equally capable of incorporating scenario-based earthquake loss assessments. This paper introduces the urban earthquake loss assessment module (Level 2) of the ELER software which makes use of the most detailed inventory databases of physical and social elements at risk in combination with the analytical vulnerability relationships and building damage-related casualty vulnerability models for the estimation of building damage and casualty distributions, respectively. Spectral capacitybased loss assessment methodology and its vital components are presented. The analysis methods of the Level 2 module, i.e. Capacity Spectrum Method (ATC-40, 1996), Modified Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum Method (FEMA 440, 2005), Reduction Factor Method (Fajfar, 2000) and Coefficient Method (ASCE 41-06, 2006), are applied to the selected building types for validation and verification purposes. The damage estimates are compared to the results obtained from the other studies available in the literature, i.e. SELENA v4.0 (Molina et al., 2008) and ATC-55 (Yang, 2005). An urban loss assessment exercise for a scenario earthquake for the city of Istanbul is conducted and physical and social losses are presented. Damage to the urban environment is compared to the results obtained from similar software, i.e. KOERILoss (KOERI, 2002) and DBELA (Crowley et al., 2004). The European rapid loss estimation tool is expected to help enable effective emergency response, on both local and global level, as well as public information
Engineering Structures, 2013
This paper presents a new procedure to derive fragility functions for populations of buildings that relies on the displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) methodology. The recent developments in this methodology are also presented herein, such as the development of new formulae for the calculation of the yield period or the consideration of infilled frame structures. In the fragility method proposed herein, thousands of synthetic buildings have been produced considering probabilistic distributions describing the variability in their geometrical and material properties. Then, their nonlinear capacity has been estimated using the DBELA method and their performance against a large set of ground motion records has been calculated. Global limit states are used to estimate the distribution of buildings in each damage state for different levels of ground motion, and a regression algorithm is applied to derive fragility functions for each limit state. The proposed methodology is demonstrated for the case of ductile and non-ductile Turkish reinforced concrete buildings with and without masonry infill walls, and compared with results obtained using nonlinear dynamic procedures and with the results from previous studies.
Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2016), 2016
Disaster risk reduction has become a global urgent need. Similarly to other natural hazards, earthquakes may cause significant damages on a large scale. In Europe, seismic events mainly affect historical city centers, which are characterized by dense urban structure, usually constituted by ancient masonry and pre-code R.C. buildings, often in aggregate sequence. Historical city centers are very much part of the European cultural heritage and their preservation is considered a strategic issue for the EC due to their tangible and intangible values. Furthermore, it is an undisputable fact that natural disasters may have severe negative short-term economic impacts on the built environment and adverse longer-term consequences for economic growth and development. For this reason, the development of an efficient digital tool for urban seismic risk assessment and resilience enhancement becomes essential. With this aim, an original numerical procedure is proposed in this paper, based on multidisciplinary concepts combined in an innovative way. First of all, the concept of Limit States for the Minimum Urban Structure is introduced and described by means of simple mechanically based models. Then, elliptically distributed vulnerability indices are worked out by considering multidirectional seismic hazard, and 2D seismic risk assessment computation is performed. The results are implemented within the GIS software, where they are easily shown and discussed thanks to the graphical mapping tool. The proposed approach allows the definition and evaluation of a global intervention plan for resilience enhancement at the urban scale. Finally the proposed numerical procedure is applied for validation to the Italian citycenter of Concordia Sulla Secchia (Italy), damaged by the 2012 Pianura Padana Earthquake (PPE). The predicted damage scenarios are compared with the actual post-seismic damage scenarios in order to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed evaluation procedure.
