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Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
Stability and stabilization of time delay systems (even of the linear ones) is again in the mainstream of the research. A most recent example is the stability analysis of feedback control loops containing a first order controlled object with pure delay and a standard PID controller, thus generating a system with a second degree quasi-polynomial as characteristic equation. Since the classical memoir ofČebotarev and Meiman (1949) up to the more recent monographs by Stepan (1989) and several approaches to this problem have been given, aiming to find the most complete Routh-Hurwitz type conditions for this case. In fact the main problem is here a missing case in the original memoir ofČebotarev and Meiman and its significance within the framework of the most recent analysis of Górecki et al. The present paper aims to a fairly complete analysis of the problem combined with some hints for the nonlinear case (Aizerman problem).
European Journal of Control, 2011
The article provides sufficient conditions for both practical and finite time stability of linear continuous time delay systems described as
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1985
For linear time-invariant systems with one or more noncommensnrate time delays, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the existence of, a fiite-dimensional stabilizing feedback compensator. In particular, it is shown that a stabilizable time-delay system can always be stabilized using a finite-dimensional compensator. The problem of explicitly constructing finite-dimensional stabilizing compensators is also considered. I. STABILIZATION OF SYSTEMS WITH DELAYS In this note we consider the problem of stabilizing a linear timeinvariant continuous-time system with q noncommensurate time delays h,, hZ, .-., h,. The systems we shall study are given by a state representation of the form dxo= (fldh,, dh2.. ' ' 9 dhq)x)(t) + (G(dhl, dh2, '. ' 9 dhq)lo(t) dt y((t)=(ff(db,, dbp " ' I dh8)x)(r)+(J(dh,. dhz, dhq)U)(f) (1.1) where the m-vector u(t) is the input at time t, the n-vector x(t) is the instantaneous state at time t , the p-vector y(r) is the output at time t, and matrices whose entries are polynomials in the delay operators dh,,. .. , dhq with coefficients in the reds m. (Here (d&f)(t)= Atrhi) for any positive integer r.) With the system (l.l), we shall associate the quadruple (F(z), G(z), H(z), J(z)), where z = (z,, z2,. .. , z,) and F(z), G(z), H(z), J(z) are the coefficient matrices in (1.1) with dhi replaced by zi. Conversely, any quadruple (F(z), G(z), H(z), J(z)) of matrices over the ring R[z] of polynomials in the zi defines a time-delay system of the form (1.1) in the ob\rious way. We s h d always assume that J(z) = 0 for the given system (l.l), and we shall denote this system by the triple (F(z), G(z), H(z)). A fundamental problem in the control of systems with delays is determining whether or not there is an (output) feedback system (A(z), B(z), a z) , D(z)) over the polynomial ring R[z] or over the reals El (the finitedimensional case) such that the closed-loop system consisting of the given system (F(z), a z) , H(z)) and the feedback system is internally asymptotically stable. If such a feedback system exists, we say that (F(z), G(z), H(z)) is regulable. Several individuals have worked on the problem of feedback stabilization of systems with delays. Much of this past work has centered on the commensurate-delay case (q = 1) with delays in control only, delays in
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 2013
In this paper, we present a new control-design procedure for linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with “multiple” delays. These procedures are based on algebraic tools and allow designing controllers that can stabilize such systems regardless of how large/small the delays are. That is, with these controllers, the system at hand can be rendered delay-independent stable (DIS). The essence of the control design is based on the Rekasius transformation, algebraic tools, elimination techniques, and Sturm sequences. The advantages of the design procedure are that it simplifies the control design to managing the roots of some single-variable polynomials while also preserving the controller structure and complying with the necessary and sufficient conditions of stability.
IEEE Access
This article concerns the problem of stability analysis of systems with time-varying delay. Recent developments in this direction involves approximation of a second order polynomial function of time-delay. This article proposes a new Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional that does not introduce the secondorder polynomial and thereby avoid the approximation involved in obtaining the stability criterion. Two stability criterion are presented, one introduces the second-order polynomial and the other one does not. A comparison using numerical examples shows that the avoidance of second-order polynomial formulation leads to improved results. INDEX TERMS Time-varying delay, Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, Bessel-Legendre integral inequality, negative-determination lemma.
IEEE Access
This paper gives an overview of the stability analysis of systems with delay-dependent coefficients. Such systems are frequently encountered in various scientific and engineering applications. Most such analyses are generalization of those on systems with delay-independent coefficients. Therefore an introduction on systems with delay-independent coefficients is also given, with an emphasis on the τ-decomposition approach. Methods for two key ingredients of this approach are discussed, namely the identification of imaginary characteristic roots with the corresponding delays, and local behavior analysis of these roots as the delay increases through these critical values. For systems with delay-dependent coefficients, we review the methods of analysis for systems with a single delay and commensurate delays, their application to output feedback control and a geometric perspective that establishes a link between systems with and without delay-dependent coefficients. We provide the main ideas of various stability analysis methods and their advantages and limitations. We also present our perspectives on future directions of research on this interesting topic.
IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, 2006
This paper deals with the problem of the delay-dependent stability of linear systems with multiple time delays. A new method is first presented for a system with two time delays, in which free weighting matrices are used to express the relationships among the terms of the Leibniz-Newton formula. Next, this method is used to show the equivalence between a system with two identical time delays and a system with a single time delay. Then, a numerical example verifies that the criterion given in this paper is effective and is a significant improvement over existing ones. Finally, the basic idea is extended to a system with multiple time delays.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37521), 2004
The control of systems with input delays is by now recognized to be a finite dimensional problem to be solved within standard framework provided a transform due to Artstein is used. The implementation of the synthesized control laws is nevertheless inducing non-robustness and fragility in the control loop. In this paper a method of implementation that involves stability redesign of the control is proposed that implies robustness and non-fragility.
In this paper, we consider the control of time delay system by first order controller. By Using the Hermite-Biehler theorem, which is applicable to quasipolynomials, we seek a stability region of the controller for first order delay systems.
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2010
This paper provides new delay-and-delayderivative-dependent criteria for systems with the delay and its derivative varying within intervals. With introduction of new Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, a less conservative upper bound for the maximum delay is achieved. Examples show that the resulting criteria outperform previously published results in the literature.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1998
In this paper, some recent stability results on linear time-delay systems are outlined. The goal is to give an overview of the state of the art of the techniques used in delay system stability analysis. In particular, two specific problems (delay-independent / delay-dependent) are considered and some references where the reader can find more details and proofs are pointed out. This paper is based on Niculescu et al. (1997).
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 1998
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Stability and control of time-delay systems.-(Lecture notes in control and information sciences ; 228) 1.Delaylines 2.Delaylines-Stability LDugard, L. II.Verriest, Eriklsidoor 003.8 ISBN 3540761934 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stability and control of time-delay systems / L. Dugard and E.I. Verriest (eds.). p. cm.-(Lecture notes in control and information sciences : 228) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN3-540-76193-4 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Control theory. 2. Delay differential equations.
PID Controller Design Approaches - Theory, Tuning and Application to Frontier Areas, 2012
In this work, delay-dependent stability conditions for systems described by delayed differential equations are presented. The employment of a special transformation to a state space representation named Benrejeb characteristic arrow matrix permits to determine new asymptotic stability conditions. Illustrative examples are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
In this work, delay-dependent stability conditions for systems described by delayed differential equations are presented. The employment of a special transformation to another state space representation named Benrejeb characteristic arrow matrix permit to determine a practical asymptotic stability condition. An Illustrative example is presented permitting to understand the application of the proposed methods.
In this paper, new stability conditions for time delay system are proposed. They are based on the use of the aggregation techniques and the choice of a state representation as Benrejeb arrow form characteristic matrix. Application cases are treated to illustrate the implementation of the proposed approach.
2013 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2013
In this paper a new practical stability conditions for delayed Lur'e Postnikov system are proposed. The study use a specific form state space description, named, Benrejeb characteristic arrow matrix. An illustrative example is presented to show the efficiency of proposed method.
This paper overviews the research investigations pertaining to stability and stabilization of control systems with time-delays. The prime focus is the fundamental results and recent progress in theory and applications. The overview sheds light on the contemporary development on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) techniques in deriving both delay-independent and delay-dependent stability results for time-delay systems. Particular emphases will be placed on issues concerned with the conservatism and the computational complexity of the results. Key technical bounding lemmas and slack variable introduction approaches will be presented. The results will be compared and connections of certain delay-dependent stability results are also discussed.
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2003
This paper gives a broad overview of the stability and control of time-delay systems. Emphasis is on the more recent progress and engineering applications. Examples of practical problems, mathematical descriptions, stability and performance analysis, and feedback control are discussed.
intechopen., 2018
This chapter presents an extension and offers a more comprehensive overview of our previous paper entitled "Stability conditions for a class of nonlinear time delay systems" published in "Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory" journal. We first introduce a more complete approach of the nonlinear system stability for the single delay case. Then, we show the application of the obtained results to delayed Lur'e Postnikov systems. A state space representation of the class of system under consideration is used and a new transformation is carried out to represent the system, with delay, by an arrow form matrix. Taking advantage of this representation and applying the Kotelyanski lemma in combination with properties of M-matrices, some new sufficient stability conditions are determined. Finally, illustrative example is provided to show the easiness of using the given stability conditions.
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