Impact of Education Sector Financing on the Welfare of Nigerians

The funding of education sector in both developed and developing economies across the globe is to ensure the welfare of citizens. In most developed countries, the education sector feeds the industries with trained personnel while the goods and services produced by the industries lead to the growth and development of their economies, consequently improving the welfare of their citizens. The objective of this study is to investigate empirically whether the funding of the Nigerian education sector over the years has any significant impact on the welfare of Nigerians. The study adopted the Ordinary Least Square technique using data obtained from World Bank and Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of relevant years covering a period of 36 years (1977 - 2012) and using appropriate explanatory and criterion variables as proxies. Major findings include: strong positive correlation between expenditure on education sector and welfare of Nigerians which is not significantly affected by inflation rate; unidirectional granger causality running from recurrent expenditure to GDP per capita; significant impact of expenditure on education sector on welfare of Nigerians with recurrent expenditure having the significant impact, not capital expenditure; amongst others. Policy implications include: the need for government policies towards: increasing expenditure in the education sector (especially capital expenditure); monitoring and supervision of expenditure to ensure higher levels of accountability and high quality service delivery; periodic review and update of accounting and finance procedure, records and reporting in this sector in conformity with IPSAS standards with the view to enhancing the welfare of Nigerians.