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020
The paper presents the probabilistic and scenario based earthquake loss estimations for the case that the hazard and building inventory inputs are kept the same whereas the damage functions as well as the seismic demand estimation method are changed in an earthquake loss model. Spectral acceleration-displacement based damage assessments by alternating damage functions and inelastic demand evaluation methods are performed for high-code buildings in Istanbul. The buildings are mid-and high-rise, reinforced concrete, moment-resisting frames that are assumed to be designed in accordance with the provisions of Turkish Earthquake Resistant Design Code (1998). Three damage models, i.e. structural capacity and fragility curves, are employed for each building class: Expert judgment based capacity and fragility functions; HAZUS's high-code seismic design level capacity and fragility functions; and Capacity and fragility functions derived based on nonlinear analyses of code complying RC frames. Inelastic spectral displacement demands are computed with three methods: Capacity Spectrum Method, Modified Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum Method, and Displacement Coefficient Method. Analyses are realized under site-specific ground motions based on a state-of-the-art hazard model for eight return periods ranging from 100 to 2475 years as well as for an Mw ¼ 7.5 scenario earthquake. Probabilistic loss curves for each case are developed. Estimated average annual losses (AAL) and loss ratios (AALR) are compared. Grid and district based maps illustrating the spatial distributions of estimated long term average losses per year and the loss ratios are presented. The estimated annualized loss ratios at district level in the city are compared to the earthquake insurance premium rates.
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021
This paper describes CEQID, a database of earthquake damage and casualty data assembled since the 1980s based on post-earthquake damage surveys conducted by a range of research groups. Following 2017–2019 updates, the database contains damage data for more than five million individual buildings in over 1000 survey locations following 79 severely damaging earthquakes worldwide. The building damage data for five broadly defined masonry and reinforced concrete building classes has been assembled and a uniform set of six damage levels assigned. Using estimated peak ground acceleration (PGA) for each survey location based on USGS Shakemap data, a set of lognormal fragility curves has been developed to estimate the probability of exceedance of each damage level for each class, and separate fragility curves for each of five geographical regions are presented. A revised set of fragility curves has also been prepared in which the bias in the curve resulting from the uncertainty in the ground...
Slender free-standing objects in a building could be excited into rigorous rocking and/or sliding motion in an earthquake. Some objects might experience overturning and hence damage when impacting on the floor. Objects which do not overturn might still experience significant damage depending on the severity and nature of the collision with the neighbouring objects and with the floor when excited into motion. This paper presents fragility curves which define the probability of overturning of objects for given object dimensions, dynamic characteristics of the building and location of the object within the building. A method for calculating the level of shock experienced by the object on pounding with the floor is also presented.
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2018
Iran, as a seismic country, is situated over the Himalayan-Alpied seismic belt and has faced many destructive earthquakes throughout history. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the possible damage to the existing infrastructure based on statistical and spatial analysis. In this study, a new model is developed to analyse seismic damages based on seismic hazard assessment and extraction of the vulnerability function for all features of fuel infrastructure. To consider uncertainty analysis in the model, Monte Carlo simulation is used based on 10,000 iterations. The results of hazard analysis indicated that peak ground acceleration is about 0.18 g and there is slight to moderate damages to the desired fuel infrastructure in the study area. Moreover, sensitivity analysis is also performed to determine how median, standard deviation (or beta), grid size, attenuation relationships, liquefaction and landslide susceptibility impact the seismic loss. Last but not least, the effect of input parameters of earthquake scenarios including magnitude, focal depth and focal distance are also analysed in conjunction with regression analysis. The results of the study show that magnitude and focal distance are the most sensitive parameters in which the expected damage to the fuel infrastructure is reduced by about 25% if the epicentre of the earthquake is moved from 10 to 25 km.
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2004
Earthquake loss estimation studies require predictions to be made of the proportion of a building class falling within discrete damage bands from a specified earthquake demand. These predictions should be made using methods that incorporate both computational efficiency and accuracy such that studies on regional or national levels can be effectively carried out, even when the triggering of multiple earthquake scenarios, as opposed to the use of probabilistic hazard maps and uniform hazard spectra, is employed to realistically assess seismic demand and its consequences on the built environment. Earthquake actions should be represented by a parameter that shows good correlation to damage and that accounts for the relationship between the frequency content of the ground motion and the fundamental period of the building; hence recent proposals to use displacement response spectra. A rational method is proposed herein that defines the capacity of a building class by relating its deformation potential to its fundamental period of vibration at different limit states and comparing this with a displacement response spectrum. The uncertainty in the geometrical, material and limit state properties of a building class is considered and the first-order reliability method, FORM, is used to produce an approximate joint probability density function (JPDF) of displacement capacity and period. The JPDF of capacity may be used in conjunction with the lognormal cumulative distribution function of demand in the classical reliability formula to calculate the probability of failing a given limit state. Vulnerability curves may be produced which, although not directly used in the methodology, serve to illustrate the conceptual soundness of the method and make comparisons with other methods.
This study focuses on the development of vulnerability functions for tall buildings. A systematic simulation approach based on the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research loss assessment framework is used to develop building vulnerability functions that provide estimates of losses to buildings under ground motions of various intensities. The steps involved in the procedure are: quantifying ground-motion hazard using a vector of spectral accelerations; predicting building response parameters such as story drifts, floor accelerations, and residual drifts under the quantified hazard; accounting for structural collapse and demolition; and predicting story-wise losses and total building loss using the building response information. Emphasis is placed on capturing the effects of epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in random variables, such as ground motions, structural response parameters, loss costs, etc., to quantify the uncertainty in the final loss estimate. The risk assessment approach is used for developing vulnerability functions for six tall buildings, namely, 20-story and 40-story steel moment resisting frame buildings based on 1973 and 2006 codes, a 42-story concrete core wall building and a 42-story concrete dual system building. The vulnerability functions are used to perform loss assessments for individual buildings assumed to be located in Los Angeles. The vulnerability and the loss assessment procedures are illustrated in detail for the 2006 20-story steel moment frame building, and a summary of the final loss estimates are provided for all other buildings. It is seen that epistemic uncertainties in both ground motion hazard and building vulnerability cause significant epistemic uncertainties in the loss assessment results.
EDM Technical …, 2004
The building damage due to a scenario earthquake in Metro Manila, Philippines is assessed in order to provide basic information for disaster planning and risk management. The West Valley Fault is selected as the source of the scenario earthquake. Using the fault parameters of the earthquake together with the three-dimensional deep underground model, the ground motion on engineering bedrock is computed by the hybrid simulation method. The surface ground motion is computed by the equivalent linear soil response analysis by employing the surface soil profile model. The building response is evaluated by the capacity spectrum method. The existing buildings in Metro Manila are classified into several categories in terms of the structural types, the number of stories, and the design vintages. By integrating the expert opinions of experienced structural engineers, the capacity curve for each category is developed. The nonlinear building response is estimated from the capacity curve and the site-dependent response spectrum of the ground motion. Combining the GIS building inventory data updated by the high-resolution satellite image data and the damage state of each building category estimated from the fragility curve, the building damage throughout Metro Manila is computed.
Italian territory is particularly sensitive to seismic actions. The Amatrice earthquake on August 24th 2016 confirmed this aspect. Such an event, nothing but extraordinary, has been able to cause huge and tragic damages. The direct knowledge of building features is the only prior measure to face seismic events. In order to get a realistic scenario of the urban damage distribution, the determination of useful seismic vulnerability assessment tools at urban scale becomes a priority. The widespread application of seismic vulnerability assessment sheets and the related data transformation into urban damage distribution plans is exactly what municipalities need. Main advantages are both in the chance of prior knowing the most affected areas to focus on for retrofitting interventions and in the possibility of organizing optimal emergency plans. In European framework, in the last decade, the Risk-UE project has played an important role. The Risk-UE project has proposed two methods for vuln...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015
A methodology is developed for first-order assessment of the seismic risk involving seismic hazard, local building inventory, and evaluation of respective vulnerability. Central to the vulnerability analysis is the concept of fragility functions used to determine the probability of exceedance of a specified damage state, where the nonlinear structural behaviour is defined by capacity curves. A new set of continuous hazard-compatible fragility functions is proposed for rapid risk assessment on urban and regional scales in interactive spreadsheet application. To demonstrate the method, it was applied in a dense urban environment of downtown Quebec City, Canada, for damage assessment of low-rise wood light frame and unreinforced brick masonry buildings. Earthquake scenario with M6.2 and distance 10 km from the centroid of the study area was developed from deaggregation of the seismic hazard defined by the current National Building Code of Canada-NBCC 2010. The ground shaking was represented with a simplified site-specific response spectrum, fully defined with spectral accelerations at 0.3 and 1.0 s. The results show that as much as 61% of the considered buildings would sustain certain degree of damage. The influence of epistemic uncertainties in the ground motion prediction and the site-class on damage estimation is evaluated.
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2013
Seismic behavior of damaged buildings may be expressed as a function of their REsidual Capacity (REC), which is a measure of seismic capacity, reduced by damage. REC can be interpreted as the median value of collapse vulnerability curves. Its variation owing to damage is a useful indication of increased building vulnerability. REC reduction, indicating the lowering of seismic safety after an earthquake (performance loss, PL), represents an effective index for assessing the need of seismic repair/strengthening after earthquakes. The study investigates the applicability of a pushover-based method in the analysis of damaged structures for the case of existing under-designed RC buildings. The paper presents a systematization of the procedure in an assessment framework that applies the capacity spectrum method based on inelastic demand spectra; furthermore, the vulnerability variation of a real building is investigated with a detailed case study. The behavior of damaged buildings is simulated with pushover analysis through suitable modification of plastic hinges (in terms of stiffness, strength and residual drift) for damaged elements. The modification of plastic hinges has been calibrated in tests on nonconforming columns. The case study analysis evidenced that, for minor or moderate damages, the original structural displacement capacity was only slightly influenced, but the ductility capacity was significantly reduced (up to 40%) because of the increased structure deformability. This implied performance loss in the range 10%-20%. For severe damages the PL ranged between 41% and 56%. Local mechanism types exhibit PL nearly double with respect to global mechanism types. realistic estimate of evolving seismic risk during a seismic sequence, suitable modeling of building vulnerability variation should be considered. The variation in building safety owing to seismic damage is implicitly recognized by building tagging procedures, which are applied after major seismic events . In such procedures, post-earthquake safety is generally evaluated by visual inspection, with an expert assessment of damage level, extent and the related building usability by a team of experienced practitioners. However, if varied vulnerability is to be considered within a consistent quantitative assessment framework, analytical modeling of building performance loss (PL) is preferable.
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Abstract Conceptual aspects related to seismic vulnerability, damage and risk evaluation are discussed first, together with a short review of the most widely used possibilities for seismic evaluation of structures. The capacity spectrum method and the way of obtaining seismic damage scenarios for urban areas starting from capacity and fragility curves are then discussed. The determination of capacity curves for buildings using non-linear structural analysis tools is then explained, together with a simplified expeditious procedure allowing the development of fragility curves. The seismic risk of the buildings of Barcelona, Spain, is analyzed in the paper, based on the application of the capacity spectrum method. The seismic hazard in the area of the city is described by means of the reduced 5% damped elastic response spectrum. The information on the buildings was obtained by collecting, arranging, improving and completing a broad database of the dwellings and current buildings. The buildings existing in Barcelona are mainly of two types: unreinforced masonry structures and reinforced concrete buildings with waffled-slab floors. The ArcView software was used to create a GIS tool for managing the collected information in order to develop seismic risk scenarios. This study shows that the vulnerability of the buildings is significant in Barcelona and, therefore, in spite of the low-to-moderate seismic hazard in the region, the expected seismic risk is considerable.
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2006
The European Commission funded the RISK-UE project in 1999 with the aim of providing an advanced approach to earthquake risk scenarios for European towns and regions. In the framework of Risk-UE project, two methods were proposed, originally derived and calibrated by the authors, for the vulnerability assessment of current buildings and for the evaluation of earthquake risk scenarios: a macroseismic model, to be used with macroseismic intensity hazard maps, and a mechanical based model, to be applied when the hazard is provided in terms of peak ground accelerations and spectral values. The vulnerability of the buildings is defined by vulnerability curves, within the macroseismic method, and in terms of capacity curves, within the mechanical method. In this paper, the development of both vulnerability and capacity curves is presented with reference to an assumed typological classification system; moreover, their cross-validation is presented. The parameters of the two methods and the steps for their operative implementation are provided in the paper.
Structural post-earthquake functionality is conventionally evaluated by trained engineers via visual inspection of the damage. A building is tagged "Green" (unrestricted access), "Yellow" (restricted access), or "Red" (no access) according to the severity of the observed damage. Whether the damage implies an actual decay in safety level of the building occupants during aftershocks is essentially left to judgment. We propose to use engineering analyses performed prior to an earthquake to determine the level of degradation in building safety implied by several different damage states. We use the loss of capacity (in ground motion terms) associated with each damage state as the quantitative measure of degradation. The likelihood that an aftershock will exceed a specific (reduced) capacity provides an objective criterion for assigning the appropriate tagging condition to that damage state. This knowledge can help engineers decide on the appropriate occupanc...
A number of driving engines are required for earthquake loss estimation and mitigation, including an inventory of exposed systems, seismic hazards of the study area and fragility relationships. The number of existing buildings in the UAE that may be at risk because of insufficient seismic design provisions cannot be underestimated. A crucial role in the recovery period following an earthquake is also played by emergency facilities. Therefore, a systematic seismic vulnerability assessment of a diverse range of reference structures representing pre-seismic code buildings and emergency facilities, in a highly populated and seismically active area in the UAE, has been conducted in this study. Detailed structural design and fiberbased modeling were carried out for nine reference structures. Forty earthquake records were selected to represent potential earthquake scenarios in the study area. Three limit states, namely Immediate Occupancy, Life Safety and Collapse Prevention, were selected based on inelastic analysis results as well as the values recommended in previous studies and code provisions. Over 8000 inelastic pushover and incremental dynamic analyses are performed to assess the lateral capacity and to derive a wide range of fragility relationships for the reference structures. Vulnerability functions were also developed for the buildings that proved to have unsatisfactory performance, and hence proposed to be retrofitted using different mitigation techniques. It was concluded that pre-code structures were significantly more vulnerable than emergency facilities. This is particularly true for low-rise buildings due to their inefficient lateral force resisting systems. Far-field records have much higher impact compared with near-source ground motions. The results reflect the pressing need for the seismic retrofit of pre-code structures to reduce the probability of collapse, and for certain emergency facilities to ensure their continued vii service. Four retrofit approaches are therefore assessed, namely reinforced concrete jacketing, fiber reinforced polymers wrapping, adding buckling restrained braces and installing externally unbonded steel plates. The highest positive impact of retrofit are observed on the pre-code buildings, especially frame structures, since they were only designed to resist gravity and wind loads. The reductions achieved in the vulnerability of the retrofitted structures confirmed the effectiveness of the techniques selected for upgrading the seismic performance of buildings and mitigating earthquake losses in the study area.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1989
Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, 2013
This study focuses on the applicability of fragility relationships, which are employed to predict the seismic vulnerability of existing structures. Since these relationships offer the probability of exceeding a predefined structural response limit in terms of a ground motion intensity parameter, fragility functions are very practical tools to be employed during urban renewal of metropolitan cities with high seismicity. A building ensemble which experienced moderate damage after major Turkish earthquakes is considered herein this paper. Planar structural models for each building are established utilizing DRAIN-2DX computer program and nonlinear dynamic analyses are carried out. The demand parameters are obtained and the capacity is determined in terms of limit states. Finally, fragility relationships recently proposed by various researchers are employed for the building set and compared with the analytical results by means of reflecting the most reliable actual damage state.
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018
Seismic scenarios are tools used to assess seismic risk at the city level. This allows the assessment of the vulnerability of exposed elements to risk (buildings, bridges, etc.). In the case of Chlef city (formerly El Asnam), this evaluation type proves to be useful given the seismic hazard to which it is exposed and the building park size. This city has been shaken in the past by several earthquakes including that of the El Asnam 1980 (Ms = 7.3), which caused hundreds of casualties and destroyed 70% of the city. In this paper, a seismic vulnerability assessment at urban scale and three seismic damage scenarios are simulated using the "RISK-UE" methodology. First, a recreation of the El Asnam 1980 earthquake, considering the urban conditions of the 1980s, is done. A difference of about 12% between observed and simulated damage is observed. Secondly, two senarios considering the current urban conditions are simulated then, vulnerabilty curves are developed. The simulations purpose is to detect the most vulnerable typologies and districts in the event of a similar earthquake and to provide decision support elements to the local seismic risk manager. The results show a structural damage decrease compared to the 1980 urban conditions.
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